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Journal Article
Qui Parle (2023) 32 (2): 395–428.
Published: 01 December 2023
...Thomas Waller Abstract This article critically compares two recent approaches to the problem of aesthetic autonomy: Dave Beech’s Art and Value and Nicholas Brown’s Autonomy . By recentering the differences between these critics’ works around Marx’s categories of subsumption, it evaluates...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2023) 32 (1): 163–197.
Published: 01 June 2023
... of labor, the film could hence be aligned with perspectives such as those developed by George Caffentzis, Massimiliano Tomba, and Harry Harootunian, which reinstate the continuing relevance of formal subsumption in the contemporary world, as the expansive logic of capitalism extracts value from an exterior...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2023) 32 (1): 245–266.
Published: 01 June 2023
... of the coconstitutive relationship of the market to sites of production by the mid-twentieth century. The problem of social subsumption itself will arise later in the essay. For us, what matters is the issue of perception and articulation, those concerns that preoccupy culture. Sohn-Rethel’s insistence that market...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2023) 32 (1): 267–283.
Published: 01 June 2023
.... A core aim of Nichols’s book is therefore to facilitate the “conceptual translation of the terms of Indigenous critique” into the language of more canonical critical theory while avoiding its straightforward subsumption by that tradition ( TIP , 12). Nichols undertakes the bulk of this work...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2013) 21 (2): 157–167.
Published: 01 December 2013
... effects that explain the decline of ethics: (1) ethics as subsump- tion of the individual to the rule; (2) a subsumption that has as its counterpart the thoroughly relative transcendence, subject to 160 qui parle spring/summer 2013 vol.21, no.2 accidents and becomings, of the rule...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2009) 18 (1): 111–180.
Published: 01 June 2009
...: a true “subsumption”: katargéin) is the creative genius of the formulation—for the new “messianic” community— of a diagnostic and a political strategy that this community would follow within the conjunctural “situation” of the Empire and against various Jewish groups, giving the expansive...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2023) 32 (1): 285–300.
Published: 01 June 2023
... writes: “Historical socialism is exactly that ‘outside’ from which one can see how the aberrations and fallacies in the critique of capitalist subsumption are overlooked by the token of their own entanglement in the logic of capital” ( PG , 21). In other words, the Soviet socialist experience serves...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2023) 32 (1): 1–39.
Published: 01 June 2023
... of the body of cultural theory this special issue seeks to distance itself from. 14 Subtending Negri’s move from dialectics to ontology is an argument about the “real subsumption” of all areas of life to capital. In both the capitalist and state socialist worlds, so the argument goes, people...
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Journal Article
Qui Parle (2015) 23 (2): 55–87.
Published: 01 December 2015
... in the self and the absolute foreignness of the other and nurtures an impersonal ethics of nonrecognition: a mode of relat- ing that resists the violent, intersubjective subsumption of self into other, other into self.9 A relation forged through a mediating force that both binds and separates...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (1): 143–158.
Published: 01 June 2022
... of freedom to Blacks “provides the condition of possibility for kidnapping,” this denial also provides the condition of impossibility for Barney’s nonabduction. The Black abductee’s “subsumption by objective vertigo . . . unique to his paradigmatic position” prevents his account from registering...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2010) 19 (1): 89–106.
Published: 01 June 2010
... of ideas as virtual multiplicities is not yet fully operative in Deleuze’s philosophical itinerary.14 In Differ- ence and Repetition, just as Descartes’ expulsion of time from the constitution of the subject marks the subsumption of his philoso- phy by the fi gure of identity, his presumption...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2024) 33 (2): 363–384.
Published: 01 December 2024
..., kinetic entity. Less clear is why publishing and conglomeration sit at exactly the right scale, why this “single history” of publishing should be the site of subsumption, occupying the golden mean between studies of particular texts or genres, on one hand, and theories of history, on the other. So...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2024) 33 (2): 237–262.
Published: 01 December 2024
... production and their systemic self-sufficiency as a condition that has no exit or exterior. They acknowledge the genetic dependence of a capitalist commodity on various modes of capitalist subsumption. However, the trans-structural nuances surpassing capitalism’s axiomatics reside for them not in the genesis...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2015) 23 (2): 135–160.
Published: 01 December 2015
... through the discrepant subsumption and surplussing of life— that is, in this arguably different moment of empire, in which globopolitical “citizenship” depends less on any particular normative national culture (not even imperial US culture) than on valorizable life (a calculus of social values...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2019) 28 (2): 307–333.
Published: 01 December 2019
... possible (“the people itself will perhaps be its own Messiah”) disrupts the linearity of the past by suggesting a hitherto unrealized possibility of redemption but is yet not beyond the prior event that makes it possible. Eugene O’Brien suggests that Pearse’s subsumption of a revolutionary past “involved...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2023) 32 (1): 199–243.
Published: 01 June 2023
... It is the supposed subsumption of slavery into the formal freedom of labor that enables Marx to see, on the one hand, the oikos as the site for emancipation, and on the other, capacity as a determinate negation to be leveraged. And it is the form-determination of women by the household that is set up to most...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2001) 12 (2): 57–105.
Published: 01 December 2001
... is of course that of the fantastic in art, where what cannot happen does. In raising the question of what constitutes a valid subsumption of work(s) to genre(s), Adorno is making his way towards a distinction between a specifically modern stance toward empirical reality...