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Journal Article
positions (2004) 12 (1): 165–179.
Published: 01 February 2004
...Cui Zi'en 2004 by Duke University Press 2004 Translated by Petrus Liu Endangered Species Rule! Cui Zi’en In my dreams I travel to Planet Ekaluse (serial number 1566), where I am rel- egated to a status below not just the aborigines...
Journal Article
positions (2019) 27 (1): 175–207.
Published: 01 February 2019
... production and life, understood as code, has profound ramifications for the organization of the humanities, which are still indebted to very powerful presuppositions not only about species difference (such as the difference between human and animal) but also about the way in which species difference...
Journal Article
positions (2018) 26 (3): 483–515.
Published: 01 August 2018
... by Oakes Guy . In Political Romanticism , 51 – 108 . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . Sugimoto Kōichi . 2011 . “ Tanabe Hajime’s Logic of Species and the Philosophy of Nishida Kitarō: A Critical Dialogue within the Kyoto School .” In Japanese and Continental Philosophy , edited by Schroeder...
Journal Article
positions (2016) 24 (1): 97–127.
Published: 01 February 2016
....” However, ethnographic investigation of these sites reveals that focusing on clean consumption alone cannot account for the ways in which dirty bodily effects fuel the industry of commercialized volunteerism. This article ethnographically examines how intimate encounters across species, specifically...
Journal Article
positions (2018) 26 (4): 719–747.
Published: 01 November 2018
..., or to warn.” As Derrida points out, the term monster is linked to the sign that typically serves to mark the separation of human beings as a higher form of life from other animal species, so that the lack of this attribute comes to designate the condition of animality itself. Derrida’s paradoxical reading...
Journal Article
positions (2020) 28 (1): 145–175.
Published: 01 February 2020
... the contemporary art world. The author’s inquiry suggests that Yin’s reluctance to embrace her gender identity as central to her ecological art reflects her species-based environmental ethics that goes beyond identity politics. Yin’s ecological focus manifests her situated knowledge as a metropolitan resident...
Journal Article
positions (2010) 18 (1): 51–87.
Published: 01 February 2010
... (Fishes of Chsen).8 This book, the first volume of the sixth bulletin compiled by the Government General of Korea, provides detailed positions 18:1  Spring 2010 54 descriptions of eighty species of Korean...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (1): 211–239.
Published: 01 February 2012
... assume speci c positions contra or in sup- port of truth claims constitutive of twentieth- century national and interna- tional documentary systems? In the case of Chinese migration in and out of Burma during the late s and s, how did individuals...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (2): 659–667.
Published: 01 May 2012
... 660 instabilities, partialities, and actual practices of neoliberalism, viewing it as a contingent process intersected with and reshaped by speci c cultural and political- economic formations.4 Further, Aihwa Ong and I have argued...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (1): 417–420.
Published: 01 February 2012
... to these familiar questions, only what in India are affectionately called jugaad — crude improvisations on the y; temporary, site- speci c, makeshift, pragmatic “ xes” to speci c problems, for speci c purposes. So curating a Pan...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (1): 183–193.
Published: 01 February 2012
... that led to the analysis of desire — and speci cally of homosexuality — as the direct product of capitalism; gay scholars, as a result, for the most part moved entirely away from discussions of capital- ism, framed as they were...
Journal Article
positions (2013) 21 (1): 133–160.
Published: 01 February 2013
... allowed the proletariat to imag- ine and create a collective culture that would guarantee self-­identity to the entirety of humanity, ensuring the preservation of its “species being.”26 This interpretation of Marx should be reread today in light...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (2): 561–591.
Published: 01 May 2012
... appeared under speci c conditions within speci c ethical, political, and technological regimes and was taken up as a particular kind of problem, both enabling and constrain- ing the possible responses then given. The People, “Social Evils...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (3): 671–684.
Published: 01 August 2012
...- logue and debate about Southeast Asian American studies. The rst found its funding and footing primarily at the intersection of Southeast Asian area studies and Viet Nam studies, more speci cally, grappling with (and issuing challenges...
Journal Article
positions (2022) 30 (4): 793–814.
Published: 01 November 2022
..., fetishization, and fantasization. By investigating how the bicycle serves as an index of the past, this article specifically discusses how “native soil” is delineated in The Stolen Bicycle as shared, adopted, and recast intergenerational and trans-species memories. I argue that the reconstruction of the war...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (1): 7–35.
Published: 01 February 2012
... of the modern nation- state, which then became the placeholder of capitalist accumulation.3 I offer instead a containment strategy that seeks to identify speci c space/ time relationships, recalling M. M. Bakhtin’s chronotope, which aims...
Journal Article
positions (2011) 19 (3): 627–651.
Published: 01 August 2011
... alterna- positions 19:3 Winter 2011 634 tive. Althusser’s concept of overdetermination involves the particularity and speci city of Marxist materialist dialectic and is indispensable to his critique...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (3): 805–830.
Published: 01 August 2012
... the “unspeakable” often collides with culturally speci c arguments about the form such representa- tion should take. For example, the curatorial choice to display the bones of victims behind plates of glass in Cambodian killing elds sites dramatically...
Journal Article
positions (2024) 32 (1): 191–208.
Published: 01 February 2024
... territorial spirit) who, on choosing this place to live, gathered villagers to move into the forest with him, whereby they turned into bangbot living in a village inside this forest. The territorial spirit established taboos on the cutting of trees and the hunting and killing of two species of monkey...
Journal Article
positions (2012) 20 (2): 595–625.
Published: 01 May 2012
... and ethnographically nuanced studies of government (i.e., the speci c prac- tices that make it possible to guide the conduct of oneself and others toward desired ends) are needed to better understand how “local” contexts enable, contest, and rework “global...