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Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (2): 297–304.
Published: 01 December 2022
...-appearing. We are always already there at each instant. This is not an innovation—but the stage must be reinvented; we must reinvent it each time, each time making our entrance anew. Jean-Luc Nancy, Being Singular Plural To speak of life, of life in the context of death, is to speak of too little...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (2): 345–372.
Published: 01 December 2022
...Kevin Inston Abstract This article stages a dialogue between Jean-Luc Nancy’s postphenomenology and Sara Ahmed’s queer phenomenology to examine the conditions, ethos, and politics of world creation as well as the habits, obstacles, and inequalities that resist it. It argues that Nancy’s...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (2): 309–318.
Published: 01 December 2022
...Divya Dwivedi Abstract Jean-Luc Nancy was concerned with commencement at several levels, of several kinds, in several senses, because he could speak of commencement with affirmation, which means with audacity. From the hospital in July 2021 he completed his last essay, which was intended...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2014) 22 (2): 123–145.
Published: 01 December 2014
...Martin Crowley Copyright © 2014 Qui Parle 2014 Being Beyond Politics, with Jean-Luc Nancy martin crowley The work of Jean- Luc Nancy is consistently drawn to the site of an almost- encounter, to a line at once decisive and ever mobile. Writ- ing on fi lm, nuclear disaster...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (2): 319–328.
Published: 01 December 2022
...Ian James Abstract This article gives a personal recollection of discussions with Jean-Luc Nancy and offers a reflection on these together with a philosophical analysis of texts written by him that were published in 2020 in the volume La peau fragile du monde ( The Fragile Skin of the World...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (2): 305–307.
Published: 01 December 2022
...Jean-Luc Nancy; Patrick Lyons Abstract Jean-Luc Nancy published four times in Qui Parle during his lifetime: once in 1987, once in 1989, and twice in 2017. “Under Construction: Interventions” marks the first English translation of his first publication in this journal, in its second-ever issue...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (2): 387–401.
Published: 01 December 2022
...Phillip Warnell; Jean-Luc Nancy Abstract This is a creative dialogue between artist-filmmaker Phillip Warnell and author-philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy. It explores, among other things, their film, text, and research collaborations spanning more than a decade. jln: I was thinking of Joyce Carol...
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Journal Article
Qui Parle (2017) 26 (1): 5–18.
Published: 01 June 2017
...Jean-Luc Nancy If critique supposes the possession of a criterion that allows us to discriminate between true and false or between good and evil, it is no longer certain that our culture possesses such a criterion. As such, the idea of critique now finds itself in crisis. References Artaud...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (2): 329–338.
Published: 01 December 2022
...François Raffoul Abstract In his ontology of the singular plural, Jean-Luc Nancy makes the claim that nothing preexists the event of being: no principle, arche , or prior substance. With such a statement, a thinking of the event emerges: not preceded by any principle or ground, and no longer...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (2): 373–385.
Published: 01 December 2022
...Joseph Albernaz Abstract This text on Jean-Luc Nancy engages his interest in the motif of departure to reexamine and register the importance of some of his central contributions. Along with returning to Nancy’s singular rendering of key concepts like finitude, sharing, communism, and resurrection...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (2): 339–344.
Published: 01 December 2022
...Shaj Mohan Abstract Deconstruction was the beginning of a disassembly of metaphysics that now proceeds toward anastasis through the openings created by Jean-Luc Nancy. Deconstruction remained classical in the sense of its reliance on classical laws of thought, of which it remained the self-critique...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2012) 21 (1): 3–69.
Published: 01 June 2012
... eld of sound studies is strongly marked by three books that all claim to take their subjects by the throat, by tack- ling the problem of “hearing voices” head-on: Jean-Luc Nancy’s À l’écoute (2002, Listening), Mladen Dolar’s A Voice and Nothing More (2006), and Adriana Cavarero’s A più voci...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2017) 26 (1): 101–142.
Published: 01 June 2017
... in the company of these others. Thus I was immediately prompted, having not so long ago led a workshop on Jean-Luc Nancy’s little book on books and bookstores ( On the Commerce of Thinking ), to think about Shaan’s invitation and the community that it sought to create not simply around but as an extension...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2007) 16 (2): 151–154.
Published: 01 December 2007
..., Beverley Bie Brahic, trans. (NY: Columbia University Press, 2006). Jacques Derrida, On Touching — Jean-Luc Nancy, Christine Irizarry, trans. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005). Jacques Derrida, Paper Machine, Rachel Bowlby, trans...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2023) 32 (2): 369–394.
Published: 01 December 2023
... . Malabou Catherine . “ Contagion: State of Exception or Erotic Excess? Agamben, Nancy, and Bataille .” Crisis and Critique 7 , no. 3 ( 2020 ): 220 – 27 . Malabou Catherine . “ To Quarantine from Quarantine: Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe, and ‘I.’ ” Critical Inquiry Blog , March 23 , 2020...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2012) 21 (1): 71–83.
Published: 01 June 2012
... of deferral and of the infi nite proliferation of signs—paradoxically criticizes metaphysical logocentrism as phonocentric (Voice and Phenomenon; Of Grammatology). Although Nancy would revoke this thesis (Nancy 2002), albeit with Derridean arguments and in the name of sound rather than voice, Derrida’s...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2019) 28 (2): 419–420.
Published: 01 December 2019
... . Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press , 2018 . Jackson Michael . The Varieties of Temporal Experience: Travels in Philosophical, Historical, and Ethnographic Time . New York : Columbia University Press , 2018 . James Ian . The Technique of Thought: Nancy, Laruelle, Malabou...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2018) 27 (1): 157–197.
Published: 01 June 2018
... derives from the participation of this scene in the myth of myth telling itself. As Jean-Luc Nancy has made plain, the very definition of myths as such occurs within a greater framing myth of “a group of people gathered together, with someone telling them a story,” 25 which is the “story...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2008) 17 (1): 147–173.
Published: 01 June 2008
...- creteness, nothing other but the point of the subject. Jean-Luc Nancy In this essay I wish to explore the relationship between angst and abandonment (Gelassenheit) in the speculative mystic thought that harks back to Meister Eckhart, comes to fruition in the experi- ence of baroque...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2008) 17 (1): 225.
Published: 01 June 2008
..., and Nancy (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007). Lauren M. E. Goodlad and Michael Bibby, eds., Goth: Undead Subculture (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007). Sara Guyer, Romanticism after Auschwitz (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007). Alphonso Lingis. The First...