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constrained writing

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Journal Article
Poetics Today (2010) 31 (1): 81–106.
Published: 01 March 2010
...Dirk de Geest; An Goris This article broadens the concept of “constrained writing” by applying it to a less prestigious domain of literature, namely, popular romance novels. In order to find out how constraints play a role in writing and publishing such commercial texts, a corpus of handbooks...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2009) 30 (4): 653–668.
Published: 01 December 2009
...Richard Deming This article investigates the philosophical implications intrinsic to writing that expressly uses constraints and that thereby intentionally limits an author's freedom. Constrained writing imposes formal conditions and strictures as a response to the existential angst—aesthetic...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2010) 31 (1): 51–79.
Published: 01 March 2010
... literature. The essay presents, first, some aspects of the genre, which is less simple or homogeneous than may appear. Second, it discusses a seminal article that has opened the mainly form-oriented domain of constrained writing to the broader field of cultural and institutional constraints: R. A. Peterson's...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2010) 31 (1): 127–150.
Published: 01 March 2010
...Jan Baetens; Jean-Jacques Poucel Constrained Writing: An Annotated Bibliography of Research Jan Baetens University of Louvain, Cultural Studies Jean-Jacques Poucel Yale University, French This annotated bibliography is selective rather than exhaustive. It falls into two...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2009) 30 (4): 611–634.
Published: 01 December 2009
... it appeals. Recapping a brief history of constrained contemporary writing, this introduction argues for a conception of constrained writing that emphasizes intelligent freedom, the potentials opened by new forms of media, and the effects of an extended community based on formal approaches to both...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2021) 42 (4): 575–595.
Published: 01 December 2021
...Juri Joensuu Abstract This article looks into fictitious meals and the use of culinary recipe form in experimental and procedural literature, namely, works of constrained writing associated with OuLiPo (Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle). The recipe form is first scrutinized from the procedural...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2010) 31 (4): 797–799.
Published: 01 December 2010
... Sharon Himmelfarb Index to Volume 31 Number 1 (Constrained Writing [II]) 1–152 Number 2 153–386 Number 3 387–678 Number 4 679–795 798 Poetics Today 31:4 Articles Baetens, Jan...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2009) 30 (4): 635–652.
Published: 01 December 2009
... , edited by Hermannus Mutschmann (Leipzig, Germany: Teubner). Compose, Condense, Constrain Jacques Roubaud Translated by Jean-Jacques Poucel Abstract  An elaboration of the Oulipian practice of writing under constraint, this lecture illuminates select philosophical arguments in a manner...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2000) 21 (1): 151–186.
Published: 01 March 2000
..., Theodor W. 1992 [1974]“Commitment,” in Notes to Literature , vol. 2 , edited by Rolf Tiedemann and translated by Shierry Weber Nicholsen, 76 -94 (New York: Columbia University Press). Baetens, Jan 1997 “Free Writing, Constrained Writing: The Ideology Form,” Poetics Today 18 : 1 -14. Cayrol...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (3): 401–403.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and practice of procedural or constrained writing. (Baetens has also recently coedited a special issue on constrained writing in Poetics Today, vol. 31, no. 1 [2010 Finally, Brian McHale considers postmodernism, discussing various prob- lems involved in the definition and scope of the term along...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (3): 404–407.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and practice of procedural or constrained writing. (Baetens has also recently coedited a special issue on constrained writing in Poetics Today, vol. 31, no. 1 [2010 Finally, Brian McHale considers postmodernism, discussing various prob- lems involved in the definition and scope of the term along...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (3): 408–411.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and practice of procedural or constrained writing. (Baetens has also recently coedited a special issue on constrained writing in Poetics Today, vol. 31, no. 1 [2010 Finally, Brian McHale considers postmodernism, discussing various prob- lems involved in the definition and scope of the term along...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (3): 411–414.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and practice of procedural or constrained writing. (Baetens has also recently coedited a special issue on constrained writing in Poetics Today, vol. 31, no. 1 [2010 Finally, Brian McHale considers postmodernism, discussing various prob- lems involved in the definition and scope of the term along...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (3): 414–417.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and practice of procedural or constrained writing. (Baetens has also recently coedited a special issue on constrained writing in Poetics Today, vol. 31, no. 1 [2010 Finally, Brian McHale considers postmodernism, discussing various prob- lems involved in the definition and scope of the term along...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (3): 418–421.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and practice of procedural or constrained writing. (Baetens has also recently coedited a special issue on constrained writing in Poetics Today, vol. 31, no. 1 [2010 Finally, Brian McHale considers postmodernism, discussing various prob- lems involved in the definition and scope of the term along...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (3): 421–425.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and practice of procedural or constrained writing. (Baetens has also recently coedited a special issue on constrained writing in Poetics Today, vol. 31, no. 1 [2010 Finally, Brian McHale considers postmodernism, discussing various prob- lems involved in the definition and scope of the term along...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (3): 425–428.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and practice of procedural or constrained writing. (Baetens has also recently coedited a special issue on constrained writing in Poetics Today, vol. 31, no. 1 [2010 Finally, Brian McHale considers postmodernism, discussing various prob- lems involved in the definition and scope of the term along...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (3): 429–430.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and practice of procedural or constrained writing. (Baetens has also recently coedited a special issue on constrained writing in Poetics Today, vol. 31, no. 1 [2010 Finally, Brian McHale considers postmodernism, discussing various prob- lems involved in the definition and scope of the term along...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2013) 34 (3): 431–433.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and practice of procedural or constrained writing. (Baetens has also recently coedited a special issue on constrained writing in Poetics Today, vol. 31, no. 1 [2010 Finally, Brian McHale considers postmodernism, discussing various prob- lems involved in the definition and scope of the term along...
Journal Article
Poetics Today (2002) 23 (1): 63–89.
Published: 01 March 2002
...Reuven Tsur This article explores issues of versification as an epitome of cultural programs. It is devoted to the question of how cognitive processes shape and constrain cultural and literary forms. It assumes that the generation of culture is governed by adaptation devices exploited for cultural...