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Journal Article
Pedagogy (2017) 17 (1): 107–128.
Published: 01 January 2017
...Matthew Newcomb This article argues for using rhetorical quandaries as a basis for composition courses. Following work in composition that considers the notion of “problem,” the article explores constraints as a way to determine main difficulties in writing situations. Course examples indicate...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2023) 23 (2): 311–319.
Published: 01 April 2023
...K. Narayana Chandran Abstract While students discovered that the elite civic conscience served to render the Indian “migrant workers” invisible, they felt that a discursive correctness of terms called for debate. This article records their overwhelming sense of ethical quandary as others...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2011) 11 (3): 451–464.
Published: 01 October 2011
... of the Profession . New York : Oxford University Press . Ozick Cynthia . 2000 . Quarrel and Quandary: Essays . New York : Knopf . “ Preparing College Teachers .” 1965 . College Composition and Communication 16.3 : 198 – 99 . Schuster Charles . 2009 . “ CCCC 2009: An Argument...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2020) 20 (1): 185–191.
Published: 01 January 2020
... in chapter 3 as haunted essays, written in response to tragedies, that articulate personal quandaries in service of excavating their attendant social, cultural, and historical dilemmas that linger with us (71). Richard Rodriguez, in Late Victorians, for example, delivers personal anecdotes Spinner Why...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2006) 6 (2): 289–308.
Published: 01 April 2006
... host of distinctions — between fact and value, norm and deviation, reason and rhetoric, center and periphery, truth and politics — become, if not untenable, at least disputable in any of their prof- fered forms” (57). Rather than view ourselves in a quandary between “pub- lishing crap...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2005) 5 (2): 275–296.
Published: 01 April 2005
... and the Web.” Computers and Composition 19 : 191 -203. Ede, Lisa, and Andrea Lunsford. 1990 . Singular Texts/Plural Authors: Perspectives on Collaborative Writing . Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Foster, Andrea L. 2002 . “Plagiarism-Detection Tool Creates Legal Quandary: When...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2016) 16 (2): 333–345.
Published: 01 April 2016
... period!” As I smile in response, my heart sinks as I inwardly contrast the lyricism and oblique iconoclasm of Victorian poetry with the template of fulfilled romance such students may desire. But a reliable antidote for these quandaries awaits us: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Aurora Leigh...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2006) 6 (1): 25–52.
Published: 01 January 2006
..., the collective entity of students parents. While this projection, in psychological terms, allows students in many cases to avoid tackling their own moral quandaries, it does show that a kind of learned, student-led watch system on the paper mills is possible if as teachers we encourage it to happen. Even...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2012) 12 (1): 5–18.
Published: 01 January 2012
... arrives too late to affect public policy, and the impatience of all but specialists with the highly technical, Latinate, passive voice of publications in the leading journals. I invoke quandaries faced by these other fields to remind us that recognizing the shared plight of seem- ingly diverse...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2021) 21 (2): 295–309.
Published: 01 April 2021
... on the digital news in order to integrate it into their classrooms. In the digital age, our roles as pedagogues are changing too. Keller ( 2014 : 4) captures the quandary educators face when teaching our students how to critically read by noting the “vast expansion of genres and media,” implying that teachers...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2001) 1 (3): 489–506.
Published: 01 October 2001
... considered issues like perspectivism, panopticism, and Fausty Framing Composition 501 PED 1.3-05 Fausty 7/25/01 4:56 PM Page 501 social construction. My students are often perplexed by the readings; they may feel, for instance, that the epistemological quandary presented by Jane Tompkins (1996...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2006) 6 (3): 453–473.
Published: 01 October 2006
... Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1989 Debates about world literature — what it is, where it fits into the humanities curriculum, and how it should be taught — have intensified in recent years, serving as a convenient segue from the culture wars to the post-9/11 quandary of how best to accommodate our academic...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2016) 16 (1): 105–123.
Published: 01 January 2016
..., seeking ways to insert ourselves into their stories. During our book discussion, I was reminded of this quandary as Maddie spoke directly to Moira, responding to a particular scene in which Moira considers a marriage offer from another suitor: “No, don’t settle! You’ve shown yourself strong...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2018) 18 (1): 51–68.
Published: 01 January 2018
... 1. In thee, O Lord, doe I put my trust, let me neuer be put to confusion. 2. Deliuer mee in thy righteousnesse, and cause me to escape: incline thine eare vnto me, and saue me. (King James 1611: 71:1 – 2) become the most vital expression of the psalmist’s quandaries and his central request...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2007) 7 (3): 359–383.
Published: 01 October 2007
.... And pessimism” (53). Reading this, I recalled some of the quandaries and disappointments of teaching ecocriticism at Bath Spa University for the past eleven years, noting clear resonances with the things our students said in the process of discussion and evaluation we started to undertake in October...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2016) 16 (2): 229–250.
Published: 01 April 2016
.... This served as a prelude for discussing the significance of disguise, paradox, and circularity. What does it mean that anarchy is sown by order and good by evil? What is the point of the circular trajectory of Syme’s quest? The quandary of involving the greatest number in covering the broad- est...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2004) 4 (2): 263–288.
Published: 01 April 2004
... of the ethical quandaries of an attempted crime unachieved. He helped the students see how the icy rectitude of Angelo and Isabella match up, and started them thinking about the problems that arise when justice comes about through such implausibilities as in this play. Shakespeare s treatment of potentially...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2006) 6 (3): 405–433.
Published: 01 October 2006
... was based. As I listened to Valenza’s call on that occasion for “a pedagogy that invites our students to participate in the profession,” I realized that I had just issued such an invitation quite literally. At that time I was a graduate student in a quandary familiar to adjuncts in general: hired...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2009) 9 (2): 261–287.
Published: 01 April 2009
.... Despite the depth and breadth of these studies, Ball and Lardner (2005) remind us that teachers are not easily per- suaded to alter their existing pedagogy and change their classroom practices. Geneva Smitherman (qtd. in Ball and Lardner 2005: 147), too, has expressed her own quandaries about...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2008) 8 (1): 135–145.
Published: 01 January 2008
... is the need to war perpetually against love and happiness, trust and virtue, harmony and beauty, and all other manifestations of order and value; this perpetual war is the theatrical convention of his role” (8). The critical quandary concerning Iago’s motivation has thus lead Maurice Hunt (2005: 125...