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Journal Article
Romanic Review (2005) 96 (1): 67–84.
Published: 01 January 2005
...William Sayers Copyright © 2005 The Trustees of Columbia University 2005 William Sayers "OR DA POGGIA, OR DA ORZA" (PURG. 32): NAUTICAL DEIXIS IN DANTE'S COMMEDIA In Canto 32 of Purgatorio Dante, after waking from a deep sleep of great peace, is witness to an allegorical pageant, or so we...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 120–137.
Published: 01 May 2021
...Isabella Magni Abstract The textual and cultural interpretations related to the material construction of the first manuscript copies of Dante’s Commedia play a crucial role in shaping its transmission and inevitably also the text that we read today. The processes of preparation and the material...
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Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 158–180.
Published: 01 May 2021
... interpretation. Instead, the material and mechanical realities of reproducing medieval texts, among them Dante’s Commedia , were often subject more to production efficiency, cost effectiveness, taste, and scribal and cultural norms. Examining the instructions to the illuminator of an unfinished copy...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 62–72.
Published: 01 May 2021
... as a precedent for some of the choices, themes, and styles subsequently developed in the Commedia . However, when the inspiration for the Convivio as a vehicle for both poetic and prose production is supplanted by the larger and even more ambitious project of his Commedia , Dante abandoned the treatise and left...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 10–23.
Published: 01 May 2021
... Martelliano 12 .” In Sotto il segno di Dante. Scritti in onore di Francesco Mazzoni , edited by Coglievina Leonella and De Robertis Domenico , 85 – 97 . Florence : Le Lettere , 1998 . Chiavacci Leonardi Anna Maria . Commentary to Inferno . In La Divina Commedia by Alighieri...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 1–9.
Published: 01 May 2021
... exposure to Dante: filologia dantesca and something called a liberalizzato (yes, part of the vecchio ordinamento ) prepared on forty cantos of the Commedia . To make matters more interesting, these were the years of the student strikes across Italy and certainly in the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 39–61.
Published: 01 May 2021
... Nuova to a more “scientific” view in the third epistle and again to a moralistic view in the Commedia (whose circle of lust boasts, in the wind that buffets the lustful, an example of compulsion borrowed from Nicomachean Ethics 3.1). The philosopher and astrologer Cecco d’Ascoli is a contemporary...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 138–157.
Published: 01 May 2021
... to introduce the aims and scope of a new digital library of Dante commentaries, built according to the aforementioned standards and aiming to refine and extend the ontologies developed for Dante’s minor works to the more complex world of the Commedia . Copyright © 2021 by the Trustees of Columbia University...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 73–84.
Published: 01 May 2021
... allusive quotations, Dante opposes to the absolute time of Eden the idea of an imperfect time, tied to the pattern of an all-human knowledge, which Dante himself connected to the teaching and character of Brunetto Latini. Opere Citate Alighieri Dante . La Commedia secondo l’antica vulgata...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2008) 99 (3-4): 297–315.
Published: 01 May 2008
..., Venezia 1519; G.Vitaletti, L'autore del "Grillo medico", poemetto popolare del sec.XVI in "Archivum Romanicum" IV, n.2, 1920. The Cunto also contains sources drawn from librettos, petrarchian poetry, and the commedia dell'arte. An analysis of some contemporary collections of tales may help scholars...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (2): 305–320.
Published: 01 September 2021
... nineteenth-century writers worried about when it came to the news that more and more of their readers were consuming. The commedia dell’arte’s character, Harlequin, Arlequin in French, was known for his gluttony, his simplicity, and his base behavior. Like much of the Renaissance art and culture...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2020) 111 (1): 48–65.
Published: 01 May 2020
... at different times). The analogy of lute and lutanist anticipates a later novella, by Franco Sacchetti (ca. 1332–1400), 11 in which Dante himself becomes a fictional protagonist and attacks a blacksmith whose mangled singing transforms the Commedia into a popular cantare , by casting his tools...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2010) 101 (1-2): 239–241.
Published: 01 January 2010
..., that the Commedia grounds its truth claims in divine will, in its author's personal access to God, whose authorized message was revealed to him. The result, at the level of reception, seems to be a more virulent strain of the need to suspend disbelief: while we may wonder about the future of Maggie and the Prince...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 85–96.
Published: 01 May 2021
... allegare alle allusioni presenti nella Commedia . 1 Questa ricerca è appena abbozzata e difficilmente andrà oltre il miraggio critico di chi scrive. La non scontata notorietà di almeno uno dei protagonisti di questa nota richiede qualche paragrafo di pedantesche precisazioni. Contestualmente...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2021) 112 (1): 97–119.
Published: 01 May 2021
... in the Dartmouth Dante Project, Dante.Dartmouth.edu . D’Ovidio Francesco . Studii sulla Divina Commedia . Milan : R. Sandron , 1901 . Franceschini Gino . I Montefeltro . Milan : Dall’Oglio , 1970 . Franceschini Gino . I Montefeltro nei primi due secoli della loro storia, 1150...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2005) 96 (1): 85–105.
Published: 01 January 2005
..., (Milano-Napoli: Ricciardi 1980), and jennifer Petrie and June Salmons (Dublin: Belfield Italian Library 1994). Quotations from the Commedia are from the edition ed. Charles Singleton, (Bollingen Series: Harvard University Press 1970-6), six volumes in three. Translations are mine. Commentaries on the Vita...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2005) 96 (3-4): 463–464.
Published: 01 May 2005
...): Nautical Deixis in Dante's Commedia," 67-84 Schreier, Lise, Voyager en France au temps du romantisme. Poetique, esthetique, ideologie. (Alain Guyot and Chantal Massol, Eds), 122-4 Sears, Theresa Ann, "Squaring the Round Table: Time, Hierarchy, and the Fall of Camelot," 3-18 Silver, Susan K., "The Combative...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2004) 95 (4): 487–489.
Published: 01 November 2004
... in the Commedia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Hewitt, Nicholas Ed. The Cambridge Companion to Modern French Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Joulin, Celine. La Mort dans les CEuvres oratoires de Bossuet. Sainte-Etienne: Presses Universitaires de Sainte-Etienne, 2002. Kiviharju...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2006) 97 (3-4): 501–515.
Published: 01 May 2006
... and the quirky. The Germans envision uncanny metaphysical possibilities. Reveling in the physical buffoonery of the commedia dell'arte, the Italians celebrate the elan vital. Mme de Stael, Baudelaire, and other French intellectuals saw the objects of these nations' laughter soaring higher than critiques of moral...
Journal Article
Romanic Review (2020) 111 (1): 85–105.
Published: 01 May 2020
.... In addition to the reference in canto 21 to his text as a comedy, Dante earlier calls his text “questa comedìa” in canto 16 in a brief address to the reader at line 128. These two references to the genre of Dante’s text are repeated in commentaries on the Commedia starting in the early fourteenth century...