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free trade

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Journal Article
Radical History Review (1998) 1998 (70): 119–130.
Published: 01 January 1998
.... This anti-immigrant rhetoric led to the passage of Proposition 187, which restricts undocumented workers and their children from receiving public services. Although very visible walls are being constructed to keep immigrants out, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) seeks to break...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2011) 2011 (109): 36–61.
Published: 01 January 2011
...Dara Orenstein How do places of enclosure facilitate processes of enclosure? The case of free trade zones—or, rather, foreign-trade zones—suggests one means. Thanks to megawatt duos such as Walmart and Kathie Lee Gifford, free trade zones rank among the most archetypal spaces of neoliberalism...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2022) 2022 (144): 45–75.
Published: 01 October 2022
..., and leisure and sartorial practices, which enabled them to provide hospitality to European traders and increase their trading prospects. 24 This history of elite cosmopolitanism explains why Old Calabar leaders would see Liberated Africans who asserted Anglo-cosmopolitan rights to free trade...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1983) 1983 (27): 174–184.
Published: 01 January 1983
... for free trade, unfettered by Spanish controls, played a major role in Venezuela’s decision to revolt but was less relevant in Mexico, while the Chilean elites actively opposed the concept. Cuban elites were on record as being very much in favor of free trade; nevertheless, they remained loyal...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1993) 1993 (57): 21–32.
Published: 01 October 1993
... investors] and for their inter- ests.” Pani and the Carranza government even anticipated the transformation of the Mexican Revolution now about to be con- summated in the North American Free Trade Agreement:7 ”The few restrictions on foreigners contained in our laws are imposed principally...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1993) 1993 (57): 76–81.
Published: 01 October 1993
... held by central ban- kers for gold. Sitting in the driver’s seat, the United States pro- moted, as had the British in their heyday, the ideology of the free market and free trade. International institutions were initiated and adapted to sustain a more or less unified imperialist network...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1993) 1993 (57): 38–45.
Published: 01 October 1993
... of labor and capital consolidation, the creation of free trade agreements and free trade zones to exploit the cheaper labor power of Third World peoples (the North American Free Trade Agreement being the most recent example), and the increas- ing pauperization of people of color around the world...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2002) 2002 (82): 1–7.
Published: 01 January 2002
.... The United States intensified its political and military hegemonic intervention around the globe, and neoliberal “free-trade” corporate imperialism quickly set out to exploit the new opportunities availed to it by the post–Cold War international political realignments and the growing economic misery...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2014) 2014 (118): 15–41.
Published: 01 January 2014
... Tilly has observed in her studies of food conflict and entitlements, riots bring into question how the economy should work.5 In 1837 the debate pitted a faith that free trade and market mecha- nisms would balance supply and demand against expectations that “the necessaries of life” be secured...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2002) 2002 (82): 9–36.
Published: 01 January 2002
... left behind by the changes since the revolution than any other group. Unions before and during the Communist Period in Romania Before the communist era, Romania had a vital, though small, free-trade union movement. Modern trade unions formed...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1978) 1978 (18): 191.
Published: 01 October 1978
... and the Peronist Resistance Movement, STEPHEN LEVINE teaches at Brooklyn College, has written a thesis on "St. Loe Strachey and the Ideology of Free Trade Unionism," and is currently working in family history. SUSAN LEVINE is affiliated with the Labor Studies Program at the University...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1985) 1985 (33): 95–116.
Published: 01 May 1985
..., whose economic development was taken by many Latin Ameri- cans as a model, most nations in the region climbed aboard the "free trade" wagon. What the Latin American advocates of unre- stricted trade failed to realize, however, was that while the "free trade" system worked extremely well...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2002) 2002 (83): 173–174.
Published: 01 May 2002
... discussion afterwards, suggest that the film constitutes not only a dramatized critique of British antislavery and free-trade imperialism, but is also emblematic of a certain sixties sensibility concerned with race, sex, and Vietnam. Similarly, Topsy-Turvy (dir...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2011) 2011 (109): 1–11.
Published: 01 January 2011
... enclosures. Her article concerns foreign trade zones (FTZs), not to be confused with the more commonly known free trade zones. The hundreds of FTZs that dot the U.S. landscape constitute legal fictions that allow commerce to proceed on U.S. shores but, technically, on foreign soil...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2004) 2004 (88): 218–220.
Published: 01 January 2004
...). A contributor to No Sweat: Fash- ion, Free Trade, and the Rights of Garment Workers, ed. Andrew Ross (1997), she has also con- tributed to Social Text, International Labor and Working-Class History, New Labor Forum, and Workplace. R. J...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1996) 1996 (65): 26–47.
Published: 01 May 1996
... grain markets, especially since free- market policies tended to discourage basic foods production.ll This approach was consistent with the European governments’ critique of free trade in agricultural commodities that saw self-sufficiency in basic foods as a matter of national security...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1996) 1996 (65): 27–47.
Published: 01 May 1996
... grain markets, especially since free- market policies tended to discourage basic foods production.ll This approach was consistent with the European governments’ critique of free trade in agricultural commodities that saw self-sufficiency in basic foods as a matter of national security...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1996) 1996 (65): 159–163.
Published: 01 May 1996
... suffrage, free trade, and abolition, meant these rights and values to pertain only to themselves. But through a network of sailors, urban slaves, work gangs, and hucksters, word of the debates in England filtered into the countryside; slaves began to think of themselves also as subjects of the king...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1994) 1994 (58): 1–3.
Published: 01 January 1994
...Susan Besse; Teresa Meade; Marjorie Murphy Copyright © 1994 by MARHO: The Radical Historians' Organization, Inc. 1994 EDITORS’ INTRODUCTION As debate over the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) heated up during the past year-garnering opposition from both the right...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1994) 1994 (59): 190–194.
Published: 01 May 1994
... knew, absolutely perspicacious. "English steam and English free trade," he opined, had given the quietus to traditional Indian soci- ety. The complex heritage of that terrible but scarcely evitable process continues to haunt the three nations of the subcontinent today, when...