Lorenzo Andolfatto received his PhD in Asian and transcultural studies in 2015 from a joint-degree program at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Jean Moulin Lyon-3 University of Lyon. After one year as a postdoctoral fellow at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and three more at the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” at Heidelberg University, he joined the Human Geography Research Unit at the University of Fribourg's Department of Geosciences as a senior researcher, within the framework of the research project “The Cultural Logistics of Chinese SF.” His research interests include early modern and contemporary Chinese literature, comparative literature, and translation, with a focus on utopian writing, science fiction, and speculative/literary geographies. He is the author of Hundred Days’ Literature: Chinese Utopian Fiction at the End of Empire, 1902–1910 (2019).

Andrew Campana is assistant professor of Japanese literature at Cornell University. His...

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