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Journal Article
Romanic Review (2003) 94 (1-2): 185–205.
Published: 01 January 2003
...François Rouget Copyright © 2003 The Trustees of Columbia University 2003 Franfois Rouget "SANS PLUS PARTIR DE FRANCE" : RONSARD ET L'ECRITURE DU VOYAGE L es plus perspicaces des biographes de Ronsard n'ont pas manque de souligner que Ie Vendomois, avant de se tourner vers l'ecriture du monde...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2013) 104 (3-4): 383–387.
Published: 01 May 2013
...Phillip John Usher François Rouget . Ronsard et le livre (II) : Étude de critique génétique et d’histoire littéraire , Collection Cahiers d’humanisme et Renaissance 109. Geneva : Droz , 2012 . Pp. 742 . Copyright © 2013 The Trustees of Columbia University 2013 BOOK REVIEWS...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2011) 102 (1-2): 280–283.
Published: 01 January 2011
...Tom Conley François Rouget . Ronsard et le livre etude de critique génétique et d’histoire littéraire . Cahiers d’Humanisme et Renaissance 95. Geneva : Droz , 2010 . Pp. 288 . François Rigolot , ed. Clément Marot: Recueil inédit offert au connéctable de Montmorency en...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2005) 96 (2): 155–172.
Published: 01 March 2005
...Susan K. Silver Copyright © 2005 The Trustees of Columbia University 2005 Susan K. Silver THE COMBATIVE TEXT: RONSARD'S POETICS OF DISSENT (1562-1563) I n his introduction to Ronsard's political poetry of 1562-63, Paul Laumonier asks why France's most prominent court poet turned from...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2003) 94 (1-2): 207–225.
Published: 01 January 2003
... d'observation. II sera plutot question d'aborder Ie theme ou Ie motif du voyage, tres abondant et varie, dans la grande poesie de la Renaissance, celIe de la Pleiade. Joachim Du Bellay et Pierre de Ronsard auraient pu adopter la formule enconsee par Louis-Ferdinand Celine au xxe siecle, mais en l'employant dans...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (3): 537–538.
Published: 01 December 2021
... . Geneva : Droz , 2021 . Huchon Mireille . Le Labérynthe . Geneva : Droz , 2020 . Iwane Hisashi , ed. Revue des Amis de Ronsard , no. 32 . Yokohama : Société des Amis de Ronsard du Japon , 2020 . Laville Béatrice . Une poétique des fictions autoritaires: Les voies de...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2017) 108 (1-4): 155–179.
Published: 01 January 2017
...Daniel Maira Daniel Maira LE « GODMICY » D HÉLÈNE : PÉTRARQUISME SEXUEL ET VIRILITÉ RESTAURÉE Dans la préface aux Odes de 1550, Ronsard regarde d abord avec suspicion ces courtisans « qui n admirent qu un petit sonnet petrarquizé, ou quelque mignardise d amour »1. Il admettra également qu en...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2013) 104 (3-4): 378–383.
Published: 01 May 2013
.... (MASSIMILIANO GAGGERO, Universita degli Studi di Milano) Fran~ois Rouget. Ronsard et Ie livre (II) : Etude de critique genetique et d'histoire litteraire, Collection Cahiers d'humanisme et Renaissance 109. Geneva: Droz,2012.Pp.742. This fine volume, by one of the world's leading authorities on the poetry...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2011) 102 (1-2): 283–286.
Published: 01 January 2011
... poesies (1563) at the same time it was inspiring the genealogical model for the Franciade. Three discourses that Ronsard pronounced before Henry II at the Academy of the Palace in 1576-"Des vertus intellectuelles et moralles," "De l'envie," and "De la joie et de la tristesse"-indicate where the poet...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2013) 104 (3-4): 387–388.
Published: 01 May 2013
... of the French Renaissance, whatever their specific field, for it will necessarily prove essential for anyone reading or writing about any aspect of Ronsard or Renaissance poetry. (PHILLIP JOHN USHER, New York University) Louisa Mackenzie. The Poetry of Place: Lyric~ Landscape~ and Ideology in Renaissance France...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2013) 104 (3-4): 275–292.
