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Journal Article
Poetics Today (2000) 21 (3): 591–618.
Published: 01 September 2000
..., a totally impersonal network of positions and roles that creates the impression of an independent entity with a will of its own. With respect to individual group members, the narrative adopts a collective perspective on them. The individual is accordingly presented as part of a collectivity or a social self...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (4): 437–518.
Published: 01 December 2013
...Inbar Shaham The structure of repetition, as Meir Sternberg (1978) defines it, consists in the repeated presentation of a fabulaic event along the text continuum. It has three types of component members: (1) forecast (e.g., command, scenario); (2) enactment (representing the forecast’s objective...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2011) 32 (2): 349–389.
Published: 01 June 2011
...Suzanne Keen Pursuing my earlier theory of strategic narrative empathy, this essay shows Thomas Hardy's bounded strategic empathy for his fictional creations, Wessex countrymen and women; his ambassadorial strategic empathy for animals and select members of despised outgroups; and his broadcast...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2014) 35 (3): 325–356.
Published: 01 September 2014
... Yisroel). The second example consists in the parallels and intertwined literary histories of two writers, Yossl Birshtein (who was a member of Yung Yisroel) and the Hebrew writer Ya'acov Shabtai, in order to demonstrate the presence of Yiddish in Shabtai's poetic work and to discover an untold story...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2021) 42 (4): 499–517.
Published: 01 December 2021
...Peter Steiner Abstract This article deals with the theories of Viktor Shklovsky and Iurii Tynianov from the perspective of decision science. It outlines how these two members of the Petersburg Society for the Study of Poetic Language (OPOIAZ) conceived of the writer as a rational agent pursuing...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2007) 28 (3): 443–474.
Published: 01 September 2007
..., including human life and well-being, is exempt from this causal necessity. Furthermore, I discuss the role the geometrical method plays in an aspect of the argument of the Ethics which can best be described as dialectical, in the Aristotelian sense of the word: Spinoza hoped to persuade the members of his...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2009) 30 (4): 669–692.
Published: 01 December 2009
...Chris Andrews Certain members of the Oulipo, notably Raymond Queneau and Georges Perec, have used constraints to encode meanings as well as to structure and generate their works. Such formal encoding recruits and trains a readership prone to paranoid interpretation, a tendency opposed in recent...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2016) 37 (4): 539–571.
Published: 01 December 2016
... against wishfulness. Shared literary experience, most obviously of tragedy, allows us to make such bargains not only within ourselves but with the impresarios of the shared fiction and with other members of the audience we belong to as well (as for example when we adjudicate between Addison and Johnson...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2017) 38 (1): 123–140.
Published: 01 February 2017
...Roy Porat; Yeshayahu Shen It is widely held that the direction of mapping from the source to the target domain in metaphors derives directly from the conceptual relations between its members (e.g., from concrete to abstract, from salient to less salient). In contrast, the authors propose...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2008) 29 (4): 713–733.
Published: 01 December 2008
and that Comintern [Communist International] was a musical group.
According to Dovlatov, he “could not identify members of the politburo of
the Central Committee of the Communist Party. When the facade of the
building where he lived was decorated with a six-meter portrait of Mzha-
vanadze, Brodsky...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2004) 25 (2): 335–359.
Published: 01 June 2004
... to the institutions of learning. In 1870 only
about 750 B.A. degrees were granted to American women.2 For the large
numbers of middle-class women who had no possibility of attending col-
lege, the literary club offered the possibility of lifelong learning. A member
of the Dubuque, Iowa, Conversation Club said...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2009) 30 (1): 89–106.
Published: 01 March 2009
... the chair of the KGB
and a nonvoting member of the politburo since 1967. Later, in 1973, Andro-
pov became a full member of the politburo. In 1982 he left the KGB and
moved to Mikhail Suslov’s position as secretary of the Central Commit-
tee in charge of ideology. In 1983 he became the general...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2004) 25 (4): 731–752.
Published: 01 December 2004
... introduces him as a bringer of light
and as ‘‘Lord of Turning [Herr derWende (316), who brought about a funda-
mental spiritual change. In the third introductory poem, Maximin recalls
the moment of his transfiguration. As you do not know who I am, he tells
the listening members of the covenant, just...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2002) 23 (4): 657–684.
Published: 01 December 2002
... argue, the surface harmony of the talk and its seem-
ing triviality mask the petty antagonisms and brewing discontent among at
least some of the participants. In addition, at least one member of the party
appears to be excluded from the talk. Accordingly, while novelistic dia-
logue may seem...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2010) 31 (1): 17–50.
Published: 01 March 2010
... or upwardly mobile
members of the mass of migratory peoples. In practice, then, world litera-
ture is exclusive, turning the material of mass movement into an occasion
for the mental development of a few.
Tabbi • Electronic Literature as World Literature 25
Will world...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2008) 29 (3): 437–472.
Published: 01 September 2008
... prototypical features of descriptions, explanations, and stories
(i.e., the features found fully realized in exemplars or standard cases of
these types). I argue that, like other members of a category, instances of
the category narrative adhere to a logic of graded centrality, with specific
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2009) 30 (4): 737–738.
Published: 01 December 2009
... Notes on Contributors
Chris Andrews teaches at the University of Western Sydney, Australia, where he is a
member of the Writing and Society Research Group. He is the author of Poetry and
Cosmogony: Science in the Writing of Queneau and Ponge (1999) and Cut Lunch (2002). He
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2016) 37 (1): 239–240.
Published: 01 March 2016
... attention in stories, in particular the evolution of these techniques. His
articles and reviews have appeared in New Literary Observer, Cognitive Semiotics,and
Poetics Today.
Peter Steiner is professor emeritus of Slavic literature at the University of Penn-
sylvania and a member of the advisory board...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2016) 37 (1): 155–179.
Published: 01 March 2016
... of the narrative form in (post)colonial
texts, Marcus’s typology based on the ideological uses of “we” appears most
appropriate. Examining the relationships among members of the we-group
and between the members of the we-group and others (the “non-we”)
through the lens of Bakhtinian dialogism, Marcus (2008...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2002) 23 (3): 579–580.
Published: 01 September 2002
... rhétoriques? with Roselyn
Koren (2002).
Marc Angenot is professor of French at McGill University and a member of the Royal
Academy of Canada. He is the author of about twenty books in the field of liter-