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Journal Article
Public Culture (1994) 7 (1): 195–223.
Published: 01 January 1994
.... Jennings , James . 1992. The Politics of Black Empowerment: The Transformation of Black Activism in Urban America. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Johnson Jr. James H. , and Melvin L. Oliver. 1990. “Economic Restructuring and Black Male Joblessness in U.S. Metropolitan Areas...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2012) 24 (2 (67)): 303–327.
Published: 01 May 2012
...William H. Sewell, Jr. Inspired by the current world economic crisis, this article attempts to assess the place of economic crises in the longer history of capitalism. Combining perspectives from Karl Marx, Joseph A. Schumpeter, Hyman Minsky, and Giovanni Arrighi, the article moves from crises...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1998) 10 (2): 417–424.
Published: 01 May 1998
...: Foucault's History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things . Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. Nationalism, Imperialism, Economism: A Comment on Habermas Timothy Mitchell TTo embark...
Published: 01 May 2020
Figure 8 Ideal-typic time series, left to right, showing nested Kondratieff (long), Juglar (intermediate), and Kitchin (short) economic cycles. Chart 1 from Schumpeter 1939. Compare figure 25, Pareto [1916] 1935. More
Journal Article
Public Culture (2009) 21 (2): 245–268.
Published: 01 May 2009
...Caitlin Zaloom Financial prediction provokes intense affect. For bond traders, hedge fund managers, and economic planners, both statistical reasoning and affective discomfort surround professional judgments about the future. This article argues that contemporary financial knowledge is organized...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2015) 27 (2 (76)): 331–359.
Published: 01 May 2015
...Sareeta Amrute This article discusses violence against women in cars in India, including the recent high-profile Delhi rape case, arguing that these cases should be set in the context of economic liberalization. The dynamic between women and their drivers should be understood as a labor...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2019) 31 (3): 447–468.
Published: 01 September 2019
... to establish a specific sociopolitical order; renders economically productive the differentiated and dynamic value of urban spaces and populations; and involves flexible, provisional interventions that anticipate failure and skirt the edges of the law. Speculative policing combines three future-oriented...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2016) 28 (1 (78)): 23–62.
Published: 01 January 2016
.... As such, both frames neglect the economic sphere. This article addresses this silence in the context of black politics. Specifically, we argue that a neoliberal racial order has emerged and that analyses of black politics must attend to the way racial divisions have become magnified in economic policies...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2011) 23 (3 (65)): 551–572.
Published: 01 September 2011
...Steve Spence Throughout the 1960s, global flows of both people and media images helped transform the imaginative possibilities open to the US civil rights movement’s leaders, its thousands of foot soldiers, and its opposition. A thickening network of social and economic linkages enabled...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2012) 24 (1 (66)): 9–45.
Published: 01 January 2012
... of Economics (where Saif Qaddafi also studied for a PhD and made a donation) were prominent. Libyan funds supported consultancies, visits, and training but, strikingly, not sustained, context-specific research. Both institutions were embarrassed when protests in Libya met with sharp repression and the country...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2013) 25 (1 (69)): 85–114.
Published: 01 January 2013
...Neil Brenner The urban has become a keyword of early twenty-first-century economic, political, and cultural discourse. But as its resonance has intensified in social science and in the public sphere, the conceptual and cartographic specificity of the urban has been severely blunted. Is there any...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2016) 28 (3 (80)): 541–561.
Published: 01 September 2016
... and in light of current issues, their conversation touches on topics such as how migration relates to political and economic processes, the continuously shifting landscape of global cities, and how complex systems change. 2016 capital cities globalization labor migration Shamus Khan (SK): I...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2014) 26 (1 (72)): 127–152.
Published: 01 January 2014
... to the Prince as a frame, the essay analyzes these strategies of rule as they were used by the United States government and by the Arab regimes in the context of the Arab uprisings of 2011. The essay contextualizes these strategies in the history of the Cold War, the rise of neoliberal economics...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2018) 30 (3): 441–464.
Published: 01 September 2018
... of traffic—from ideals of citizenship in automotive traffic, to neoliberal demands to economize time in industrial supply-chain provisioning, to efforts to establish sovereignty violently, as drug traffickers seem to—autonomous agency emerges as an object of desire, but one that is difficult to secure...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2019) 31 (3): 601–623.
Published: 01 September 2019
... Association of Chiefs of Police, police have advocated on their own behalf and interacted with larger political and economic trends. Separate from their role in crime control, police have become entrepreneurial and resistant to fiscal austerity. This article offers a new characterization of the effects...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2020) 32 (3 (92)): 453–463.
Published: 01 September 2020
...Adam Kotsko Adam Kotsko analyzes the current political conjuncture in the United States through the lens of political theology, which he understands as fundamentally a study of systems of legitimacy. From this perspective, the neoliberal order is not merely an economic or political order but also...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2022) 34 (1 (96)): 99–121.
Published: 01 January 2022
... and economic agreements that have defined the city's governance since handover. The analysis of the protests, and of the history leading up to them, is informed by writings on democracy and space by Chantal Mouffe and Doreen Massey, and considers the work of activists, researchers, and journalists whose voices...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2021) 33 (3 (95)): 313–348.
Published: 01 September 2021
... media enter into reciprocal exchange with the broader cultural, social, and economic formations in which they emerge and which differ from place to place and over time. This article draws on the concept of milieu in order to analyze the evolution of digital cinema infrastructures in contemporary Nigeria...
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Journal Article
Public Culture (2023) 35 (3 (101)): 289–300.
Published: 01 September 2023
... generates vagueness and uncertainty, but also weak and fragile data, in a period nevertheless marked by the centralization of power. The fragility of mortality data is mirrored by the fragility of the nursing home as institution — an expression of numerous fallibilities, in particular economic (lack...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2023) 35 (3 (101)): 301–317.
Published: 01 September 2023
... during COVID to put health justice and primary healthcare at the heart of global health policy. Both parties continued to prefer private philanthropic sources of funding for global vaccine initiatives, and both sought economic returns on vaccine development, potentially missing a rare opportunity...