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Journal Article
positions (2009) 17 (3): 713–740.
Published: 01 August 2009
... the deployment of these models as a primary means of conceptualizing modern Korean history. The article reads the film's protagonist, O Dae-su, as an embodiment of the anxieties and vexations of the salary men working for the chaebôls at a time of economic collapse. The salary man is a pivotal figure not only...
Journal Article
positions (2006) 14 (1): 37–66.
Published: 01 February 2006
... case, activists did voice criticisms of Kim Dae Jung’s welfarism on grounds of its insufficient support for poor people. However, civil rights activists’ own activities devoted to social relief during the crisis echoed gov- ernment policy...
Journal Article
positions (2014) 22 (1): 71–101.
Published: 01 February 2014
... as the temporal limit of the authoritarian past and the current government as official guardian of the new democracy.23 Within this cultural-­political context, the brazen character of the Dae- woo violence is striking, all the more...
Journal Article
positions (2015) 23 (3): 437–462.
Published: 01 August 2015
....”29 It all began with a series of liberal educational reforms by the democratic Kim Dae Jung gov- ernment, which made concerted efforts to transform the backward public school system at the turn of the twenty-­first century. Physical...
Journal Article
positions (2022) 30 (4): 705–733.
Published: 01 November 2022
... has yet to be normalized in the society as a whole. 4 In 2001, the Kim Dae-jung government also began to invest in fostering six “national technology” initiatives referred to as “6T” (information technology, environment technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, space technology, and culture...
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Journal Article
positions (2005) 13 (1): 157–167.
Published: 01 February 2005
... power, it brought to an end the so-called sunshine policy, launched by former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, and destroyed the process of North-South Korean reunification. Bush’s labeling of North Korea, Syria, Iran, and several other...
Journal Article
positions (2015) 23 (4): 743–784.
Published: 01 November 2015
... of Kim Dae Jung and Noh Moo Hyun, he writes, “Until the start of its ‘sun- shine policy’ of engagement in the late 1990’s [sic], the South Korean govern- Hong ∣∣ Manufacturing Dissidence 753 ment highlighted the North’s...
Journal Article
positions (2015) 23 (3): 381–409.
Published: 01 August 2015
... than to sign an agreement with the Interna- tional Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1997. As a condition of receiving the IMF bailout funds, the Kim Dae Jung government agreed to make structural adjustments to the country’s industrial and financial...
Journal Article
positions (2001) 9 (3): 621–635.
Published: 01 August 2001
... visit to Hanoi in 1998, President Kim Dae-jung expressed “regret,” but he did not acknowledge or apologize for the alleged massacres. Both states do not hide their unwillingness to address the issue of mas...
Journal Article
positions (2006) 14 (2): 279–309.
Published: 01 May 2006
... Scalapino and Lee, Com- munism in Korea, 188 – 89. 16 Reprinted in “The Tasks of the Revolutionary Trade Union Movement in Korea” (1930) in Documents of Korean Communism 1918 – 1948, ed. Suh Dae-sook (Princeton, NJ: Princeton...
Journal Article
positions (2020) 28 (2): 481–495.
Published: 01 May 2020
... endorsing the positions 28:2 May 2020 484 desirability of replacing the Armistice Agreement with a peace treaty, but again the United States dodged it. In 2000, President Kim Dae- Jung, having initiated the Sunshine Policy, flew to Pyongyang to meet with Kim Jong Il. This gave renewed hope for an end...
Journal Article
positions (1997) 5 (1): 1–51.
Published: 01 February 1997
... of the Interna- tional Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and authoritarian governments. Some distinguished Asians are speaking out against such repressive cultur- alism: Kim Dae Jung has argued against Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew...
Journal Article
positions (2015) 23 (4): 597–617.
Published: 01 November 2015
... the US-­ROK alliance before the US Senate: “[South Korean President Kim Dae-­jung’s] visit will give us a chance to renew the close bonds forged in blood in the common struggle against the forces of Hong ∣∣ Guest Editor’s Introduction...
Journal Article
positions (1995) 3 (2): 392–417.
Published: 01 May 1995
... nineties], Ch’angjakkwu Pip’yong 21, no. 3 (fall 1993):8- 89. For a discussion of more recent democratization movements in terms of culture and the significance of the Kwangju Upris- ing see Paik-Nakchung, “Jigusi dae-ui minjok munhak” [National...
Journal Article
positions (2016) 24 (3): 669–692.
Published: 01 August 2016
... and receiving, not to men- tion the human rights abuses that the protesters at the 1995 Myeongdong sit-­in vividly attested. This subsequently led to a close partnership between the state government (specifically under the late president Kim Dae Jung...
Journal Article
positions (2021) 29 (3): 607–632.
Published: 01 August 2021
.... In short, male-on-male sex and the possibility for it to occur disrupt military readiness and unit cohesion. As Judge Kim Jong-dae plainly states, “In order to intensify the spiritual military combat power, the curtailing of homosexuality in the military is needed” (Gunivan 2014 : 326). 10 Part...
Journal Article
positions (1997) 5 (1): 107–136.
Published: 01 February 1997
.... 65 Y. Ohshima, Japanese Troops in Okinawa: A Record of the Massacre in Kume Jima (Tokyo: Shisensha, 1983), 148-51. 66 U.N. document, Commission on Human Rights, E/CN.dSub.digg3/L. IdRev. I. 67 Erica-Irene A. Daes, “New Types...
Journal Article
positions (2006) 14 (2): 495–525.
Published: 01 May 2006
... ones. Artists like Kang Ho, Cho˘ng Ha-bo, Yi Sang-dae, among others, joined KAPF during the reorganization in 1927, but they were primarily involved in cinematic production. Kwo˘n Ku-hyo˘ng, due to his strongly displayed anarchist tendencies...
Journal Article
positions (1995) 3 (3): 695–722.
Published: 01 August 1995
.... 61 Dae-Sook Suh, Kim I1 Sung, The North Korean Leadcr (New York: Columbia University Press, 1988), 103. 62 U.S. Army, Intelligence Summary, no. 8 (20 March 1946), I I. 43 Wilbur Schramm and John W. Riley...
Journal Article
positions (1999) 7 (2): 277–306.
Published: 01 May 1999
... deference (e.g., South Korea’s Kim Dae Jung declaring in 1997that his country would not deviate from the International Monetary Fund’s demand for structural reforms “by one percent”) there will be another of defiance (e.g., Malaysia’s...