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defector memoir

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Journal Article
positions (2015) 23 (4): 743–784.
Published: 01 November 2015
...Christine Hong Reading North Korean defector memoirs and Korean American “roots” narratives as forms of “second culture” relative to North Korea, namely, an alternative US-oriented culture whose representational authority is held as exceeding that of the socialist state of origin, this essay...
Journal Article
positions (2015) 23 (4): 597–617.
Published: 01 November 2015
... of the Korean War, he noted that “it’s naive to ask where the war comes from: the border is the war.” Reading North Korean defector memoirs and Korean American “roots” narratives as forms of “second culture” relative to North Korea, namely...
Journal Article
positions (1995) 3 (1): 192–223.
Published: 01 February 1995
... ordinary citizens, has become nearly invisible. With the exception of a few travel pieces and memoirs by non-Koreans who have visited north Korea on carefully guided government tours, or by defectors, captured spies, and kidnap vic...
Journal Article
positions (2023) 31 (4): 919–921.
Published: 01 November 2023
... the Department of Culture, Film, and Media Studies at the University of Nottingham. Her PhD thesis examined the representation of Asian migrants such as the Korean diaspora, North Korean defectors, and labor/marriage migrants in contemporary Korean cinema. Her research interests include women's memory writing...
Journal Article
positions (2013) 21 (4): 801–851.
Published: 01 November 2013
..., Crises, 218. 38. Stéphane Gacon, L’ammistie: De la commune à la guerre d’Algérie (Amnesty: From the Com- mune to the War in Algeria) (Paris: Seuil, 2002), 358. 39. Suleiman, Crises, 218. 40. Paul Ricoeur, La mémoire...