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Journal Article
Qui Parle (2010) 19 (1): 89–106.
Published: 01 June 2010
...Nathan Brown Copyright © 2010 Qui Parle 2010 Absent Blue Wax (Rationalist Empiricism) nathan brown Very well then; just this once let us give [the mind] a completely free rein, so that after a while, when it is time to tighten the reins, it may more readily submit to being...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2010) 19 (1): 221–223.
Published: 01 June 2010
... materialist poetics; Absent Blue Wax (Rational- ist Empiricism) considers the resurgence of rationalism in contemporary French philosophy in relation to various “radical empiricisms.” His arti- cles on contemporary philosophy and experimental poetry have appeared in Radical Philosophy, Parallax, How2...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2006) 16 (1): 1–45.
Published: 01 June 2006
... life that posed questions to the stars and the meteors, and where a cosmological bestiary drove the festivals that Florentine nobles offered to them- selves and to their citizens. This was coupled with the remains of a popular paganism, quite present in the wax votives...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2014) 22 (2): 69–99.
Published: 01 December 2014
..., di- oramas, panoramas, fl ip books, wax museums, or toys that de- pended on the persistence of vision. British scientist Charles Wheatstone patented the fi rst modern stereoscope in 1838. In 1851, at the Great Exhibition held in the Crystal Palace, Brewster presented Queen...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2014) 23 (1): 77–107.
Published: 01 June 2014
... of the sirens without succumbing to it, while he orders the rest of the crew to put wax in their ears.22 In a very similar way, Buchanan hopes to have Leviathan (a term that has much more negative connotations in his usage than in Hobbes’s) rein itself in through rules it gives itself and is obliged...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2024) 33 (2): 263–323.
Published: 01 December 2024
... community’s death sentence: “Crucify him.” Mantegna artfully abbreviates the inscription and paints creases onto the cartellini , further emphasizing their materiality. The red color at their upper edges indicates wax for attachment to the surface of the picture. Mantegna uses the same trompe-l’oeil...
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Journal Article
Qui Parle (2018) 27 (1): 1–19.
Published: 01 June 2018
... of expression in Deleuze’s two-volume study of the cinema. Such a presence is not uniform: it waxes and wanes, appears and disappears, throughout the text. Its modalities of appearance and disappearance as well as its usage, however, are remarkably consistent and coherent. First, for the most part, whenever...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2018) 27 (1): 77–98.
Published: 01 June 2018
... practices. To authenticate, one possessed a distinctive and recognized seal (a piece of metal carved with heraldic animals or coats of arms and an inscription referring to the seal’s owner). The metal seal was pressed against hot wax, and the seal impression was attached to a document. Depending...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2012) 21 (1): 85–105.
Published: 01 June 2012
... reaching the brain? The solution to these quandaries, according to Perrault, could lie only in the rejection of Descartes’ wax-seal theory of sensation. Or put differently, instead of fi guring the body as a robot, a “new system” would have to assume the existence of “interior senses” that func...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2023) 32 (2): 369–394.
Published: 01 December 2023
... out of myself, out of the peaceful, obedient self who wanted no more than to do her father’s will and wax fat and full of days. ( HC , 128) These horsemen return us to Kafka in more ways than one, but maybe most pertinently by pointing to the colonial predicament I alluded to at the outset...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2012) 20 (2): 225–248.
Published: 01 December 2012
... and the future are exactly like the present. Bergson waxed poetic about how life is in a constant state of fl ux, in which past, present, and future can be differenti- ated, though not sliced apart. George Herbert Mead understood this well in his interpretation of Bergson...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2016) 24 (2): 15–43.
Published: 01 December 2016
.... The question of when it does and doesn’t matter who might be looking in what way itself waxes and wanes in signifi cance. Likewise, there are both montage sequences and fl uid sequences; the editing is not par- ticularly predictable. So in what sense are the Port of Yokohama and the outskirts of Abashiri...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2009) 18 (1): 181–210.
Published: 01 June 2009
... of metaphysics, still so tenaciously present in the image of Descartes approaching the fi re, denuding the ball of wax of its qualities. . . . This hits on what, ultimately, I’m contrasting: against the “saying something” of the Greeks, the “saying in accordance” of the Taoists...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2011) 19 (2): 163–190.
Published: 01 December 2011
... Harman, Prince of Net- works: Bruno Latour and Metaphysics (Melbourne: re.press, 2009), 15–16, 18–19, 27–28, 35, 75–77, 111–12, 124–26, 135, 137–38, 144–49, 206–7, 210, 215–16 (hereafter cited as PN). 7. See Nathan Brown, “Absent Blue Wax (Rationalist Empiricism...