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Journal Article
Qui Parle (2021) 30 (1): 215–216.
Published: 01 June 2021
... breathe, and my breath holds time. Even if time feels at once dilated and homogeneous, my lungs expand and collapse. Reading this sealed in my room in October, with my overworked air purifier on full blast as the smoke swirled outside, I longed to be able to open up my tired old second-floor window...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2021) 30 (1): 209–210.
Published: 01 June 2021
... increasing wildfires and unbreathable air, and the brutal policing of Black American life. The short meditations in this dossier, from academics in various fields as well as creative writers, are responses to our current moment’s heightened awareness of the complexities of one of the most fundamental...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2017) 26 (2): 513–518.
Published: 01 December 2017
... that evaporates from the juice of vegetable skins enriched with the fat of melting meat. Multicolored vomit. Week by week, it gets imperceptibly worse. At one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, there’s an amniotic pause. In the bath of the air, one can no longer feel one’s limits. The truce doesn’t last long...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2018) 27 (1): 121–155.
Published: 01 June 2018
... explicitly rude or does anything overtly hostile, and yet it might be quite palpable that someone is unwelcome. The difficulty of recognizing the effect of atmospheres seems related to the term’s ambiguous ontology: it is difficult for what is in the air to attain the status of evidence because it only...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2013) 21 (2): 27–59.
Published: 01 December 2013
... side of the split running down the middle of the two- fold layout before you have an air of symmetry with those arrayed on the other side. It’s a little as though the two like surfaces refl ected each other, or as if the groove between them were a mirror. The two panels...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2021) 30 (1): 211–213.
Published: 01 June 2021
... Valley, where microprocessors are born, filter and recirculate air to mitigate dust’s impact on chips. Yet the humans who work in those rooms, disproportionately women and ethnic minorities, suffer higher rates of cancer, aneurysms, and birth defects due to their proximity to toxic gas. 2 Of course...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2021) 30 (1): 219–221.
Published: 01 June 2021
... books he had acquired in the People’s Republic of China during a medical botany research trip. Nothing was upturned, my dad recalled. The air was only made strange by the presence of unknown parties. Decades later the strange air loomed again. He couldn’t breathe indoors—his apartment felt too...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2016) 24 (2): 137–149.
Published: 01 December 2016
... of those who hold the power of organizing our fears. This is also to lift up one’s de- sire. To take it— and with it one’s expansive joy— in order to throw it in the air, in such a way that it disperses through the space that we breathe, the space of others, the space of the public...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2011) 19 (2): 253–257.
Published: 01 December 2011
... have noticed that they were intermediate creatures not between gods (just and demonic) and man but among the women and men he saw daily and all the insects and bats and birds of the air, fi shes and mammals of the sea...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2012) 21 (1): 107–149.
Published: 01 June 2012
.... Assembled by Homer Dudley at AT&T’s Bell Laboratories in the 1920s, this machine promised to remake speech, to make communication through wire or air more effi cient by compressing, coding, and ultimately re-synthesizing the voice. While electronic musicians have in turn remade and re- mixed...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2013) 21 (2): 69–100.
Published: 01 December 2013
... a sinister resonance, a tonality of its own, a continued vibration that, I hoped, would hang in the air and dwell on the ear long after the last note had been struck” (Y, xi). This description of Marlow represents one of the most provoca- tive yet ignored theories of modernist narrativity. It elides...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (1): 27–35.
Published: 01 June 2022
....    Impenetrable.    Tossed in the air,        rising and falling down her body         swaying her like a reed,        unable to feel        unable to sigh        unable to turn or respond.        Wet with rain        pouring endlessly on skin        opening her pores like passages        —where...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2008) 17 (1): 147–173.
Published: 01 June 2008
... of radical rebellion, Jesus Christ appeared to me clearly in the air, I saw his taille, his face, his clothes, his manteau was red, and his face was so full of wrath that there was no force capable of holding it. . . . This gave me so much fright that I wondered why I did not die. Then I...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2022) 31 (1): 7–26.
Published: 01 June 2022
... who moored his boat on the banks of the Yellow River. He saw withered bones on the shore, so he tossed some food over. A moment later he heard, out of thin air, the sound of embarrassed thanks and was also presented with this poem. 開元六年。有人泊舟于河湄者。見岸邊枯骨,因投食而與之。俄聞空中愧謝,幷贈此詩。 I was originally...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2024) 33 (2): 325–346.
Published: 01 December 2024
... of the magnetic waves you offered to hold them. Time and again your readers fell with a thud, splattered onto the hard cement beneath their feet. Your editors felt an urgent responsibility to point out the air you floated on. Herman Gollob, the editor in chief of Atheneum publishers mailed back your manuscript...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2003) 13 (2): 19–51.
Published: 01 December 2003
... the presence of Takiguchi himself, are in the air" in postwar Japan and are implicit in the work of many later artists, including butoh dancers.12 Citing Takiguchi's 1931 critical/poetic essay "Shi to jitsuzai" [Poetry and Actuality], Hijikata comments on his idea of the poetic act, a conception which...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2019) 28 (2): 335–352.
Published: 01 December 2019
...? State violence; corporate air pollution; the vehicle emissions that are right now being loosed at federal and state levels by politicians who don’t believe we have changed the climate; a culture of sexual violence. Many factors make this world unbreathable for me. And yet. Who are our relatives...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2019) 28 (1): 77–102.
Published: 01 June 2019
... come to an end, it will be as a residue rather than a result, as a trace of the past or a testament to the inertness of the present rather than the foundation of a future. More a side effect than an effect, much less a cause, dust is always in the air but never “in the air.” There is always dust...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2011) 19 (2): 117–120.
Published: 01 December 2011
... and post- fl edgling cares head switches and grappling in the air snapping the bill white on dark outers yellow as yellow fl owers held in place with fi ne grasses, soft inner bark, plant-down & animal hair wrapped in spider’s web an open cup woven of leaf skeleton coats...
Journal Article
Qui Parle (2011) 19 (2): 159–161.
Published: 01 December 2011
... essence jumping. It is capable of adapting to being seized and still keep hands or legs, neither sacrifi cing them like a starfi sh, nor allowing them to be controlled. Progress is made when the parashute arrives in the pancake position and fi lls its lungs with air in order to subsequently...