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atomic bomb

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Journal Article
Radical History Review (1999) 1999 (75): 92–108.
Published: 01 October 1999
...Daniel Seltz Copyright © 1999 by MARHO: The Radical Historians' Organization, Inc. 1999 Remembering the War and the Atomic Bombs: New Museums, New Approaches Daniel Seltz Since the end of World War 11, the Japanese public has...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2017) 2017 (127): 149–172.
Published: 01 January 2017
... collective scientific energies to be applied to war and environmental destruction, rather than to the public good. In the shadow of the still-blazing light of the atomic bomb, and with increasing concern over chemical and biological weapons as well as an emerging environmental crisis, science needed to take...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1986) 1986 (36): 9–25.
Published: 01 October 1986
.... These alternatives were quickly rejected as ”risky” (if warned, the Japanese might move American prisoners of war into the target area, the bomb might be a “dud”) or insufficiently demonstrative of the full destructive HORRORS -THEIRS AND OURS 11 power of atomic weapons...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1999) 1999 (75): 131–147.
Published: 01 October 1999
... similarly. Three years later, with Hitler dead and the Nazis defeated, President Harry Truman would be faced with a comparably weighty decision. Although, on some level, he understood that dropping atomic bombs on Japan would initiate a process that might one day result in ending life...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1986) 1986 (34): 101–104.
Published: 01 January 1986
... Hiroshima,” the exhibit has as its central focus two atomic bomb casings, representing “Little Boy” and ”Fat Man,” the uranium and plutonium bombs dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War 11. Supporting ma- terials include photographs of destruction in both cities...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2000) 2000 (76): 212–222.
Published: 01 January 2000
... and possibly 216/RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW avoidable tragedies, including the attack on Pearl Harbor and the atomic bombing of Japan. Groups use historical assumptions and perceptions of the enemy for a wide range of purposes. In the course, we make a distinction between propaganda and advocacy...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1995) 1995 (62): 268–272.
Published: 01 May 1995
... (28 January 1995), it appears that the Smithsonian is about to cave into pressure from veterans‘ groups and conserva- tive congressmen and drastically scale back its planned exhibit on the Atomic Bomb and the end of World War 11, which the vets had 272/RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW charged...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2022) 2022 (142): 37–56.
Published: 01 January 2022
... about the novel H-bomb that the American government had hitherto kept secret ( Lapp, Voyage of the Lucky Dragon ). For more on the Japanese response to American atomic power in the wake of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, see, for instance, Yoneyama, Hiroshima Traces . 29. Oakland Tribune , “H-Bomb...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1987) 1987 (39): 164–170.
Published: 01 October 1987
... Given the limited amount of space available, I identified three goals for the exhibit. The first was to provide in outline form a context for understanding the nature of the enterprise that led to the atomic bomb- what was the money spent for? The second was to give a capsule ex- planation...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1995) 1995 (63): 87–109.
Published: 01 October 1995
... of strategic bombing in World War I1 and the advent of atomic weapons would have made deterrence a major concern of U.S. strategists even if there had been no Cold War. Strategic bombing uses air power to punish or to hurt, to undermine the opponent’s will and war production, rather than to defeat...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1990) 1990 (48): 177–181.
Published: 01 October 1990
... bomb and the atom bomb than between the atom bomb and conventional explosives This was a more enlightened view than that espoused by Ike, who had stated that nuclear weapons were ".just the latest conventional weapons." Churchiu's belief in the need for a summit and his attendance at it made...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1995) 1995 (63): 171–173.
Published: 01 October 1995
... America since World War II? What was the impact of the experience of the atom bomb project on America’s scientists, politicians, and the public? And why are there disputes among experts? In this class, we will examine the changing relationship between scientists, pol- icy makers, and the public...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2005) 2005 (91): 110–116.
Published: 01 January 2005
... the imperial government’s aggressive and coercive policies and of the U.S. decision to drop atomic bombs, killing tens of thousands of citizens in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The anti–nuclear bomb movement had been widespread in Japan, but its mentality had been that of victim. However, some...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1991) 1991 (50): 244–249.
Published: 01 May 1991
... for auction what it advertised as the navigator’s log for the Enola 246/RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW Gay, the B-29 whose crew dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. Expected bids ranged from $lOO,OOO to $150,000 (roughly $1 per casualty), but, as it turned out, no bids were offered. It seems...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1985) 1985 (33): 139–154.
Published: 01 May 1985
... as vital to U.S. security inter- ests in the Pacific. In an important essay, Mark Paul shows how the atomic bomb played a major role in undermining the trusteeship plans for Korea among American policy maker In spite of urgings by Stalin at the July 1945 Potsdam confer- ence...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1994) 1994 (59): 195–199.
Published: 01 May 1994
... rather than years). None of this is likely to happen very quickly. Georgi's plan to put the park on the site of an the army camp at which Erich Honecker had a secret atomic bomb shelter has run into local opposition. Paul Alesius, the Mayor of Prenden, where the camp is located, is mobilizing...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (1993) 1993 (57): 274–278.
Published: 01 October 1993
...- tory textbooks had noted that the Korean War had been "easily settled when President Truman dropped the atomic bomb. What is even more impressive is that the Texas Education Agency had selected Holt's text for statewide adoption. The president of Holt's school division admitted that 'We...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2006) 2006 (94): 261–264.
Published: 01 January 2006
... in what remains the bloodiest battle in Marine Corps history. (On the other side, some 22,000 Japanese soldiers had chosen to die rather than surrender.) It was to avoid American sacrifices of this magnitude, Americans were later told, that the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2001) 2001 (79): 173–202.
Published: 01 January 2001
... back its planned exhibit on the Atomic Bomb and the end of World War II, which the vets had charged was too sym- pathetic to the Japanese. Veterans’ groups had already won dramatic revisions in the exhibit script, but the election of the Republican...
Journal Article
Radical History Review (2017) 2017 (127): 63–85.
Published: 01 January 2017
.... © 2017 by MARHO: The Radical Historians' Organization, Inc. 2017 colonial postcolonial science medicine postcolonial theory References Abraham Itty . 1999 . The Making of the Indian Atomic Bomb: Science, Secrecy, and the Postcolonial State . London : Zed Books...