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Journal Article
Public Culture (2013) 25 (2 70): 223–232.
Published: 01 March 2013
...Cassim Shepard This essay traces the outlines of the incremental tradition in architecture and urban planning in order to argue for its resonance with an interpretive — as opposed to strictly interventionist — mode of urbanism that benefits from a revaluation of concepts including fragment, essence...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2013) 25 (1 (69)): 85–114.
Published: 01 January 2013
... of urbanization. Several conceptual distinctions — between categories of practice and categories of analysis, nominal essences and constitutive essences, and concentrated and extended urbanization — are proposed to inform possible future mappings of the planetary urban condition. References Abu-Lughod...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1994) 6 (2): 425–437.
Published: 01 May 1994
... bourgeoisie’s reaction to Sakhi, a bat- tered women’s organization in New York City, to illustrate the relationship be- tween the bourgeoisie’s desire to remain an unnamed model minority through the deployment of a unified “Indian essence” and the need to have unsullied...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2006) 18 (2): 301–321.
Published: 01 May 2006
... apart, that which is inessential to life together. In the very same gesture, however, religion is also understood as an aspiration or sensibility that all humans share, as something that has a core or essence irreducible to other domains of knowledge. Behind Kant’s essay, then, stand several...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1992) 5 (1): 19–44.
Published: 01 January 1992
... be confused with a Ministry of Cultural Affairs as it “seeks to promote and preserve Indian culture and her- itage and foster friendship and understanding between Indians and the peo- ple of North America.” The foresightedness of great leaders, who guard and propagate the essence of India, shines...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2004) 16 (3): 507–519.
Published: 01 September 2004
... the city was developed. Constitution Hill would need to be that kind of place, in the best possible way; the place to which you would come to experience the essence of Johannesburg and of South Africa; just like you go...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2002) 14 (3): 593–598.
Published: 01 September 2002
.... 1981 . Otherwise than being: or, Beyond essence [Autrement qu'être: ou,Au-delà de l'essence], translated by Alphonso Lingis. The Hague:M. Nijhoff. Mudimbe, V. Y. 1982 . L'odeur du père: Essais sur les limites de la science et de la vie en Afrique noire . Paris: Présence africaine. Nora...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1998) 10 (2): 249–283.
Published: 01 May 1998
... the redefining of the nation- space as a sacred space: the claim that the nation is, and ought to be, formed in the shape of a punyabhoo. This serves to invest a geographical space—the actual physical extent of the Indian nation—with a religious essence (the unanalysable relation of sacredness...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2008) 20 (3): 461–465.
Published: 01 September 2008
... essence superior to the other. It is argued that there is an essential kernel to secularism that must be preserved and defended from religious extremism and backwardness. For some, this is secularism’s sci- entific rationality; for others, it is secularism’s incipient objectivity; and for still...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2008) 20 (3): 447–452.
Published: 01 September 2008
... and a secular worldview. Despite this intense polarization, more reflective participants in this debate have tried to direct attention to how the religious and the secular are not so much immutable essences or opposed ideologies...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1994) 6 (3): 465–478.
Published: 01 September 1994
... as a potential long-term partner or husband with whom she can forge a lasting emotional tie. Instead, she approaches him with clearly defined parameters marked by her sense of the gaijin as Other; he is irreconcilably alien from and antithetical to her own essence as “Japanese.” This sense of the alien...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2002) 14 (3): 621–623.
Published: 01 September 2002
... what has led the discourse of Africanity to a dead end. One of Mbembe’s critical affirmations here is to say that authenticity is not to be understood as the reconstitution of one’s coincidence with one’s essence. Authen- ticity...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1997) 9 (3): 395–415.
Published: 01 September 1997
... opposed) essences in a way that is not all that different from the position of the traditionalist. Indeed, China is represented in his paintings only in terms of tradition, modernity being always placed outside of Chineseness. Because...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2008) 20 (1): 57–73.
Published: 01 January 2008
... of increasing open-endedness. Hybridization, the loss of original essence, does not imply the dissolution of boundaries of difference. While cri- tiquing an anti-Islamic sectarianism that associates Islam only with the voice of orthodoxy, secular histories need not underrate the power of this voice...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1993) 6 (1): 65–76.
Published: 01 January 1993
...- manism” more than once in his essay, and antihumanism is presented as antihu- man, almost. And yet, it is humanism as an ahistorical essence that is being rejected by these strands of thinking, not the notion of human beings as actors...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2002) 14 (3): 629–641.
Published: 01 September 2002
... of the continent but with its very essence: the morals and customs of its inhabitants, its genealogy, and, more generally, what might be called its cultural and symbolic attributes. In the process, a grammar is invented that would make explicit...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2015) 27 (3 (77)): 557–578.
Published: 01 September 2015
... is that in becoming something we only look at, animals have lost some of their essence. Animals no longer do any real work for most of us—we no longer depend on them for transportation, clothing, or labor. Real, live animals have even become invisible as sources of food, instead appearing as prepackaged, almost...
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Journal Article
Public Culture (2002) 14 (1): 239–273.
Published: 01 January 2002
... to be shared by all are derived from this identity, universal in essence. It is identical in each human subject because it has reason at its center. The exercise of reason endows individuals with not only liberty and autonomy, but 17. See Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Philosophy of History, trans...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2007) 19 (2): 233–237.
Published: 01 May 2007
..., that is, anything that always remains unlawful in essence, or, conversely, anything that by its very nature is unalterably a right and precedes every majority decision and must be respected by it.”4 However, the cardinal did not imply a rejection of democratic modernity, but rather (and again...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2003) 15 (3): 587–592.
Published: 01 September 2003
... that something does not change because that thing is anchored in the nature or essence of a particular people; to study the history of a region and to find no fundamental change in its mode of production over a period of time has nothing to do...