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instructions to illuminators

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Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 158–180.
Published: 01 May 2021
...’ assignment of meaning and cultural “readings” to medieval illuminators. Yet numerous sources, especially the instructions to illuminators that remain still visible in unfinished manuscripts, confirm that methods of work in the illustrating of medieval texts were guided by very different criteria than...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2013) 104 (3-4): 378–383.
Published: 01 May 2013
... in the "translation" of the narrative into images (see Doner in Arthuriana 9 [1999]: 3-26). In his discussion of ms. M, Hinton does not acknowledge Busby's most recent (and preferable) interpretation of the "captions" appearing in the lower margin as instructions for the illuminator (Busby in French Studies 53 [1999...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2023) 114 (3): 483–490.
Published: 01 December 2023
... whose pages had been licked by medieval tongues, rubbed by medieval fingers, and nibbled by the teeth of medieval mice. You could see a fifteenth-century illuminated psalter that has been “damaged through heavy and prolonged use,” as the Bodleian’s catalog notes. Its vellum pages have curled up from...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2020) 111 (1): 173–191.
Published: 01 May 2020
... of enchantment and disenchantment. That dialectic comes most vividly to light in the play’s numerous sacramental reenactments, which are minutely attentive to liturgical detail (the actors were instructed to observe the sacraments in church before they would be called on to perform them on stage), even...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2007) 98 (2-3): 123–134.
Published: 01 January 2007
... reflecting each other into infinity. That in turn suggests why, if insomnia provides the most important thematic parallel with Nietzsche's essay, the modal parallel is just as significant although with a different weight. Nietzsche's thought experiments are in varying degrees both heuristic and instructive...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2012) 103 (1-2): 133–153.
Published: 01 January 2012
...Enrique Gavilán; Monique Dascha Inciarte Copyright © 2012 The Trustees of Columbia University 2012 Enrique Gavilan THE GNOSTIC IMPRINT ON PARSIFAL, AN ILLUMINATION OF RUINS TRANSLATED BY MONIQUE DASCHA INCIARTE Kunstwerke sind asketisch und schamlos. 1 - Theodor W. Adorno I begin...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2006) 97 (2): 185–200.
Published: 01 March 2006
...-and-a-half centuries. It would be misleading to say that this tradition had utterly disappeared by the late nineteenth century, but scenes of formal instruction were almost never the main fare in the roman de mreurs.5 The historical shift becomes evident if we consider the narrative function of technical...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2017) 108 (1-4): 217–231.
Published: 01 January 2017
... numerous episodes of financial ascension, the minister of foreign affairs Laroche-M­ atthieu counsels him to write a newspaper article on a poss­i­ble French expedition to Morocco. Laroche instructs Duroy to speak of the expedition so as to make readers conclude it ­will prob­ably not happen: Faites que...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2016) 107 (1-4): 47–56.
Published: 01 January 2016
... her treasured eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Mme May had to set the context of the Age of Louis XIV and its avatars who, like Racine, served as examples (positive and negative) for the authors she illuminated. And so, sur les traces de Gita May, let us look at Racine, who was worthy of inspiring...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2004) 95 (4): 427–432.
Published: 01 November 2004
... as they are-but with constructing them-Talking about things as if you had a wider perspective on them-not just repeating them. (II: 50) Literature-discredited-no longer instructive, no longer a counsel, a precept, known by heart, ornamenting the memory for lifebut a pastime in the passage of time-and thus the writings can...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (3): 437–451.
Published: 01 December 2021
...: “La contradiction doit éveiller l’attention, et non pas la colère. Il faut écouter, et non fuir celui qui contredit” (Sablé, “Maximes” 252 [maxim 59]). And beyond a willingness to accept whatever truth one is confronted with, it is also crucial to instruct oneself: “La meilleure nature, étant sans...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2008) 99 (3-4): 363–380.
Published: 01 May 2008
...]. These short tales, each organized around a moral lesson and with the stated goal of providing behavioral instruction to children, conformed to the classical literary aesthetic in several respects. First, the organization of each short narrative around a particular moral principle or moralite gave the fairy...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 1–9.
Published: 01 May 2021
... and forward to provide greater access to tools and a tradition that has loomed as an important gateway to more careful and accurate interrogations of Dante’s text. The last essay can be explained easily enough as the collision between my very early work in the 1980s on instructions to medieval...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2023) 114 (3): 509–516.
Published: 01 December 2023
... operandi and exercise radical hope for our field, let us also express radical appreciation for all language educators—these glocal ambassadors, instructional pioneers, and cognitive coaches—who persevere and succeed because dissemination of languages and cultures truly matters to them. 1. UN...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2002) 93 (3): 307–321.
Published: 01 May 2002
... by the impression and portrayal of meditation through illumination (C, X, 497). This idea is expounded in the essay Retour de Hollande in which the "philosophes enfermes" (CE, I, 852) are illuminated in the enveloping darkness by a beam carrying light from an outside source through a window and cast onto objects...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2024) 115 (2): 342–361.
Published: 01 September 2024
... as tué makes good on Lee Edelman’s suggestion in his classic work of queer theory, No Future , that rather than seek to disprove or dismiss right-wing narratives of queer dissolution, we ought to embrace them instead: We should listen to, and even perhaps be instructed by, the readings of queer...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2001) 92 (4): 417–432.
Published: 01 November 2001
...). RACINE'S ANXIETY OF INFLUENCE 419 points out, "however poor his opinion of the Phoenissae, he evidently employed parts of it in composing his own play"(80). Then again in the first preface to Andromaque, the Senecan model is cited only to illuminate the Racinian difference: "Toute la liberte que j'ai prise...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2013) 104 (3-4): 253–274.
Published: 01 May 2013
... queer figures. To explore this confluence, we may recall how ideologies of sex and gender inflected medieval beliefs about textuality. To illuminate how Reason's hermeneutic instructions bear on the queerness of misogyny, we might read this advice in light of the substantial scholarship...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2019) 110 (1-4): 247–264.
Published: 01 January 2019
... uses the Steinheil Affair a­ sex scandal in early twentieth-­century Paris to examine ­these questions of what friendship is good for (and how the affair s participants used this bond) and where it could go bad (when it was seen as immoral or problematic). In ­doing so, it illuminates how friendship...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2011) 102 (1-2): 65–89.
Published: 01 January 2011
... Guillaume's romance. I would like to analyze Guillaume's project of self-representation in the Roman and to contextualize it with two other works: first, Chretien de Troyes's Yvain, which could loosely be called a literary source, Guillaume's matiere; and then a set of manuscript illuminations (the lavish...