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Journal Article
Qui Parle (2007) 16 (2): 73–96.
Published: 01 December 2007
...Ariella Azoulay Copyright © 2007 Qui Parle 2007 THE TRADITION OF THE OPPRESSED Ariella Azoulay Benjamin is one of the rare philosophers whose writing emerges from the visual. Most of his writings, including those that do not deal directly with visuality, retain...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2017) 26 (1): 195–218.
Published: 01 June 2017
...Basit Kareem Iqbal In this interview, completed in November 2016, the anthropologist Talal Asad (b. 1933) reviews methodological and theoretical questions that continue to animate his work. The conversation is framed by his concept of tradition and touches on themes of temporality and sovereignty...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2021) 30 (1): 19–49.
Published: 01 June 2021
...Aaron Frederick Eldridge Abstract How does tradition, a transmission of body and language, disclose a form of life? This article takes as its point of departure Talal Asad’s methodological pivot away from the modern concept of “belief” to Ludwig Wittgenstein’s concept of “form of life...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2019) 28 (1): 1–75.
Published: 01 June 2019
.... This article argues that preoccupation with influence inscribes an a priori ontology that already separates the past from the present. This makes it difficult to understand the relation between temporality and a form of life in a discursive tradition, as the question of influence grounds the ostensive...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (2): 189–229.
Published: 01 December 2022
... reveals two rival traditions of reading the visual: the first involves what might be described, following Matalon, as a certain “intending toward” the photograph—a colonial reading practice through which a subject converts her absence from the photographic moment into a visionary, intentional presence...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2020) 29 (1): 65–94.
Published: 01 June 2020
...Bruno Penteado Abstract Recent developments in literary studies that can be grouped under the umbrella term postcritique purport to restore, in our disciplinary practices, attention to affect, pleasure, and attachment, which postcritics believe the critical tradition has silenced and neglected...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2017) 26 (1): 61–77.
Published: 01 June 2017
...Christopher Fynsk This essay addresses Jacques Rancière’s attempt to critique notions of resistance invoked by Jean-François Lyotard and Gilles Deleuze. It focuses in particular on Rancière’s efforts to contain Deleuze within a shallow account of the aesthetic tradition of the past two centuries...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2018) 27 (1): 47–76.
Published: 01 June 2018
... is needed for two reasons. First, the “philosophy of movement” does not have an obviously recognizable tradition or existing body of literature in the way that the philosophies of space, eternal forms, force, and time do. Motion is a traditionally marginalized ontological category. Thus this essay...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2019) 28 (2): 219–240.
Published: 01 December 2019
... subjects. However, Makumbi’s novel, while defying traditional diasporic narrative structures by focusing on diaspora within East Africa, specifically Gandaland and Uganda, and by rejecting fixed hierarchies of relations for horizontal ones, in which all Black subjects are equally knowing and unknowing...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2018) 27 (1): 77–98.
Published: 01 June 2018
..., not in a messianic mode but in the temporal mode of biopolitical bare life? What is the temporal structure of precarious life? Furthermore, how does this Ashkenazi figural tradition of animal-headed Jews point to forms of resistance to the biopolitics of medieval Christendom? How is messianic theory now...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2024) 33 (2): 263–323.
Published: 01 December 2024
... depicts the Jews with such crowns while they hold Jesus in their hands, Mantegna invents a cunning way to invert the accusers and the accused and embeds a hitherto unexplored, anti-Jewish statement. The article traces the development of the visual tradition of the ostracization of Jews in the late...
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Journal Article
Qui Parle (2009) 17 (2): 1–30.
Published: 01 December 2009
... paradigms in anthropology. Critiquing the textualization of social life, his work has redirected analysis away from the interpretation of behaviors and toward inquiry into the relation of practices to what he has termed a “discursive tradition.” Asad introduced this concept in making...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2020) 29 (1): 179–202.
Published: 01 June 2020
... all the time,” Hussein Ali Agrama writes in his introduction to Questioning Secularism , “but it does not follow that all such appeals are therefore traditional.” 1 This appeal to past authority is quite noticeable, Agrama tells us, in modern law, with its references to earlier precedents...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2011) 20 (1): 207–218.
Published: 01 June 2011
... and theater traditions of India become destitute, lumi- nous poets and exponents of culture made a deliberate attempt to link them with Indian nationalism, inaugurating a period of cultural renaissance in the early twentieth century. They laid emphasis on Indians rediscovering themselves in terms...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2004) 15 (1): 97–114.
Published: 01 June 2004
... his attention notably includes Holderlin and Heine, Adorno retains his most passionate exegeses of poetic language for the conserva- tive, restorative poets: George is defended against his circle; Eich- endorff against the tradition; and Borchardt against the student movement. Particularly...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2008) 17 (1): 3–40.
Published: 01 June 2008
...- Skafish: Thinking Alterity, Reprise 5 alism, and machine technology—that have for a long time crushed and split underneath themselves the many languages, forms of life, religions, and discursive-intellectual traditions that are recalcitrant to it, the existential crises and madness that too often...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2006) 16 (1): 71–94.
Published: 01 June 2006
... formulations without abdicating a world in which the alternative projects of modernity would become objects of study and reflection. This would enable us to theorize the need for a 74 JOSE RABASA space — an elsewhere — in which Greco-Abrahamic forms and linguistic traditions...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2023) 32 (1): 41–74.
Published: 01 June 2023
... of the Enlightenment , 31 . 28. Kant, Critique of Judgment , 258 . 29. I use this word sparingly throughout this essay because it can refer to too many traditions that have little in common. Specifically, it conflates universal history of the Hegelian and Marxist variety with the more typically German...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2015) 24 (1): 161–172.
Published: 01 June 2015
... nor from Aristotle (nor even from Heraclitus) but from a Neo- platonist tradition inaugurated by Plotinus and more or less coming into its own with Nicholas of Cusa. The focus of the second section, “History,” is the medieval as an economically premodern reality: for Cole...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2001) 12 (2): 1–14.
Published: 01 December 2001
... who have weighed in the balance the present possibilities of their work with the claims to innovation of earlier periods, particularly the generation of poets and critics immediately preceding theirs. Committed both to innovation and its historical tradition, what po- sition do they find...