The point of departure for the article is Gérard Genette's distinction between “the world in which one tells” and “the world of which one tells,” the division between the worlds being referred to as a “boundary” and a “frontier.” I propose to discuss the crossing of four kinds of narratorial border: a third-person movement into first-person territory; a shift from the impersonal domain to the personal; a crossing of the line between the consistent and the inconsistent in the use of free indirect discourse; and a movement beyond the restricted area of a monologic code in interior monologue. The article concentrates on a detailed analysis of examples in novels by D. H. Lawrence, Joseph Conrad, Arnold Bennett, Virginia Woolf, and James Joyce.
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Research Article|
June 01 2009
Narratorial Border Crossings in Major Early-Twentieth-Century English Novels
Poetics Today (2009) 30 (2): 237–255.
H. M. Daleski; Narratorial Border Crossings in Major Early-Twentieth-Century English Novels. Poetics Today 1 June 2009; 30 (2): 237–255. doi:
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