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Published: 01 May 2021
figure 8 2015 public-health campaign image attributed to the World Health Organization. More
Journal Article
Public Culture (2020) 32 (1): 77–106.
Published: 01 January 2020
...Lisa Richaud; Ash Amin While previous studies have documented the trials of rural-to-urban migration in postreform China, little is known of the consequences of urban demolition and attendant uncertainty on migrant mental health. Exploring the affective and subjective dimensions of life lived...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2008) 20 (3): 467–477.
Published: 01 September 2008
...Georges Canguilhem If a definition of health were possible without reference to some explicit knowledge, where would we seek its foundation? In this essay Georges Canguilhem takes up this question within philosophy, science, and medicine, exposing the assumptions necessary for various notions...
Published: 01 May 2014
Figure 4 Reprinted from Anthony Costello et al., “Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change: Lancet and University College London Institute for Global Health Commission,” Lancet 373, no. 9676 (2009): 1693–1733, with permission from Elsevier. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii More
Journal Article
Public Culture (2023) 35 (3 (101)): 301–317.
Published: 01 September 2023
...Charis Thompson Abstract The World Health Organization (WHO), the body charged with implementing global pandemic response, figured heavily in the Republican and Democratic campaigns of the 2020 US presidential election. The contrast was stark: Donald Trump drew on and ramped up dissatisfaction...
Published: 01 January 2024
Figure 5 Maxwell Fry and Jane Drew, “A. Clothing, B. Health, C. Acclimatization.” Redrawn from Maxwell Fry and Jane Drew, Tropical Architecture in the Humid Zone (New York: Reinhold, 1956), 31. More
Journal Article
Public Culture (2023) 35 (3 (101)): 289–300.
Published: 01 September 2023
...Florence Jany-Catrice; Ilona Delouette; Amélie Lefebvre-Chombart; Laura Nirello Abstract This article analyzes the genesis and consolidation of the “statistical argument” (Desrosières 2008) of mortality during the pandemic. Public health data are approached from the perspective of “biopower” which...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2014) 26 (1 (72)): 101–126.
Published: 01 January 2014
... interventions gather momentum within affective economies that cater to naturalized orientations to children such as sympathy and compassion while obscuring the fiscal and opportunity costs of public health programs. By describing how emotionally invested parent advocates have marshaled affect within newborn...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2013) 25 (1 (69)): 115–141.
Published: 01 January 2013
... to hydrate their communities. Such demonization is paralleled by legal crackdowns and the deliberate destruction of improvised water infrastructure. The essay uses the Mumbai case study to reveal the costs of marginalizing the majority urban poor in global megacities: in public health, death rates...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2013) 25 (3 (71)): 523–550.
Published: 01 September 2013
... Side of Chicago, the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC) has attempted to stem the tide of un- and underinsured patients draining the hospital’s resources through a rhetoric of community and population health that could be rendered as a form both of research and of service. To do this, the UCMC...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2018) 30 (2): 269–276.
Published: 01 May 2018
... cultural shifts accompanied these medical debates and developments. Randomized controlled trials now dominate as an evidentiary form in tuberculosis control with implications for how global health efforts roll out across diverse cultural contexts. A pharmaceutical approach drives the international export...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2012) 24 (3 68): 457–464.
Published: 01 September 2012
..., it is better understood in terms of the fracture of a fragile alliance among virologists, public health experts, and biosecurity officials around the problem of pandemic preparedness. Copyright 2012 by Duke University Press 2012 forum...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2015) 27 (2 (76)): 213–219.
Published: 01 May 2015
...Theresa MacPhail This essay examines the “era of big data” through the lens of recent attempts at its application within the realm of public health. Arguing that debates about big data’s newness or usefulness are misplaced, I suggest that big data is less about finding solutions to complex social...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2015) 27 (3 (77)): 427–447.
Published: 01 September 2015
... in humanitarian practice. Drawing from ethnographic research with a Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders mental health project in the Burj al-Barajneh Palestinian refugee camp in the southern suburbs of Beirut, it argues that in conditions of chronic need, and in circumstances where it is nearly...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2010) 22 (2): 333–368.
Published: 01 May 2010
...Bishnupriya Ghosh The essay analyzes a 2002 anti-Coca Cola struggle in Plachimada, a village in South India, that mushroomed into a coalition of demands on resource extraction, health, and regulated foreign investments by 2004. The primary focus is on the expressive play with symbols necessary...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2016) 28 (2 (79)): 237–259.
Published: 01 May 2016
... in efforts to sustain the existence of nonhuman life in a setting of intense competition over a diminishing and essential resource? What forms of knowledge are developed to gauge the health of threatened species, and what techniques are used to regulate the provision of water in the name of species...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2023) 35 (3 (101)): 355–365.
Published: 01 September 2023
... and occupational health issues and the scientific expertise in the field of the regulation of chemicals. Downstream of these regulatory processes, the use of science‐based regulatory instruments implicitly steers regulatory policies in a direction that results in tolerance of certain risks (rendering them...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2021) 33 (2 (94)): 137–147.
Published: 01 May 2021
... the most vulnerable among us; they also shift responsibility for failing to prepare public‐health systems for a pandemic away from governments and onto the individual user struggling to contain its worst effects. In the process, contact‐tracing applications change the definition of failure. They also...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2005) 17 (3): 467–486.
Published: 01 September 2005
...Melanie Rock © 2005 by Duke University Press 2005 Melanie Rock is an assistant professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary. She also is affiliated with the Department of Anthropology and the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2015) 27 (2 (76)): 361–386.
Published: 01 May 2015
... to constructed origin points as they travel through global research and commodity networks. 2015 biomedicine genomic sovereignty global health property viral sovereignty Viruses and genomes have become the subjects of sovereign claims in contemporary biomedical research. At the peak of bird flu...