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Journal Article
Pedagogy (2017) 17 (2): 351–358.
Published: 01 April 2017
..., and Higher Education . Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press . Reviews
The Crisis of Composition
Teaching and Resistance in the Neoliberal Era
Composition in the Age of Austerity.
Edited by Nancy Welch and Tony Scott.
Utah State...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2002) 2 (2): 173–196.
Published: 01 April 2002
...: Reconstructing English As a Discipline . New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. Confronting Resistance: Sonny s Blues and Mine Arlene Wilner Few of us would deny that a capacity for thoughtful and often uncomfortable negotiation between ideas that one already holds closely and new or different perspectives...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2011) 11 (1): 109–134.
Published: 01 January 2011
...Laura J. Beard “Teaching Native Autobiographies as Acts of Narrative Resistance” is written for non-specialists in Native literature who include a Native-authored work in their classes. This article offers strategies to increase our understanding and appreciation of Native literature by opening up...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2014) 14 (3): 531–539.
Published: 01 October 2014
...Julie Prebel Educational theorists emphasize the importance of creating a classroom environment that encourages positive or productive student resistance to dominant social discourse. This article revisits work in critical pedagogy, feminism, and composition by focusing on the challenges...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2019) 19 (2): 195–208.
Published: 01 April 2019
...Neal Lerner While resilience often defines writing center survival strategies, resistance offers a familiar stance in relation to dominant classroom and institutional practices. However, both resilience and resistance are indexed to a perceived “normal,” and violations of normativity have...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2019) 19 (2): 261–281.
Published: 01 April 2019
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2020) 20 (1): 59–71.
Published: 01 January 2020
...Melody Pugh Using a case study of a Christian college student, this article develops a framework for understanding when and why students may choose to perform neutrality. The author argues that students may choose this form of “invisible” resistance in an effort to mitigate perceived power...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2020) 20 (1): 101–114.
Published: 01 January 2020
...Dana Harrington; Anne C. Wheeler Resistance narratives in composition studies often focus on how students resist pedagogies that challenge their received values and identities. These narratives ignore the complex developmental trajectory that students face in the writing classroom. The authors...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2020) 20 (1): 127–139.
Published: 01 January 2020
...Ai Binh T. Ho; Stephanie L. Kerschbaum; Rebecca Sanchez; Melanie Yergeau Neutrality is often impossible when disabled teachers are at the front of the classroom. This article unpacks three domains in which neutrality needs to be cripped: in response to students’ resistance to disability content...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2020) 20 (2): 235–256.
Published: 01 April 2020
...Martin Bickman Formerly, to be a radical teacher one had to be a Marxist, but in the past three years, a simple commitment to honesty, empathy, and democratic community has become an act of resistance. Examining three examples of reader-response criticism suggests how one can apply these values...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2023) 23 (2): 297–309.
Published: 01 April 2023
... the project of democratic education forward through the pandemic and beyond. Critical literacy—reading and writing practices that seek to expose and resist basic assumptions of the status quo—is a project that requires repeated recalibration. As a set of intellectual commitments that purport to create...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2001) 1 (3): 583–589.
Published: 01 October 2001
..., that it would be a pity if we all turned into resist- 544 Pedagogy PED 1.3-08 Roundtable 7/25/01 4:59 PM Page 544 ing readers, holding ourselves aloof from texts that portray people in ways different from what we have been taught to believe, unable any longer to sur- render to the imaginative sympathy...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2016) 16 (2): 297–300.
Published: 01 April 2016
... but can easily be extended to many more writers and works. The resistance of students to long poems by any poet, much less by women, reveals that professors still have much work to do in establishing lesser-known women writers as coequal with their better-known male contemporaries. This resistance...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2017) 17 (2): 289–319.
Published: 01 April 2017
...Maimuna Islam The creative writing program through its theory, pedagogy, and praxis in workshops has resisted the inclusion of lived experiences of politically active radical minorities. To mitigate some of these exclusions, I restructured a traditional workshop to integrate critical race studies...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2010) 10 (1): 35–53.
Published: 01 January 2010
...Colin Jager This article describes the current academic climate, among both faculty and students, as too harried and stressed for students to be really transformed by what they are learning. As a way to resist the neoliberalization of the university, it proposes that we rethink our relationship...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2011) 11 (1): 57–62.
Published: 01 January 2011
... for teaching faculty may “enact an argument about the separation of teaching and research” that should be resisted, and healthy models of the academic workplace should make sure that teaching and research remain meaningfully responsive to one another. Recent developments in higher education, which promise...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2008) 8 (3): 523–536.
Published: 01 October 2008
... faculty to rethink their practices. They draw on research in composition theory and pedagogy, suggesting that more effective learning takes place when teachers trust learners to consider their own need for knowledge, invite learners to devise variations and applications of received knowledge, and resist...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2008) 8 (3): 537–553.
Published: 01 October 2008
...Tiane Donahue It has become increasingly clear that U.S. faculty cannot afford to remain insular about global issues in teaching and the forces that are shaping them. At the same time, our desire to address or resist those issues, to join in or to find alternatives, needs to be contextualized...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2012) 12 (2): 353–366.
Published: 01 April 2012
... as to please the imagined graders, whom most students conflate with the specific audience posited by the question. The study indicates that open-form, experimental writing about standardized writing exams at the outset of the semester may help students transform resistance to writing from a general feeling...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2015) 15 (1): 81–92.
Published: 01 January 2015
...Leonard Cassuto; Paul Jay The authors call for more flexible dissertation projects but also argue that problems with graduate education range far wider than the doctoral dissertation. Many faculty resist the idea that the humanities can train students in skills that are useful, even marketable...