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Journal Article
Poetics Today (2009) 30 (1): 27–65.
Published: 01 March 2009
... recordings of avtorskaia pesnia , the musical genre most closely associated with the first generation of magnitizdat dubbers in the 1960s. After drawing parallels between the rhizomic, uncensored distribution of reel-to-reel tapes and samizdat's dissemination of uncensored texts, I move on to consider...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2003) 24 (4): 729–758.
Published: 01 December 2003
...Helen Freshwater This article problematizes cultural studies' recent return to the“thing,” assessing the archive's position in research work. I draw on my experience of consultation of the surviving records of the Lord Chamberlain's theater censorship office in order to demonstrate...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2005) 26 (2): 175–207.
Published: 01 June 2005
... to be autobiographical,have no known basis in the historical record—I argue that the limits of representation are best conceived as functions of the limits of intention. Further, because intention's failure—whether conceived as an inability or as an unwillingness to form meaningful utterance—is necessarily...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2006) 27 (2): 275–295.
Published: 01 June 2006
... gained belated recognition and huge efforts have been made to record their experiences. Faced now with the largest collection of testimony ever gathered about one specific event in history, historians and others representing the past are faced with the dilemma of what to do with this remarkable archive...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2006) 27 (2): 331–351.
Published: 01 June 2006
... on disease and mortality were included in Judenräte statistical bulletins. However, much of the activity of these health departments and doctors had to be concealed from the German authorities and thus is not reflected in formal ghetto records. Some information can be gleaned from the few surviving diaries...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2006) 27 (2): 399–423.
Published: 01 June 2006
... or conversational speech change shape in the context of testimony? What happens when Charlotte Delbo uses metaphor, simile, or personification to convey her experiences in Auschwitz? What happens to oral testimony when Holocaust survivors bear witness while the camera records parasemantic body language that swerves...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2008) 29 (3): 525–564.
Published: 01 September 2008
...Judith A. Deitch Holograms are three-dimensional visual records capable of transmitting peculiar and arresting special effects. A number of Shakespeare's sonnets reveal particular holographic effects, in which scenes of looking and speaking are enhanced by the lyric “I's” creation of distorted...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2014) 35 (4): 659–688.
Published: 01 December 2014
... of history: that we should understand forms as hermeneutic and heuristic practices that can influence historical experience in addition to recording or mediating it. The poem's multiple timescales—which range from topical political crisis, to multigenerational dynastic heritage, to the life spans of birds...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2017) 38 (2): 213–233.
Published: 01 June 2017
... of which we find records in the cultural archive. The eight case studies collected in this special issue can be read as explorations of the historical variety of these lived negotiations. © 2017 by Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics 2017 situated cognition cognition in the wild extended...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2018) 39 (1): 201–219.
Published: 01 February 2018
... as alternately pleased and overwhelmed by the ease with which they can reach into outward records of their lives, over whose seemingly inevitable permanence and meticulousness they realize they have little control. The article traces the environmental origins of Lerner’s and Knausgaard’s characters to the recent...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2019) 40 (2): 269–297.
Published: 01 June 2019
... of nonfiction film, the concept of documentary has been both fiercely contested and, through these debates, continuously expanded to refer to an ever more extensive corpus of works. By now, there is a broad consensus that documentary film as a genre cannot be reduced to supposedly “objective” recordings...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2023) 44 (3): 379–407.
Published: 01 September 2023
.... It explores how Hughes's poems of bereavement adapt the media logics of film, tape, record, and radio not only to understand trauma's complex psychology but also to textually remediate his lost connection with his beloved dead. Rendering Hughes's traumas audible by way of phonotextual analysis, this essay...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2006) 27 (2): 451–461.
Published: 01 June 2006
... subject. It is incumbent upon us to use every bit of evidence in the study and analysis of any historical subject and to seek out those resources which are less obvious, not yet discovered or recorded, or not yet examined. Focusing on the Holocaust, although it is sixty years since the end of World...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2021) 42 (4): 597–621.
Published: 01 December 2021
... is one of the few scholars to have addressed the connection between Stein and new sound media. In his book Phenomenal Reading , Reed ( 2012 : 70) discusses Stein's 1934 sound recordings in relation to soundscapes and orality, arguing that the “recordings capture Stein in the process of retooling...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2006) 27 (2): 425–429.
Published: 01 June 2006
... collective efforts, which we know very well and revere for their scrupu- lous and ingenious attempts at recording and generating evidence. I have in mind the Oneg Shabbat initiative by Emanuel Ringelblum in the War- saw ghetto or the daunting work of the archivists from the ghetto in Kovno; and since...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2020) 41 (3): 417–436.
Published: 01 September 2020
... inNewOrleans and quickly spread with the development of record production and radio to other cities like Chicago, Kansas City, and New York and also to London, Berlin, and Paris. In the United States, many of the early jazz composers worked both as church musicians and in nightclubs and theatres. Thomas...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2006) 27 (2): 249–260.
Published: 01 June 2006
..., and concentration camps, reminders of these events are not scarce. Even the United Nations, at last, held an official commemorative ceremony. No other man-made catastrophe has been so voluminously recorded and publicized as the Shoah. But knowing what happened is a very different matter from actively receiving...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2003) 24 (1): 35–63.
Published: 01 March 2003
... over time and space by recording technology and the relationship of contemporary oral poetry to the states of mind brought about by the use of psychedelic drugs. The fundamental critical strategy is to conceive of contemporary...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2001) 22 (2): 299–321.
Published: 01 June 2001
...). Moodie, Donald 1960 [1838] The Record; or,A Series of Unofficial Papers Relative to the Conditions and Treatment of the Native Tribes of South Africa (Cape Town: Balkema). Penn, Nigel 1995 “ The Northern Cape Frontier Zone: 1700–c. 1815 .” Ph.D. diss., University of Cape Town. Pringle, Thomas...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2008) 29 (4): 669–712.
Published: 01 December 2008
... Press). Cook, Michael 2006 “Professional Ethics and Practice in Archives and Record Management in a Human Rights Context,” Journal of the Society of Archivists 27 (1): 1 -16. Corti, Mario 1996 Interview, HU OSA 206, Administrative History Files, Samizdat Archives, OSA Archivum. Coser...