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Journal Article
Small Axe (2023) 27 (3 (72)): 117–146.
Published: 01 November 2023
... a critical response to the Brazilian theorist Denise Ferreira da Silva’s notion of the “racial dialectic,” which suggests that Marxism—and particularly the universal conception of human freedom embedded in Marx’s conception of the labor theory of value, primitive accumulation, and labor-time—is incapable...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2015) 19 (3 (48)): 129–145.
Published: 01 November 2015
...Nick Nesbitt This essay argues that Aimé Césaire remained committed to a nonaligned, tricontinental Marxism well beyond his resignation from the Parti Communiste Français in 1956. It describes this commitment positively in relation to “black Jacobinism” as well as the limitations of Césaire's...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2016) 20 (1 (49)): 47–61.
Published: 01 March 2016
... of both Marxism and the engagement by black intellectuals of the issues of labor and class. Moving beyond the presuppositions of liberal humanism, Marxism, and Black Cultural Nationalism, Wynter put forth an interpretation of the cultural forms of blacks in the Americas (both as slaves and postslavery...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2023) 27 (3 (72)): 95–116.
Published: 01 November 2023
... as that methodology draws on the intellectual and political traditions of Pan-Africanism and Marxism. This essay is indebted to the comments of the participants in the Walter Rodney symposium sponsored by Small Axe and held at Columbia University. Thanks to Jemima Pierre, Scot Brown, Aaron Kamugisha...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2023) 27 (3 (72)): 50–65.
Published: 01 November 2023
... in the conjunction of past, present, and future through the registers of diagnostician and participant in political mobilization. The author argues that Rodney’s analogy of the historian as medical doctor generates a critique of romantic depictions of the African past and draws on the language of Marxism to track...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2024) 28 (2 (74)): 201–218.
Published: 01 July 2024
... argument. The author introduces the general theoretical framework and presents specific historical and social accounts, then pursues a path from the laying-out of the analytical gaze to specifying the political posture. It discusses the book’s contributions to decolonial critique, Marxism, the analytics...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2015) 19 (3 (48)): 86–90.
Published: 01 November 2015
... to Césaire's poetic legacy, his theory of Negritude, his relationship to Marxism, and his intellectual partnership with his wife, Suzanne Césaire. What emerges is a sense of Césaire's legacy as a living legacy, firmly rooted in a specific historical context but revealing different facets of its structure...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2014) 18 (2 (44)): 1–17.
Published: 01 July 2014
... in expanding the time of nonwork, an expansion epitomized in the possibility of being lazy. 3 Although Lafargue's radicalization of laziness had a precedent in Karl Marx's own writing, and although Lafargue was himself Marx's son-in-law, Lafargue's “hedonist Marxism” failed to exert much influence...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2009) 13 (1): 217–229.
Published: 01 March 2009
... of Karl Marx is as fitting a statement of the nature of her politics as of her life. A number of scholars have tried to identify the contours of this black radical tradition. Cedric Robinson’s Black Marxism perhaps has the most explicit detailing of its historiography, in chapters titled...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2022) 26 (1 (67)): vii–x.
Published: 01 March 2022
... contract. I suspect I was not alone in holding this view of Charles, for, after all, in those unsettled and ambiguous years of reversals following the collapse of the Soviet communist project and the seeming disgrace or obsolescence of Marxism as a political philosophy and philosophy of history, this would...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2023) 27 (3 (72)): 66–83.
Published: 01 November 2023
... of novelty. But the wager has to be that it need not, for all that, rest on a political rationality inscribed in the teleological rhythms of historical materialism. Think, for example, of Stuart Hall’s idea of a “Marxism without guarantees.” This is a Marxism, remember, that aimed to reconstruct the idea...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2019) 23 (3 (60)): vii–x.
Published: 01 November 2019
... culture of his upbringing and the hegemonic modernity of his formal schooling. 2 Finally, it matters also that MacIntyre’s philosophy has always evolved within “shouting distance” (as Stuart Hall might have said) of Marxism and therefore has never been unmindful either of Marxism’s criticism...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2023) 27 (2 (71)): vii–x.
Published: 01 July 2023
... and ambition of his vision that bears studied reflection. Not surprisingly, perhaps, Black Heretics, Black Prophets is influenced by Cedric Robinson’s now indispensable Black Marxism , specifically the idea of a Black radical tradition it advances. 3 But though close in content and purpose...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2001) 5 (2): 85–177.
Published: 01 September 2001
..., William Morris, nor from aaxexe that Martinican revolutionary, Frantz Fanon, but from Russell Jacoby, a radical Ameri- can social critic. Roughly twenty years ago he wrote an important book called Dialectic of Defeat in which he explored, along the terrain of Western Marxism...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2018) 22 (2 (56)): 18–34.
Published: 01 July 2018
... It is no mere coincidence that black Marxist thought has been central to many future-oriented projects, at least since the era of decolonization. Of considerable appeal has been, and in many ways remains, Marxism’s Enlightenment claim to a science whose objective analysis of class as the fundamental universal...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2015) 19 (3 (48)): 186–204.
Published: 01 November 2015
... to make an appearance. But what does Copeland mean by that word appear ? Copeland takes his title from Cedric Robinson's critical tour de force, Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition , and specifically a synoptic passage in which Robinson explains the ways the effects of racism...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2020) 24 (2 (62)): 197–207.
Published: 01 July 2020
... with the caravan of black Marxism. 5 Though by no means internally consistent, much of this thought shares and asserts a number of hardcore assumptions: that there is an implicit connection between racist practice and capitalist history and that the effects of this connection are at once ideological...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2020) 24 (3 (63)): 228–238.
Published: 01 November 2020
... to remedy this omission, and despite his adherence to orthodox Marxism, in praxis he was constantly manipulating and reshaping Marx and Marxism in relation to his understanding of the changing dynamics of capitalism and the prospects for socialism. In other words, Marxism for James was malleable...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2015) 19 (1 (46)): 100–108.
Published: 01 March 2015
... through texts published in Marxism Today and New Left Review . This phase of translation initiates a more diversified reception of Hall, taking into consideration different facets of his work, which allows one, for example, to shed new light on the relations between ideology and racism, 14...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2019) 23 (1 (58)): vii–xiv.
Published: 01 March 2019
...” of various Marxisms—including Hegelian, economistic, and Heideggarian Marxisms. Badiou’s fundamental problem with historicism, Wright tells us, is that it reduces truth to historically determined contexts. Historicism, in other words, nullifies the possibility of radical novelty by making truth a mere...