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Journal Article
Poetics Today (2010) 31 (2): 153–215.
Published: 01 June 2010
...Eyal Segal This essay explores closure in the detective story, a genre that is generally recognized as a paradigm case of strong closure and thus has a special claim to notice in a general study of narrative closure. The essay starts by outlining a theoretical model of narrative closure based...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2011) 32 (2): 215–234.
Published: 01 June 2011
... in recent decades. Suspicious reading, it proposes, is not only an intellectual exercise in demystification, but also a critical style and scholarly sensibility that offers specific pleasures. These pleasures include the aesthetic and ethical satisfactions of fashioning detective-fiction-style plots...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2000) 21 (4): 711–749.
Published: 01 December 2000
..., as in the detective story, and/or to functional drives, like surprise, no less than to the teller's blind spots. What distinguishes the perspectival or the unreliability hypothesis is that it brings discordant elements into pattern by attributing them to the peculiarities of the speaker through whom the world...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2023) 44 (4): 647–664.
Published: 01 December 2023
... to this, a second account of monsters—“monsters-as-predators”—starts from the importance of predator detection to our past survival and reproduction, and argues that dangerous features make animals “good to think with,” and should be overrepresented in imaginary animals. This article argues that both accounts...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2006) 27 (3): 501–568.
Published: 01 September 2006
..., Mansfield, Musil, Kafka) to detect convergences and divergences. The results disclose a multifaceted complex of social and literary factors and forces in a changing polysystem: traces of confessional segregation before and secularization after the second World War, the advent of the second feminist wave...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2017) 38 (1): 141–161.
Published: 01 February 2017
..., research has suggested that metaphors might work in the other direction also, namely, from abstract to concrete. For example, induction of suspicion leads to improved detection of the smell of fish than of other odors. Are these similarities between synesthesia and metaphors just superficial or do...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2016) 37 (4): 641–674.
Published: 01 December 2016
...Miriam Fernández-Santiago This article explores the birth of detective fiction as a dialogical contestation to its gothic, sensational, and pseudoscientific sources in the periodical publications of its time and suggests the use of self-reflective irony as the rhetorical device that allows Edgar...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2017) 38 (3): 485–518.
Published: 01 September 2017
... was precisely to combine historicization with minute attention to details of verbal texture. By emphasizing their shared philological patrimony, the article argues for a reconciliation between the morphological method and Historical Poetics. The approach to literary forms it puts forward, which detects...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2000) 21 (2): 435–441.
Published: 01 June 2000
... , translated by Susan Fischer, David Forgacs, and David Miller (New York: Verso). Most, Glenn W., and William W. Stowe, eds. 1983 The Poetics of Murder: Detective Fiction and Literary Theory (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich). Shklovsky, Viktor 1991 [1929] Theory of Prose , translated...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (1-2): 119–146.
Published: 01 June 2013
... ). Segal Eyal 2010 “ Closure in Detective Fiction ,” Poetics Today 31 : 153 – 215 . Sibielski Rosalind 2004 “ Postmodern Narrative or Narrative of the Postmodern? History, Identity, and the Failure of Rationality as an Ordering Principle in Memento ,” Literature and Psychology 49...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2024) 45 (2): 259–265.
Published: 01 June 2024
... from its antecedent (as here, for example). Readers of Poetics Today may have heard that the models are designed to predict the next word in a sequence on a probabilistic basis, but LLMs turned out to have other capacities that were not explicitly programmed in, such as the ability to detect...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2024) 45 (1): 131–174.
Published: 01 March 2024
... as a mystery novel with no solution, something akin to the literary detective fiction he associates with the early novels of Alain Robbe-Grillet: “The mystery subsists, the novel is completed: it is, like with Robbe-Grillet but in a different style, the current form of the ‘literary’ mystery novel” (my...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2016) 37 (3): 473–494.
Published: 01 September 2016
... with “a disease that has no name and no cure,” which leaves him totally dependent on vast amounts of illegal drugs and therefore on the private detective work that pays for these drugs. The novels depict a world ruled by the fatally combined forces of moralist evangelical zeal and corporate interests...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2024) 45 (2): 325–329.
Published: 01 June 2024
... 2023 ). Already a leading public university has announced its own custom suite of generative AI tools, fully branded and localized (Booth-Singleton 2023 ). (Imagine what that will look like a year or two down the road at, say, New College of Florida.) What is to be done? Watermarking? Detection...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2017) 38 (1): 93–121.
Published: 01 February 2017
.... If the target is clearly identifiable, then the meta- phor is likely to be asymmetric because swapping the target with the source will lead to a different metaphor. In verbal metaphors, most prevailing accounts are based on a one-stage or a two-stage model. In a two-stage model, first an anomaly is detected...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (4): 519–562.
Published: 01 December 2013
... . 2012a “ On the Distinctiveness of Poetic Language .” New Literary History 43 ( 1 ): 89 – 111 . 2012b “ Puzzling Narratives: Detective Fiction, Cryptic Texts, and the Difference between Them .” Paper presented at the 2012 Conference of the International Society for the Study of Narrative...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2011) 32 (2): 323–348.
Published: 01 June 2011
... and Stress ( New York : Norton ). Mar Raymond, A. . 2007 `` Detecting Agency from the Biological Motion of Veridical versus Animated Agents ,'' Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2 : 199 – 205 . Miall David S. 1995 `` Anticipation and Feeling in Literary Response...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2014) 35 (1-2): 191–193.
Published: 01 June 2014
... – Summer 2014) q 2014 by Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics 192 Poetics Today 35:1-2 Sedgwick, and Edna Ferber) or styles of writing (such as the hard-boiled tra- dition in detective and crime novels), both of which made their mark during this period. Finally, Sharon Becker and Wendy Martin...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2020) 41 (2): 205–222.
Published: 01 June 2020
...). The powerlessmust spend a great deal of time and energy peering past the smokescreen of the public transcript to detect and decipher hidden motives or agendas, if only to better calibrate their con- duct and figure out how much de facto noncompliance they can get away with. Being able to read between the lines...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2002) 23 (4): 699–705.
Published: 01 December 2002
... himself cast in the role of detective’’ It seems to me that this claim is wrong: in fact, the temporal structure of the case histories basically differs from that of the typical mystery (or detective) story. This is the case since their order of pre- sentation does not systematically follow the story...