Michael Berman is a postdoctoral fellow in international humanities in the Department of Anthropology and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities at Brown University. His research focuses on the relationship between compassion and alienation as constitutive of modern governance. He is currently polishing up his book manuscript Heart of a Heartless World: Alienation, Compassion, and Listening in the Making of Secularist Japan and is conducting new research on listening and the nation-state.
Youngmin Choe is associate professor of Korean cinema and visual culture at the University of Southern California. She is the author of Tourist Distractions: Traveling and Feeling in Transnational Hallyu Cinema (2016) and coeditor of The Korean Popular Culture Reader (2014).
Brett Hack is assistant professor in the Program for Applied Global Education at Aichi Prefectural University. His research examines Japanese media culture and globalization through intersections of moving image studies, political philosophy, and interdisciplinary theories of mind....