Published: 01 May 2013
... special pleasure in new and uncommon genres, producing among other things a translation of the Anacreontic odes, a pastoral compilation, a commentary on Ronsard's second book of Amours, sacred eclogues translated from the Song of Songs, poems about assorted small objects, and a collection of poems about...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2015) 106 (1-4): 212–213.
Published: 01 January 2015
... with poets and publishers, as recently shown with great insight by Marie Houllemare in her Politiques de la parole (2011). Fran~ois Rouget, with the same perspicacity as he did for Ronsard (in his two-part Ronsard et Ie livre), brings to light the careful and intelligent ways that Philippe Desportes managed...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2004) 95 (3): 249–269.
Published: 01 May 2004
... in cartography and literature and a survey of the current bibliography, see Tom Conley, especially "Putting French Studies on the Map," Diacritics 28.3 (1998): 23-39. Considering "spatialities of discourse" in several Ronsard poems, he aims "to see how cartographical 'styles' can be productively correlated...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2024) 115 (1): 134–150.
Published: 01 May 2024
... in French (“ un autre rose ce matin mignon ”) alludes quite patently to Pierre de Ronsard’s famous “Ode à Cassandre” (“ mignonne allons voir si la rose ”), just as the title of this sequence, “Les Amours,” points back to Ronsard’s sequence, and Bouquet’s title for the collection positions him as an heir...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2002) 93 (4): 387–413.
Published: 01 November 2002
... neglects to consider in his erudite history is the towering figure of Ronsard and the extent to which Ronsard succeeds in making poetry one of the central pillars of public discourse. It little matters for our purposes if Ronsard's influence declines after 1630. An orator of the stature of Cardinal du...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2000) 91 (4): 375–395.
Published: 01 November 2000
... qui," and introducing two famous mythological heroes, Ulysses and Jason.47 At the College de Coqueret, the French humanist Jean Dorat had given Du Bellay similar, if less intensive training than his colleagues Pierre de Ronsard and Jean-Antoine de Balf. Although we have lost much direct evidence...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2009) 100 (4): 453–472.
Published: 01 November 2009
... sparse, the Gorgon is found in the works of Bembo and Sannazaro, Sceve and the Lyonnais poets, and Ronsard and other members of the Pleiade. Joachim Du Bellay's 1553 poem "Contre les Petrarquistes" includes Medusa in its witty catalogue of the tired Petrarchan formulae overused to describe the beloved...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2019) 110 (1-4): 291–293.
Published: 01 January 2019
...). Boydell Press, 2019. Cuvelier, trans. Nigel Bryant. The Song of Bertrand du Guesclin. Boydell Press, 2019. Gabilondo, Joseba. Introduction to a Postnational History of Contemporary Basque Literature (1978-2000): Remnants of the Nation. Tamesis, 2019. Iwane, Hisashi, ed. Revue des amis de Ronsard. Société...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2016) 107 (1-4): 217–218.
Published: 01 January 2016
... escogidas de nuestros cancioneros y romanceros. Mexico City: Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, 2016. Rella, Angelo, ed. Figure parole immagini nella poetica di Giovanni Dotoli/ Figures paroles images dans la poétique de Giovanni Dotoli. Paris: PL/Alain Baudry, 2015. Revue des amis de Ronsard XXIX. Société...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2018) 109 (1-4): 321–323.
Published: 01 January 2018
...). Universidad de Extremadura, 2017. Gutierrez Pedreiro, Daniel. Cuerpo en ruinas. Beda, 2017. H. Saito et al., eds. Revue des Amis de Ronsard. Société des Amis de Ronsard du Japon, 2017. Hamm, Jean-J­ acques. Approches de Stendhal. Classiques Garnier, 2018. Higashi, Alejandro, ed. Romances nueuamente sacados de...