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Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (2): 227–244.
Published: 01 April 2003
... other people tell them they were fated to surrender. The walls-into-windows theme runs through the story of one evening in a class I taught. One of my students, Rick, was resisting Freire s (1993b) words in Pedagogy of the Oppressed because of their impenetrability and the hope they express as Rick...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2020) 20 (2): 235–256.
Published: 01 April 2020
... Crosman s piece, Cynthia Lewis s essay is based on her interaction with a single student, Rick, a fourth grader with whom Lewis as a reading special- ist worked three times a week. She transcribed one session when Rick and she did a think- aloud, a technique that can help us see the processes by which...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2014) 14 (1): 1–25.
Published: 01 January 2014
... or literary critic. Instead, he was a rather ordinary man who ran a bar or, as he called it, a “saloon,” the Café Américain in the port of Casablanca during World War II. Always almost wincing in his white shirt, a cigarette perpetually in hand, “Mr. Rick” has come to signify for generations...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2017) 17 (3): 465–474.
Published: 01 October 2017
... Alighieri, La Vita Nuova . Harmondsworth, UK : Penguin . Ricks Christopher McCue Jim , eds. 2015 . The Poems of T. S. Eliot: Collected and Uncollected Poems . Vol. 1 . Baltimore, MD : Johns Hopkins University Press . Cluster on Teaching Dante’s Divine Comedy Vertically “In My...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2017) 17 (3): 457–464.
Published: 01 October 2017
.... In approaching his translation of the Thais episode in Inferno 18, we can first pause to consider that he translates in colorful and literal terms many of the Italian names often left aside by translators. For example, in Inferno 18.1, Dante’s Malebolge becomes Kirkpat- rick’s “Rottenpockets...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2004) 4 (1): 133–140.
Published: 01 January 2004
... Stories, trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. New York: Vintage. Milton, John. 1968. Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, ed. Christopher Ricks. New York: New American Library. Sragow, Michael. 2000. The Once and Future Queen of Comedy. Salon.com, 28 Sept. Accessed online at archive.salon.com/ent/col/srag/2000/09...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2006) 6 (2): 327–335.
Published: 01 April 2006
... to the Spectacle.” In The Sounds of Early Cinema , ed. Richard Abel and Rick Altman, 183 -91. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Dym, Jeffrey A. 2003 . Benshi, Japanese Silent Film Narrators, and Their Forgotten Narrative Art of Setsumei: A History of Japanese Silent Film Narration . Lewiston, NY: Edwin...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2011) 11 (3): 443–449.
Published: 01 October 2011
... Employees’ Collective Bargaining Law. As of this writing, oppo- nents of the law are gathering signatures for a referendum to be put on the ballot in November 2011. And in Michigan, where we both happen to work and live, Republican governor Rick Snyder signed into law the Local Gov- ernment and School...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2004) 4 (2): 263–288.
Published: 01 April 2004
... problems. We spent a week and a half on each play. The students wrote twice about Richard II and once about Measure for Measure. After they had finished Measure for Measure, Christopher Ricks of Boston University lectured on it to all four sections. The first class on Richard II was spent, as it always...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (3): 441–450.
Published: 01 October 2003
... to Christopher Ricks, who in turn had left an odd acre to the likes of me. Empson had learned with the rest of his generation to look down on the taste of their parents and grandparents, yet when he put modernist prejudice aside and got close to a passage of Swin- burne (163 65) or Hopkins (148 49...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2016) 16 (1): 153–164.
Published: 01 January 2016
... a little Googling, I discovered that Millions had published work by a host of writers and artists I greatly admire: Laurie Anderson,  Jonathan Lethem, and Rick Moody, for example. And there was Sean Cooper’s multimedia piece “Headphone Elegies” (2010) for all the world to see. Cooper’s...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2006) 6 (3): 405–433.
Published: 01 October 2006
...: Opening the American Mind , ed. Rick Simonson and Scott Walker, 3 -12. St. Paul, MN: Graywolf. Barwashi, Anis. 2000 . “The Genre Function.” College English 62 : 335 -60. Benton, Thomas. 2005 . “Reference Works and Academic Celebrity.” Chronicle of Higher Education , 9 December . Bleich...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (3): 451–457.
Published: 01 October 2003
... Trilling. Someone else could argue that we should have included Ker- mode, Ricks, Vendler, and Poirier. Where is Neil Hertz? And so on. But regrettable exclusions were a given, something all of us knew from the outset: lots would be included, but lots would be omitted, too, for the simple reason...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (3): 458–462.
Published: 01 October 2003
... Trilling. Someone else could argue that we should have included Ker- mode, Ricks, Vendler, and Poirier. Where is Neil Hertz? And so on. But regrettable exclusions were a given, something all of us knew from the outset: lots would be included, but lots would be omitted, too, for the simple reason...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (3): 463–467.
Published: 01 October 2003
... Trilling. Someone else could argue that we should have included Ker- mode, Ricks, Vendler, and Poirier. Where is Neil Hertz? And so on. But regrettable exclusions were a given, something all of us knew from the outset: lots would be included, but lots would be omitted, too, for the simple reason...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (3): 468–478.
Published: 01 October 2003
... left out F. R. Leavis and William Empson, for exam- ple. My fellow editors, as well as some instructors, may regret the absence of Lionel Trilling. Someone else could argue that we should have included Ker- mode, Ricks, Vendler, and Poirier. Where is Neil Hertz? And so on. But regrettable exclusions...