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Journal Article
Poetics Today (2012) 33 (3-4): 253–299.
Published: 01 December 2012
... : Marteau ). Bèze Théodore de 1580 A Shorte Learned and Pithie Treatize of the Plague: Wherin are Handled These Two Questions: the One, Whether the Plague Bee Infectious, Or No: the Other, Whether and Howe Farre it May of Christians Bee Shunned by Going Aside . translated by Stockwood John...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2006) 27 (3): 615–623.
Published: 01 September 2006
... Violence and the Sacred, translated by Patrick Gregory (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press). Horrox, Rosemary 1999 “Purgatory, Prayer, and Plague: 1150-1380,” in Death in England , edited by Peter C. Jupp and Clare Gittings, 90 -118 (Manchester: Manchester University Press). Jacob...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2020) 41 (3): 395–416.
Published: 01 September 2020
... of the changes to the earth and water levels, and colleagues present factual reports in sober language, no actual explanation is given. The camera footage from the caves is interrupted and plagued by indistinct humanoid figures who flit before the green-tinged night-vision camera feed, implying that the dead...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2007) 28 (3): 339–362.
Published: 01 September 2007
... was to escape the
public evils (mala publica) of the civil war then plaguing his homeland Bel-
gium. Langius’s opening contribution to the dialogue immediately sets the
agenda for the ensuing discussion: Lipsius is mistaken, Langius says, in
thinking that fleeing troubles in Belgium will enable him...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2017) 38 (3): 589–599.
Published: 01 September 2017
... of Bakhtin’s article on satire
originally intended for the Soviet Literary Encyclopedia. This essay is an example
of the unique difficulties that plague attempts to reconstruct a history of
Russian literary theory. Accepted for publication in 1941 (after revisions),
the tenth volume in which...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2017) 38 (4): 667–693.
Published: 01 December 2017
... in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to
attack. For as long as I could remember, my father’s past had overwhelmed
his future, burying the possibility of hope in the swarm of its plague” (Sucher
1997: 158). But the listener, much as she does not want to believe or to feel,
may also choose to accept...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2005) 26 (3): 535–547.
Published: 01 September 2005
... into artistic expression.
His analyses address a puzzle that, according to Gilles Fauconnier (2004),
‘‘has plagued analogy theorists in particular namely: what determines
which vital relations and particular topological elements get chosen for con-
ceptual integration to occur? Tsur’s description...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2005) 26 (1): 79–111.
Published: 01 March 2005
... duty was to ensure that no
word of the afternoon’s events leaked out of Jacaranda Park’’ (ibid.: 32).
In order to ensure absolute secrecy, he orders Luitenant Verkramp to
bring out the whole armed forces together with rabies and bubonic plague
signs, guard dogs, armored cars, and searchlights...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2002) 23 (1): 123–139.
Published: 01 March 2002
... problem plaguing contemporary literature
for children is, in Barbauld’s opinion, the unnecessary artfulness of story
lines. She argues that a ‘‘connected story, however simple, is above [the]
capacityofachild from two to three years old’’ (quoted in Ellis
and only interferes with the grand project...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2009) 30 (4): 719–735.
Published: 01 December 2009
... (ibid.: 29, 213, 297). More broadly,
the characters sense that the e, in its absence, incarnates a curse of sorts, a
plague, a tumor in the text, which the narrator describes as
this solitary Malignancy, a Malignancy assailing all of us, a Malignancy proving
a cross that all of us must...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2017) 38 (3): 549–568.
Published: 01 September 2017
... verdict on what he calls the
“moral plague [that] ran through the city”: “But of all the howling throng not
one learnt mercy from, or sickened at, these sights; nor was the fierce, besot-
ted, senseless rage of one man glutted.” What is significant here is the stern
repetition of the word one...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2021) 42 (3): 381–402.
Published: 01 September 2021
... “to the remainder of the war,” the problem of the shortage of trained infantry reinforcement “was to plague Montgomery” (255); and that “no one knew that the many weeks of frustration and concern since D-Day were about to come to an end with COBRA” (400), the American breakthrough that started on July 25...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2021) 42 (3): 425–448.
Published: 01 September 2021
.... By the lighthouse, if you had been standing beneath the revolving green light on that early-September night, in that plague of clouds, you would have heard the horrible grinding sound of some wounded winged creature, listened to it trail out to sea as it came screeching down from the heavens, down through molecule...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (1-2): 255–258.
Published: 01 June 2013
... ‘novels’ and giving significant attention to the
debate itself” (xviii). In this context they point to a terminological issue that
plagues novel studies, namely, the lack of an all-encompassing, loosely de-
fined generic label, such as “poetry” (as distinct from “the poem that would
escape the “sense...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (1-2): 258–260.
Published: 01 June 2013
.... Therefore, the editors state, their policy has
been to take a liberal approach to the subject, “incorporating the fullest range
of writing that scholars call ‘novels’ and giving significant attention to the
debate itself” (xviii). In this context they point to a terminological issue that
plagues novel...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (1-2): 260–263.
Published: 01 June 2013
... they point to a terminological issue that
plagues novel studies, namely, the lack of an all-encompassing, loosely de-
fined generic label, such as “poetry” (as distinct from “the poem that would
escape the “sense of immediacy” (xvii) produced by the definite article.
The editors pay tribute to the two...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (1-2): 263–267.
Published: 01 June 2013
.... Therefore, the editors state, their policy has
been to take a liberal approach to the subject, “incorporating the fullest range
of writing that scholars call ‘novels’ and giving significant attention to the
debate itself” (xviii). In this context they point to a terminological issue that
plagues novel...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (1-2): 267–270.
Published: 01 June 2013
... they point to a terminological issue that
plagues novel studies, namely, the lack of an all-encompassing, loosely de-
fined generic label, such as “poetry” (as distinct from “the poem that would
escape the “sense of immediacy” (xvii) produced by the definite article.
The editors pay tribute to the two...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (1-2): 270–273.
Published: 01 June 2013
... they point to a terminological issue that
plagues novel studies, namely, the lack of an all-encompassing, loosely de-
fined generic label, such as “poetry” (as distinct from “the poem that would
escape the “sense of immediacy” (xvii) produced by the definite article.
The editors pay tribute to the two...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (1-2): 273–275.
Published: 01 June 2013
... they point to a terminological issue that
plagues novel studies, namely, the lack of an all-encompassing, loosely de-
fined generic label, such as “poetry” (as distinct from “the poem that would
escape the “sense of immediacy” (xvii) produced by the definite article.
The editors pay tribute to the two...