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Journal Article
Romanic Review (2011) 102 (3-4): 465–484.
Published: 01 May 2011
...Susan Harrow Copyright © 2011 The Trustees of Columbia University 2011 Susan Harrow ZOLA: COLORIST, ABSTRACTIONIST M anet's pools of glossy black, Mallarme's spaces of absolute white, Whistler's liquid blues and silvers 1 The work of Zola's contemporaries drives the search for pure color...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2000) 91 (4): 353–374.
Published: 01 November 2000
.... 86. 5. Ibid., p. 85. GUILLAUME DE LORRIS' ROMANCE OF THE ROSE 355 functions as the receptacle for color and form as well as the means by which they are conveyed to the optical nerve and brain: Hunain's description of the eye's structure provides an important detail for our understanding...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2002) 93 (1-2): 173–183.
Published: 01 January 2002
... n'andava, e ['aer bruno, etc. The only color left is that of autumn leaves. True, the whole poem is about the sun, but a sun whose sole function is a dramatic leavetaking. Sunset is no display of light and color, it is a psychological crisis, a sense of anguish, a surge of dreams. So deep is his anxiety...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2012) 103 (1-2): 65–80.
Published: 01 January 2012
... the blasphemous belief that Indians and Spaniards-with clear differences in appearance and skin color-were descended from different gods. To make his case, Avila had to account for what natives perceived to be two gaping contradictions in terms: that progenitors of one color could produce offspring of different...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2004) 95 (1-2): 227–233.
Published: 01 January 2004
... is as surprising in my memory as the variety of miniature landscapes that border the winding river for the first few kilometers: even though the boat glides along ever so slowly in stagnant water the color of weak coffee, they seem to succeed each other with the speed of a swift, well-oiled mechanism regulating...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2002) 93 (1-2): 31–44.
Published: 01 January 2002
... was Surrealist ekphrasis. As is well-known, Breton liked Tanguy's dream-like landscapes of regression bathed in a strangely amniotic light. This is how he evokes the color suffusing these oneiric landscapes whose originality lies in suggesting the color of ghosts: "(Tanguy's) genius lies in having made himself...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2012) 103 (3-4): 590–593.
Published: 01 May 2012
... writing, respectively. One of the most fascinating points of overlap is the unexpected emphasis on aurality, which comes up in so many essays. Samoyault addresses the "visualization of voice" through the "colorization" of written works (244): "As a modality of the visible, the color of words or letters...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2007) 98 (1): 83–101.
Published: 01 January 2007
... away from the city (92). The encounter with the fetuses brings to the fore important differences between reality and metaphor, while the protagonist's simultaneous meeting with Mme Watrin shows how Western women engage, as Elizabeth Spelman has demonstrated, in a tradition of excluding females of color...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (2): 281–304.
Published: 01 September 2021
... mentions in passing that the alternation of different bright colors (“des couleurs vives”) has traditionally presented a heightened offense to the notion of social order (26). The idea of clashing, of brash colors—and of color itself—has a long association in the West with marginality. In fact color itself...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2020) 111 (3): 370–377.
Published: 01 December 2020
... in the Rijksmuseum Vermeer paintings were wearing Mary’s color. It transformed my sense of the hushed excitement of intimation, the enclosed secrecy in Woman Reading a Letter . Could the painting be seen as a version of the Annunciation, delivered not by the angel Gabriel with iridescent wings of primary, median...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2000) 91 (4): 459–479.
Published: 01 November 2000
... of the advancing evening through the fusion of sound and meaning. Internal rhyme and repetition characterize line three - "d" and "e" echo through the line as if to approximate each of the sun's scarcely perceptible steps: "Mais Ie dieu par degres qui se desinteresse." And, as the dissipating sun changes the color...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2015) 106 (1-4): 206–211.
Published: 01 January 2015
... not only ranges from the polished rhetoric of a Roman orator to the rough colloquialism of the corner bar, but is further colored by a number of regional inflections. BOOK REVIEWS 2°7 To these and the numerous other unmentioned obstacles that confront the author of a new translation is added another...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2004) 95 (1-2): 171–181.
Published: 01 January 2004
... novel, seems to represent the very embodiment of racism. In her eyes the world is strictly divided along color lines, between a superior white race and an inferior black one. The child of an interracial marriage, Cajou inevitably turns this vision of the world upon herself, convinced she is doomed...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2008) 99 (3-4): 175–189.
Published: 01 May 2008
... treated the sausage as a matter of course, not as an off-color joke; neither did he seem to expect it to be understood as a double entendre, as Giovanni Francesco Straparola routinely had done in the enigmas that concluded each of the stories of Les facetieuses nuits. Perrault's third tale was "Peau...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2023) 114 (1): 206–209.
Published: 01 May 2023
... simply “Pinks,” leads us from the color associated with springtime bloom, childhood delights, and desserts to painterly preferences and practices, but also to the more dangerous attractions of the Albertine sexual galaxy. Chapter titles (such as “The Quiver of Life,” “Croissants and Coffee, for a Change...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (2): 321–335.
Published: 01 September 2021
.... 71). But ironically “elle-même ne touchait presque jamais aux plats qu’elle faisait servir à ses invités. Elle suivait un régime de plus en plus sévère” (1087). She is known for hosting colored meals, where all of the foodstuffs correspond to a given color: yellow, pink, red, and black. 9...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2009) 100 (3): 265–278.
Published: 01 May 2009
... more prestigious senses of sight and hearing. Sight continues to exert its supremacy as the indispensable companion to postmodern cultural artefacts. Whether it is read as malevolent (the penetrative, consuming gaze), beneficent (the seductive shock of colour, shape, and line), neutral (the efficacy...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2005) 96 (1): 119–121.
Published: 01 January 2005
... of the black-and-white figures are of relatively poor quality. (And none are in color, even though ink color is a prominent part of several of the examples that the author must describe verbally.) Most of the reproductions of manuscripts from Parisian libraries are blurry, and a few are too dark and too small...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2007) 98 (2-3): 189–203.
Published: 01 May 2007
... tela con frescura de agua Y entretejidas formas y colores Que han traido a su Roma las remotas 5 Caravanas del tiempo y de la arena. Perdurara en un verso de las Ge6rgicas. No la habia visto nunca. Hoy es la seda. En un atardecer muere un judio Crucificado por los negros cIavos 10 Que el pretor orden6...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2010) 101 (3): 547–560.
Published: 01 May 2010
... Selassie, the ruler of Ethiopia, who had ordered an electric chair from the United States in an attempt to make his country seem more "civilized": "Por un motivo cualquiera las intenciones del mandatario de color no pudieron llevarse a la practica, y la silla electrica - que no podia quedarse sin uso - fue...