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Submission Guidelines

QTR accepts academic articles and original creative work for the journal; on our website we feature supplemental materials (e.g., images and sound recordings) for journal articles as well as original creative works in audio and visual media.

Written work should be 7,000–9,000 words in length; articles should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 150 words and 3–5 keywords. All submitted work must be anonymized. Submissions that do not meet these criteria will be returned for correction.

Creative work:
Creative work, whether audio or video, should be submitted with an artist’s statement of at least 200 words. Lower-resolution images are acceptable for the review process.

We prioritize unpublished work but will consider previously published submissions. Please indicate in your submission the details of prior publication. If selected, creators are responsible for securing permission for reprinting.

When submitting, please detail any publication, exhibitions, or social media venues including personal blogs, websites and online portfolios where the work appears. Avoid recycling works that appear in comparable publications or multiple venues. QTR is open to work published on personal blogs, portfolios, or social media platforms. QTR is open to revised works or works accompanied by new original material.

QTR uses The Chicago Manual of Style, seventeenth edition, as its main reference. When preparing an article for submission, please refer to the journal’s style guide.

Submit manuscripts and creative works via ScholarOne Manuscripts ( at Duke University Press.

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