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Journal Article
Romanic Review (2008) 99 (1-2): 103–118.
Published: 01 January 2008
...Anna-Louise Milne Copyright © 2008 The Trustees of Columbia University 2008 Anna-Louise Milne GIDE'S POLYMORPHOUS PERVERSITY, OR FRENCH MODERNISM'S ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT For a long time, it would seem, Gide's name, when considered from the perspective of America, provoked a sort of jolt...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2020) 111 (3): 441–454.
Published: 01 December 2020
... perversion contradiction psychoanalysis queer theory Roland Barthes’s Le Plaisir du texte was published in 1973; I read it for the first time in 1974. In 1987, I wrote that Barthes’s Le Plaisir , “published while I was a graduate student, heartened me, gave me the courage to write” ( Thinking...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2013) 104 (3-4): 375–378.
Published: 01 May 2013
... of morality, ethics, perversion, and the sublime. In its choice of textsnarratives collected into thirteenth-century cyclical manuscripts such as the epic Cycle de Guillaume, the Vulgate and Tristan cycles of Arthurian prose romance, and the Roman de Renart-Sunderland's book is an example of recent efforts...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2009) 100 (3): 279–305.
Published: 01 May 2009
... in a series entitled "Les desequilibres de l'amour" that Dubarry devoted to the varieties of sexual perversion. "Inversion" was, of course, the term commonly used in the late nineteenth century for what was also called "homosexuality"; it referred to the idea that the homosexual had an inverted gender...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2024) 115 (2): 303–321.
Published: 01 September 2024
... siècle Europe. For hostile Continental readers, Proust’s novel seemed little more than an account of the corruption and perversion of the chattering classes. While I discuss the extreme instances of Céline, the fascist philologist Kurt Wais, and the German-Italian essayist and novelist Curzio...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2001) 92 (4): 514–517.
Published: 01 November 2001
... with wan accents of pain, grief, mourning and death. In Beauty Raises the Dead, Robert Ziegler seizes on these darker moods of Decadence. The basic intimation of his book is a profound sense of loss animating every artificiality and perversity. The Decadents seem obscurely bereaved, and turn grief...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2001) 92 (1-2): 13–20.
Published: 01 January 2001
... concerned with giving a long intellectual pedigree to this thesis, while also demonstrating its empirical reality in communist practice. But I find the third thesis of the Livre noir the most disturbing: it preaches the iniquity of utopian forms of thought as inherently perverse and destructive; both Nazism...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2008) 99 (3-4): 415–416.
Published: 01 May 2008
... Marx, William, "Les Deux Modernismes : T. S. Eliot et la NRF," 57-69 Milne, Anna-Louise, "La Nouvelle Revue Fran(-aise in the Age of Modern- ism," 3-9 - - - , "Gide's Polymorphous Perversity, or French Modernism's Arrested Development," 103-118 Patard, Genevieve, "Mme de Murat et les 'fees modernes 271...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2001) 92 (4): 513–514.
Published: 01 November 2001
... sense of loss animating every artificiality and perversity. The Decadents seem obscurely bereaved, and turn grief into the expressive stuff of their fiction. What they have lost, whom they grieve over, and what scenarios of mourning and melancholy are thereby produced, is psychoanalytic theory's task...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2011) 102 (1-2): 201–216.
Published: 01 January 2011
... ainsi, l'aveu d'une perversion economico-sexuelle3, I'abus pervers de deux jouissances distinctes -I'une d'ordre economique, l'autre d'ordre sexuel- qui n'auront de cesse de jouer d'isomorphie durant toute la rememoration du Venitien. A ecouter avec plus d'attention l'aveu de Cane, Ie basculement d'un...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2003) 94 (3-4): 405–420.
Published: 01 May 2003
... polymorphous perverse sexuality (to counterfeit Freudian lingo). As with adult comic books, Harlequin romances, and the French morning daily, Liberation classifieds, sexual activity is a carefully modulated leitmotif in this novel, beginning with a sudden death that reeks of the goddess Juno's vengeful ways...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2010) 101 (1-2): 141–144.
Published: 01 January 2010
... its perversities" and "tends to be demystifying, even aggressive" (7). In her discussion, Gallop explains the difference between 1. New York: Routledge, 1991. The Romanic Review Volume 101 Numbers 1-2 © The Trustees of Columbia University MARIANNE HIRSCH applying symptomatic reading to culturally...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2010) 101 (3): 561–577.
Published: 01 May 2010
... the thinking of almost all the minor characters in the novel. Perhaps we might even say that bureaucracy is nothing but the law transformed into a form that can be enjoyed, albeit in a perverse and often sadistic form. Anyone who has been to the DMV is surely aware that the actual functioning of a bureaucratic...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2013) 104 (1-2): 127–145.
Published: 01 January 2013
...." 21 The text's real point of interest lies elsewhere, in the link that unites Pinget's expression of sexuality with the death instinct and perversion. While in Fable and Passacaille (1969) this instinct is concentrated in images of castration, in other books it can be seen to be expressed...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2011) 102 (3-4): 391–409.
Published: 01 May 2011
... Du pretre, de la femme, de fa famille (1845) and essentially repeated unchanged by Zola, that women's experience of the Catholic mysteries is an erotic one, the perverse redirection of sexual energies more properly reserved for the pleasures of the marital bed. We know, for instance, that Genevieve's...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2010) 101 (1-2): 123–127.
Published: 01 January 2010
... nineteenth-century French studies. For Samuels, the shock and parry arguments presented in Walter Benjamin's "On Some Motifs" gave rise, on one side, to a cottage industry of urban Paris monographs focusing on new manias of technological modernity, criminal pathologies, perversions, and phobias of all sorts...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2009) 100 (3): 409–412.
Published: 01 May 2009
... of sexuality through a psychiatric, juridical, and medical discursive grid that pathologizes same-sex sexualities along with other perversions, Lucey notes the relative absence of such pathologizing discourses in both the popular journalist discourse and the world of the music hall he considers. This simple...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2009) 100 (4): 571–574.
Published: 01 November 2009
...-of-the-century newspapers like La Vie parisienne and Fantasia. Referring to Foucault's famous remarks about the late nineteenth-century construction of sexuality through a psychiatric, juridical, and medical discursive grid that pathologizes same-sex sexualities along with other perversions, Lucey notes...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2014) 105 (1-2): 53–68.
Published: 01 January 2014
... in great detail. But in part in seeking to make him a kind of latterday hero of Greek tragedy, Littell also makes his protagonist the murderer aof his mother and stepfather, la Orestes. And for good measure, in keeping with 1970's mode retro depictions of Nazi sadomasochism and perversion in films like...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2004) 95 (1-2): 81–97.
Published: 01 January 2004
... l'ecroulement de l'URSS et des democraties populaires ; pourquoi privilegier une periode de l'histoire marquee par une des plus grandes aberrations que l'humanite ait jamais connues ? Est-il reellement possible de dissocier Ie realisme socialiste du stalinisme2 et d'y voir, non pas une perversion du rea- 1. Cf...