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Journal Article
positions (2010) 18 (3): 695–725.
Published: 01 August 2010
...Kirsten Cather This article discusses the obscenity trial of director Oshima Nagisa's 1976 book In the Realm of the Senses , which includes a series of still photographs and the screenplay from his notorious film of the same name. The case illustrates how obscenity convictions in postwar Japan...
Journal Article
positions (2014) 22 (4): 749–780.
Published: 01 November 2014
... of the “liberation” (or decriminalization) of pornography that had swept Europe by the early to mid-1970s and in the domestic context of a severe crackdown on such trends. At the time of the film's release, both the story and the studio were at the center of high-profile obscenity trials in Japan. In this essay, I...
Journal Article
positions (2016) 24 (3): 621–651.
Published: 01 August 2016
... of the Thai Criminal Code; the logic of the courts which convicted them; and the public discourse surrounding both trials. Developing sedition as a lens of comparison and a strategy of analysis, their actions are examined as transgressive in three intersecting and overlapping registers: law, dissent in excess...
Journal Article
positions (2022) 30 (1): 137–158.
Published: 01 February 2022
... and starring Henry Fonda. As there is no jury system in China, 12 Citizens instead presents the scenario as a law school mock trial on Anglo-American law, with crucial elements indigenized to the local setting. In one masterly maneuver after another, the remake overturns the democratic tenor of the original...
Journal Article
positions (2002) 10 (1): 141–172.
Published: 01 February 2002
... at the CourtroomthatmaterializedattheTokyoDistrictCourtonthefirstdayofthe trial in August 1966. Akasegawa himself later published a witty account of the guerrilla maneuver during the motion to request defense evidence.5 The thirty-five minutes taken to review the gamut of art evidence transformed...
Journal Article
positions (1997) 5 (1): 107–136.
Published: 01 February 1997
... to survive and even retained his power after the war. It is also lamentable that Japanese people still worship at the Yasukuni Shrine the memorial tablets of men punished as war criminals at the Tokyo Trials. Indeed, in 1985, the then Japanese...
Journal Article
positions (2005) 13 (3): 659–662.
Published: 01 August 2005
... émigrés, wants to signal his restoration with a great “trial,” where history will be made to appear before a handful of obedient judges. Like the Moscow trials, of which they represent the farcical imitation that follows...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (2): 595–625.
Published: 01 May 2012
... the negative ones, as some theoreticians claim. Evidence of both concerns quickly disappeared after the National Congress, but then reappeared in August of when, following a brief and contentious trial, the Hanoi People’s Court...
Journal Article
positions (2001) 9 (3): 611–620.
Published: 01 August 2001
... Crimes Tribunal 2000 for the Trial of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery” (hereafter the Tribunal) convened at the Kudan Kaikan Hall in Tokyo.1 The choice of the venue carries a partly intended irony: The Kudan Kaikan was formerly the Gunjin Kaikan...
Journal Article
positions (1994) 2 (2): 382–405.
Published: 01 May 1994
...- roads of society and history.” In fall 1978 Kobayashi also began working on his great documentary film, Tobo Trials (Tokyo Saiban). Five years later he would emerge with a movie that will probably remain the definitive filmic record...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (3): 805–830.
Published: 01 August 2012
... 814 consider convening a human rights tribunal to conduct trials on the hei- nous crimes of the ousted regime. The country he was referring to was not Iraq . . . but Cambodia, where the United Nations had nished nego...
Journal Article
positions (2022) 30 (1): 1–7.
Published: 01 February 2022
... seems to quickly and authoritatively resolve all the ambiguities of the Hollywood original: the real culprit is caught, the crime is solved, but there is doubt about the outcome of the trial (which, in the Chinese version, is not even a real trial, but a mock one). With that, and by prominently placing...
Journal Article
positions (2010) 18 (3): 771–772.
Published: 01 August 2010
... Japanese literature, film, and manga censorship trials called The Art of Censorship in Postwar Japan (1950 – 2007). Sarah Frederick is associate professor of Japanese at Boston University and the author of Turning Pages: Reading...
Journal Article
positions (2014) 22 (3): 741–742.
Published: 01 August 2014
... 742 Ying Xing is professor of sociology at China University of Political Science and Law. He is the author of A Story of DaHe Resettlement (2001), Morality and Politics in the History of the Trial in a Chinese Village (2009...
Journal Article
positions (1997) 5 (1): 1–51.
Published: 01 February 1997
... as a vehicle for reflecting on responsibility for the war. As the postwar years wore on, the structural premise behind the Tokyo Trial was contested as “victors’ justice.” Thus, the hypocrisies and errors of the trial as well as of the numerous...
Journal Article
positions (2010) 18 (3): 557–570.
Published: 01 August 2010
...- tography and narrativity have been imbricated with questions of sexuality and gender. As Kirsten Cather’s case study reveals, even long after the intro- duction of photography in East Asia, the censorship trial of Oshima Nag- isa’s controversial 1976...
Journal Article
positions (1993) 1 (3): 581–584.
Published: 01 August 1993
... dissolved, Absorbed by export goods Shipped to the other shores of the ocean. Following repeated attempts, No fingerprints to the last trial, Some girls from a chemical plant...
Journal Article
positions (2001) 9 (3): 497–499.
Published: 01 August 2001
... reflect the postmodern conditions of late-twentieth-century Japan. We have in this issue three commentaries on contemporary issues. Kim Puja reports on the Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal for the Trial of Japanese...
Journal Article
positions (2008) 16 (1): 39–77.
Published: 01 February 2008
... a dog.”6 As in much of Coetzee’s writing, Kafka is here referenced, especially the final words of Kafka’s The Trial: “But the hands of one man were right at K.’s throat, while the other thrust the knife into his heart and turned...
Journal Article
positions (2006) 14 (2): 495–525.
Published: 01 May 2006
... by Korean artists were displayed in these exhibitions:21 Second Exhibition (1929) Cho˘ng Ha-bo, The Day of the Trial of the Korean Communist Party Third Exhibition (1930) Ch’oe Yo˘ng-sae, Strike...