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mass media

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Journal Article
Radical History Review (2000) 2000 (78): 85–122.
Published: 01 October 2000
...Edward P. Morgan Copyright ©2000 MARHO: The Radical Historian's Organization, Inc. 2000 From Virtual Community to Virtual History: Mass Media and the American Antiwar Movement of the 1960s Edward P. Morgan The tide...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2016) 2016 (125): 116–136.
Published: 01 May 2016
... of racial difference taking place on a transnational scale, it also emphasizes the centrality of mass media and soccer in both countries' efforts to claim racial success. In addition, the macaquitos affair lays bare ongoing conflicts between new, popular mass media of the 1912–30 period and the Argentine...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2021) 2021 (141): 30–59.
Published: 01 October 2021
... South elaborated a wide-ranging structural critique of the status quo, arguing that developing mass media required decolonizing international networks and global governance practices that perpetuated media inequality. But over the course of the decade, UNESCO began to invite research and expertise from...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2010) 2010 (106): 27–45.
Published: 01 January 2010
...Kristopher Imbrigotta With the onset and proliferation of today's twenty-four-hour mass media culture, war in particular has become—and will continue to be—very photogenic. But can we rely on what we see? What is missing from that message? Strictly speaking, Marxist thinkers and critics have been...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2016) 2016 (124): 11–41.
Published: 01 January 2016
...-constitutional decree laws; delegation of legislative authority ( facultades extraordinarias ) to the executive branch; broad application of the penal code and legislation regulating the “internal security of the state” and “public order”; censorship and persecution of journalists, mass media, films, and private...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2020) 2020 (136): 129–141.
Published: 01 January 2020
...Ximena Espeche Abstract Operation Truth (Operación Verdad) was the Cuban Revolution’s first major intervention in the global mass media. In late January 1959, the revolutionary government invited journalists and politicians from around the world to witness the trials and executions of individuals...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2000) 2000 (78): 141–148.
Published: 01 October 2000
... and the responses by Marilyn B. Young, Van Gosse, and Chad Raphael raise important questions about how the mass media present protest movements to the reading and viewing public in the United States. Complementing these essays, the following images are meant to convey a sense, however idiosyncratic, of how...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2000) 2000 (78): 1–4.
Published: 01 October 2000
... circulated, produced and refracted through the mass media were crucial in maintaining Alcatraz as a complex and paradoxical symbol not only of “escape-proof” and “loop-hole free” justice, but also of the brutality of state repression and of citizens’ resistance and will to freedom. Prisoners...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1992) 1992 (54): 127–138.
Published: 01 October 1992
... audiences to the mass media. How active or passive were these audiences? What do we mean by active and passive anyway? What kinds of readings-dominant, negotiated, or oppositional-have people made of advertising, television shows, the news? Such questions are very much driven by our present-day...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1988) 1988 (42): 122–143.
Published: 01 October 1988
... of the problem was succinct: "not enough glitz" to attract corporate sponsors.' Wolper's complaint, though cast in the self-serving terms of the disappointed promoter, expresses the commercial mass media's own view of its proper social role: the centralized, mass dissemination of imagery...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2000) 2000 (78): 130–137.
Published: 01 October 2000
... are to build historical accounts and contemporary models that fully explore ways of effecting change through the mass media, not just despite them. Studies such as Gitlin’s made invaluable contributions to showing how mainstream journalism violates democratic norms by delegitimating citizen protest...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1996) 1996 (66): 191–202.
Published: 01 October 1996
... decided not to teach popular culture again-and espe- cially not that particularly diverse and unruly monster known as pop music. This is not because I believe that the products of twenti- eth-century mass media are without historical interest or even of artistic merit. In fact, I feel quite...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1993) 1993 (57): 186–196.
Published: 01 October 1993
... politics of Afro-diasporic expressive cultures in the U.S. It is also about the way African-Americans are represented in mass media, and how they are im- apedto be in the minds of “white suburbia.” What is the “ghetto” and why is it seen by so many people as the place where black culture...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2000) 2000 (78): 138–140.
Published: 01 October 2000
.... The ”virtual community’’ metaphor applies to mass-mediated ”outreach” to public audiences, not to the very real sense of community within the movement that Marilyn Young well remembers. Finally, notwithstand- ing Van Gosse’s assertion, I do not suggest that today’s media sophistica- tion is ”by its...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2013) 2013 (117): 119–129.
Published: 01 October 2013
... forms of media? Todd Wolfson: I think from my point of view there’s the classic issue, which is that the stories of the oppressed, of poor and working people, of people of color, are silenced in the mass media. And when poor and working people show up in the mass media, they’re shown...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2011) 2011 (111): 79–89.
Published: 01 September 2011
..., economic and political legacy.2 Bearman, an heir to the intellectual legacy of Paul Lazarsfeld, a sociologist who first wrote about the impact of mass media on society, was keenly interested in the role of media in the construction and telling of stories. His expertise in training...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1988) 1988 (41): 192.
Published: 01 May 1988
... and Czechos- lovakia from 1948-53. R. J. Lambrose is currently working on a multi-volume biography of Elliott Abrams, the first volume of which takes Abram's life through the State Department years. It is tenta- tively titled Faking It. Ana M. Lopez teaches film and mass media at Tulane University...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1992) 1992 (54): 209–210.
Published: 01 October 1992
... at Yale University and is the author of Mechanic Accents and Cuver Stwies. Susan J. Douglas is professor of media and American studies at Hampshire College. She is the author of Inventing Amer- ican Broadcasting, 1899-2922 and is completing a book on feminism, antifeminism, and the mass media...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2021) 2021 (141): 7–29.
Published: 01 October 2021
... Walter . The Phantom Public . New York : Harcourt, Brace , 1925 . Matzko Paul . The Radio Right . New York : Oxford University Press , 2020 . McChesney Robert W. Telecommunications, Mass Media, and Democracy: The Battle for the Control of U.S. Broadcasting, 1928–1935 . New...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1980) 1980 (24): 188–190.
Published: 01 October 1980
... at demonstrations differentiated him from most rock stars of the era and were not calculated to make him a popular figure in the mass media. But his most enduring legacy will be his music, and it is by begin- ning to understand the role of rock music in the political culture of the sixties that we can...