Elizabeth Barry is professor of modern literature in the Department of English at the University of Warwick, UK. She works in the fields of modern literary studies, medical humanities and—predominantly—literary age studies, and has published on representations of aging in the work of Samuel Beckett, Marcel Proust, Alice Munro, and Margaret Atwood, among others. She edited the Boydell collection Literature and Ageing with Margery Vibe Skagen in 2020 and is writing a monograph on aging and the experience of time in modern literature and thought, to appear in 2024.
Alice Crossley is a senior lecturer in English literature at the University of Lincoln. Her research focuses on intersections between age and gender (especially masculinity) in texts primarily by Victorian and modernist writers. In the field of aging studies her work includes Male Adolescence in Mid-Victorian Fiction (2018) and an article on asynchronicity and aging queerly in the short fiction of...