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Journal Article
Pedagogy (2008) 8 (1): 5–24.
Published: 01 January 2008
...Simon Hay Both Azar Nafisi's and Mark Edmundson's recent books argue that the study of literature teaches a socially crucial set of critical thinking skills. But both take as dogma a liberal-capitalist framework and thus fail as models for how students can learn to think in genuinely critical ways...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2006) 6 (3): 435–452.
Published: 01 October 2006
... Republic and John Milton’s Areop- agitica, as well as full-length works of fiction: Azar Nafisi’s Reading “Lolita” in Tehran, Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, Husain Haddawy’s translation of The Arabian Nights, and Henry Fielding’s Joseph Andrews. The texts were rife with toponyms, vocabulary, specialized...