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Journal Article
Public Culture (1989) 1 (2): 8–25.
Published: 01 May 1989
... in the discussion of contemporary postmodern Japanese culture. In order to demonstrate how Japan has been increasingly losing its tra- dition and is correlatively being Americanized, we cannot think of any more seemingly appropriate cultural artifact than the Tokyo Disneyland. How- ever, what I...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1993) 5 (3): 607–613.
Published: 01 September 1993
... features a resort complex encompassing six hotels, a golf course, and the ”Festival Disney” entertainment center. While Euro Disneyland proper privileges the Euro- pean origins of many of the classic fairy tales on which its rides and amusements...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1994) 6 (2): 241–262.
Published: 01 May 1994
... killings which accompa- 1nied General Soeharto's rise to power and which left one-half to one million Indonesians dead, Mrs. Soeharto made pubiic a sudden inspiration she had re- ceived during a recent visit to Disneyland. "I was inspired to build a project of that sort in Indonesia, only more...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2015) 27 (3 (77)): 419–425.
Published: 01 September 2015
... immunized population. It is perhaps for this reason that the public condemnation of contemporary vaccine resistance has been so vehement. The recent outbreak of measles in children, linked to exposure at Disneyland, has led to widespread denunciation of parents who have not fully vaccinated...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2001) 13 (2): 233–242.
Published: 01 May 2001
... of (It all comes together in) Ruckus L.A. as a mutant version of Disneyland—an enormous public spectacle that engages simultaneously in boosterism and subversion, made with the par- ticipation of thousands of people. I hope that after spending some time...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2000) 12 (2): 565–573.
Published: 01 May 2000
... and Tokyo Disneyland. Cam- bridge: Harvard University Press. Richards, Sarah. 1999. Eighteenth-Century Ceramics: Products for a Civilised Society. New York: Manchester University Press. Rinehart, Robert E. 1998. Players All: Performances in Contemporary Sport. Bloomington: Indiana University...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2012) 24 (3 68): 577–599.
Published: 01 September 2012
..., and stunt motorcyclist Evel Knievel gave testimony upon the stage. Just three miles from Disneyland and seated on acres of manicured gardens (complete with topiary, statuary, water, and even fire features), the church had become a major Orange...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1990) 2 (2): 148–157.
Published: 01 May 1990
... of Canudian Studies, 22, 1987. SPINELLI, MARIA-LYDIA. 1922 Mountain Ave., Claremont, CA 91711, USA. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Disney's magic kingdom. RELEVANT PUBLI- CATIONS: 'The Magic Kingdom: Mouse Ex-Machina," Critical Times, December, 1985; "Disneyland and Old Sturbridge Village, Two...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2002) 14 (3): 545–556.
Published: 01 September 2002
...: 129) calls these Wossis Wostalgikers—the westernized version of Ostalgia—noting that: The “Wostalgikers” do not melt East and West Germany into one pot, rather they play the East against the West to achieve an Americanized, simulated hyperreality, a type of GDR-Disneyland. The Wostalgikers...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1989) 1 (2): 49–59.
Published: 01 May 1989
... in the mountain crevices the real ones once occupied. This is the Disneyland solution, per- haps, but such objects would not be stolen because they are not 'authentic', tourists might be satisfied with the local color, and meanwhile the 'real' tau- tau can stay huddled in their underground bomb-shelters...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1993) 5 (3): 411–429.
Published: 01 September 1993
... brokers, service providers, style doctors. It may mean embracing as part of our livelihood what we have so far confined to the world of Broadway, Hollywood, and Disneyland: the import of experiments, the production of fantasies, the fabrication of identities, the export of styles...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2017) 29 (2 (82)): 287–309.
Published: 01 May 2017
... performers. As Jane C. Desmond (1999 : 217) has suggested, “What Mickey Mouse is to Disneyland, Shamu is to Sea World. Marketing symbol, ambassador, embodiment of dreams come true for children (and adults), Shamu, the most celebrated orca whale of all time, is the synecdoche of Sea World.” A direct physical...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1990) 2 (2): 1–24.
Published: 01 May 1990
... to be made, the scene to be enacted, the hostages to be res- cued. All this is par for the course, if you follow Baudrillard or Lyotard into a world of signs wholly unmoored from their social signifiers (all the world's a Disneyland). But I would like to suggest that the apparent increas- ing...
Journal Article
Public Culture (1996) 8 (2): 303–328.
Published: 01 May 1996
...- tion, and marked by the presence of high-income residential developments, huge regional shopping centers, programmed environments for leisure (theme parks, Disneyland), links to major universities and the Department of Defense...
Journal Article
Public Culture (2000) 12 (2): 529–564.
Published: 01 May 2000
... happens in such spaces of otherness is in principle of interest and even in some sense acceptable or appropriate. The cemetery and the concentration camp, the factory and the shopping malls, the Disneylands, Jonestown, the militia camps...