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Journal Article
Radical History Review (2020) 2020 (138): 1–9.
Published: 01 October 2020
...Mark Bray; Jessica Namakkal; Giulia Riccò; Eric Roubinek Abstract By taking as a point of departure post-1945 self-proclaimed anti-fascist movements, whose claim to combat fascism has often been discarded as politically irrelevant or bombastic, this introduction invites readers to speculate...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1979) 1979 (20): 238–243.
Published: 01 May 1979
... of foreign policy. The raw anger of self-constituted citizen coalitions marching and debating, lobbying and withholding consent , con- stituted an unusual moment in post-1945 American politics and an even rarer event in international history. International or diplomatic history...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2022) 2022 (143): 205–211.
Published: 01 May 2022
... with a vaguely left-wing and Irish republican politics. 2 The kind of latter-day folk culture that Irish traditional music represented is never interrogated in The Popular Arts . In this short review essay, I will examine how, in the work of Stuart Hall, perhaps the grand theorist of post-1945 and post...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2000) 2000 (76): 1–2.
Published: 01 January 2000
... address a wide range of topics-for example, the relation of urban capitalism to Botswana's emerging women's movement and how black radio and new consumer markets paralleled the post-1945 civil rights movement in the United States. An essay from Bruce Robbins suggests that we might want...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2001) 2001 (81): 178.
Published: 01 October 2001
... on Contributors 177 Jeanne F. Theoharis is an assistant professor of political science at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. She is coauthor with Athan Theoharis of “These Yet-to-Be United States”: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in Post-1945...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2001) 2001 (81): 176–177.
Published: 01 October 2001
... on Contributors 177 Jeanne F. Theoharis is an assistant professor of political science at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. She is coauthor with Athan Theoharis of “These Yet-to-Be United States”: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in Post-1945...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1991) 1991 (49): 7–15.
Published: 01 January 1991
... occurred at this point of time,' nor to detail the process by which this occurred.2 Suffice it to note that the process engendered much debate at the time, but the present schema triumphed fairly widely throughout Europe and North America, and spread subsequently (often only in the post-1945...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1986) 1986 (36): 115–132.
Published: 01 October 1986
... to post-1945 Vietnam. But PBS does not question the underlying motives or goals of the containment policy itself. No voice disputes the conventional view of containment as a purely defensive response to world-wide Com- munist expansionism after World War 11. Left historians argue...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1996) 1996 (65): 164–168.
Published: 01 May 1996
..., totalitarian and democratic. Embedded in the settlement was an American and Western European understanding that fascism had been a bacillus produced in the wake of World War I and destroyed on the battlefields of Europe and Asia. The necessities of the post- 1945 reweaving of the western moral...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2016) 2016 (126): 194–196.
Published: 01 October 2016
... across the post1945 Pacific by interrogating political and cultural struggles over the meaning and visibility of the Korean War’s violence. She is a founding member of the Histories of Violence Collective. Benjamin N. Lawrance is Conable Chair in International Studies and professor of history...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2005) 2005 (92): 103–117.
Published: 01 May 2005
... to and occurring during the Second World War or died in the era of the post-1945 liberation movements and global human rights. The long-lived Du Bois (very signifi cantly for him) certainly made for a rare exception. If we construe the cohorts that overlap...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1993) 1993 (55): 135–144.
Published: 01 January 1993
... dimensions of the recent war are not nearly so clear cut. In its unique post-1945 position, the United States could afford NSC-68’s casual combination of military strategy and military Keynsianism. Half a century later, the military industrial complex PAST AND PRESENT...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2001) 2001 (81): 113–132.
Published: 01 October 2001
...- mans of having trodden an anti-Semitic special path, he assured them that extermi- natory anti-Semitism had ended with the post-1945 democratization of the Federal Republic. As much as he made the past vividly present, he enabled Germans of the 1968 and 1989...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2006) 2006 (95): 149–172.
Published: 01 May 2006
... through which the United States struggles to become, and to imagine itself as, the post-British imperial world power after 1945. Frenise Logan’s work on racism and Indian-U.S. relations is now almost twenty years 168 Radical History Review old, but it deserves revisiting for the arguments she...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1988) 1988 (41): 129–144.
Published: 01 May 1988
... of popular memory, and as a resounding success. But to have succeeded in filming the post-1945 years in the same manner, Reitz would have had to over- come the very inhibitions and amnesia which affect his own genera- tion. He could not do this, and this failure says much about the problem...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1977) 1977 (14-15): 138–159.
Published: 01 May 1977
... and foreign labor filled the factories? What did it mean for the post-1945 development of unions and parties that for twelve years all autonomous political and union activity was criminalized, that despite opposition and subpolitical protest, there was very little poli• tical resistence...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1988) 1988 (40): 50–63.
Published: 01 January 1988
..., so that Germans can develop more self-confidence in the assertion of their national interest. Habermas strongly rejected these neo-conservative efforts to reverse the post-1945 break with the national tradition of German historical thought and its celebration of nationalist values...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1995) 1995 (63): 53–85.
Published: 01 October 1995
... introductions to post-1945 psychology but with little material on the Cold War, are Albert R. Gilgen, American Psychology Since World War 11: A Profile of the Discipline (Westport, CT:Greenwood Press, 19821, and Donald S. Napoli, Architects of Adjustment: The History of the Psydzological Profession...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2019) 2019 (133): 1–10.
Published: 01 January 2019
... capital in the post-1945 era has required the outsourcing of state violence to host countries and allied states, so that the US military can keep its hands clean in quelling popular resistance while continuing its operations. 6 Indeed, the expansion of Camp Humphreys is part of an extensive, long...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1993) 1993 (57): 46–59.
Published: 01 October 1993
... of the world in, and another out? Simply to pose the question is again to denote the differences between an empire (it is territorial, whether in its traditional or its capitalist types and the post-1945 American realm of action in the world. A couple of other questions in the prospectus can...