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Journal Article
positions (2021) 29 (1): 93–119.
Published: 01 February 2021
... historical actors often employed to organize their experiences, project themselves onto others, and advance their political desires. Copyright 2021 by Duke University Press 2021 Caribbean geography comparative methodology colonialism Puerto Rico References Abril Mariano . 1912...
Journal Article
positions (2021) 29 (1): 1–20.
Published: 01 February 2021
... attached to them, formed in the milieu of overlapping and competing European, US, and Southeast Asian empires and diasporas. By investigating the forms and politics of storytelling in the island South and Southeast Asia, along with parallel and intersecting formations in the Caribbean and diasporic Asian...
Journal Article
positions (2022) 30 (4): 839–864.
Published: 01 November 2022
... by but different from oceanic knowledge, Pacific Indigeneity, chaos, creole Indigeneity, and tidalectics—frameworks that characterize the studies of many Pacific and Caribbean islands (Brathwaite 1973 ; Benítez-Rojo 1996 ; DeLoughrey 2007 ; Sommerville 2012; Jackson; 2012 ; Ingersoll 2016 ). Specifically...
Journal Article
positions (1999) 7 (1): 269–270.
Published: 01 February 1999
... to television management. Kamala Kempadoo is an assistant professor of women’s studies, University of Colorado, and director of a research project on tourism and the sex trade in the Caribbean. Shuyu Kong is a lecturer in Asian...
Journal Article
positions (2021) 29 (1): 225–227.
Published: 01 February 2021
... and Caribbean History. She is the author of the award- winning book Silencing Race: Disentangling Black- ness, Colonialisms, and National Identity in Puerto Rico (2012). Rodríguez- Silva has published articles in the Hispanic American Historical Review, Modern American History, and NACLA. Laurie J. Sears...
Journal Article
positions (2014) 22 (2): 461–487.
Published: 01 May 2014
..., and the tidal waves of self-­effacement: all these lead to an overwhelming sensation of traveling by sea. Starting from the Mississippi Delta, the journey passes through the Easter Islands, the Galapagos, the Caribbean, Ireland, the “island of Brazil...
Journal Article
positions (2003) 11 (1): 135–181.
Published: 01 February 2003
... in the canebrakes, cotton fields, and rice paddies of the Caribbean, mainland Latin America, and the U.S. South. Patterns of labor mobilization and discipline exacerbated the issue, with early Chinese immigrants often imprisoned before embarking on retrofitted...
Journal Article
positions (1999) 7 (1): 225–237.
Published: 01 February 1999
... to essentialize the sex worker with biological notions Kernpadoo I Slavery or Work? Reconceptualizing Third World Prostitution 23 1 of gender. In the Caribbean, for example, so-called romance tourism is based on the sale by men of “love” to North...
Journal Article
positions (1997) 5 (2): 501–522.
Published: 01 May 1997
..., the Caribbean, and Central and South America) was des- ignated “exempt” from numerical limitations in immigration.18 The exempt status of Mexico in particular was deeply intertwined with employer inter- ests. From late-nineteenth-century...
Journal Article
positions (2021) 29 (1): 163–182.
Published: 01 February 2021
... in Copyright Law , vol. 3 , edited by Macmillan Fiona Bowry Kathy , 315 – 36 . Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing . Glissant Edouard . 1989 . Caribbean Discourse: Selected Essays . Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press . Hau‘Ofa Epeli . 2008 . We...
Journal Article
positions (1997) 5 (2): 523–550.
Published: 01 May 1997
... of colonial studies. India is heavily emphasized, although anglophone and francophone cultures or formations in the Caribbean have earned competitive interest. In this, the cases of Fil- ipinos and Hawaiians are quite striking: when integrated...
Journal Article
positions (1997) 5 (2): 589–604.
Published: 01 May 1997
... and ideology. The tense, sometimes hostile relationship between South Asians and people of other ethnicities in the Caribbean, South and East Africa, Fiji, Britain, and Canada also forced me to analyze the utility of the concept of “people...
Journal Article
positions (2003) 11 (1): 11–49.
Published: 01 February 2003
... from West Africa, North Africa, the Caribbean, andAsia who workedin the metropole in the post–World War I period, nationalism only arose as a discourse contiguous with the heady and ambitious internationalisms of the time. It shouldcome...
Journal Article
positions (2021) 29 (2): 347–372.
Published: 01 May 2021
... . 2011 . “ Inventing Caribbean Climates: How Science, Medicine, and Tourism Changed Tropical Weather from Deadly to Healthy .” Osiris 26 , no. 1 : 129 – 41 . “Chigŏp yŏsŏng ǔi p'isŏ” 職業女性의 避暑 (“The Summer Vacations of Working Women”). 1929 . Tonga ilbo 東亞日報 ( East Asia Daily ), June 28...
Journal Article
positions (2003) 11 (1): 1–9.
Published: 01 February 2003
... enduring commitment to what Amin calls an “internationalism of peoples,” led to his reemergence in post–World War II Paris at the center of the swirling anticolonial projects of African and Caribbean radicals, and to his travels to the 1955 conference...
Journal Article
positions (2006) 14 (2): 427–447.
Published: 01 May 2006
.... Lamming’s novel follows a group of Caribbean emigrants as they cross the Atlantic and eventually settle into diasporic communities in London. In the English metropole, though the central characters speak the English language, their speech is so...
Journal Article
positions (2003) 11 (1): 183–215.
Published: 01 February 2003
... with radical African Americans and Caribbean émigrés in the city, and later with Japanese immigrants across the continent as well. Katayama became acquainted with Claude McKay, a Jamaican-born poet, through his involvement in publishing The Liberator...
Journal Article
positions (2011) 19 (2): 421–437.
Published: 01 May 2011
... streets of the Midwest and the South, almost everywhere. And when I tell the curious observer I am from the Philippines (an origi- nal as they say, “born in the islands indeed, the image of an island in the Caribbean...
Journal Article
positions (2001) 9 (2): 401–422.
Published: 01 May 2001
... into the Mumbo Gumbo, a Caribbean/Louisiana hybrid. Sushi and wasabi become fixtures at the American dinner table along with string beans and meatloaf. Accordion music blends with the sitar. Bullhorns and T-shirts are commonplace on Orchid Island...
Journal Article
positions (2000) 8 (3): 795–818.
Published: 01 August 2000
... this as an opportunity to purchase some necessities for the family in the foothill town. See ibid., 119. 28 For a discussion on the colonial construction of Pocahontas see Peter Hulme, Colonial En- counters: Europe and the Native Caribbean, 1492–1797...