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hermeneutics of suspicion
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1-20 of 22 Search Results for
hermeneutics of suspicion
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Journal Article
Pedagogy (2023) 23 (1): 147–171.
Published: 01 January 2023
... toward conflict—namely, by suspicion . A suspicious stance, postcritics demonstrate, anticipates if not generates conflict among readers, writers, and texts. Frequently associated with Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics of suspicion, critique has been characterized as an investigative stance that assumes...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2023) 23 (3): 529–539.
Published: 01 October 2023
... studies, I had demanded that my students practice a “hermeneutics of suspicion.” I had required, as Rita Felski ( 2015 : 6) describes of “suspicious reading,” that my students adopt a “critical mood” in which an “attitude of vigilance, detachment, and wariness” (3) underlies an insistence that meaning...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2004) 4 (1): 133–140.
Published: 01 January 2004
... of the subaltern. But when have we thought about love? I write these words somewhat hesitantly, because the language of love seems so foreign to our critical enterprises and teaching concerns. Having been trained in the hermeneutics of suspicion, we find the disciplines of affection unnatural, no doubt because...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2016) 16 (3): 393–412.
Published: 01 October 2016
... be an indication that
the field has simply pivoted away from “high theory.” Today, theory is often
something looked back on (Rorty 2006), attacked as an outdated orthodoxy
(Patai and Corral 2005), or denounced as too one-sidedly committed to a
hermeneutics of suspicion (Felski 2009) — hence the recent...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2010) 10 (1): 25–33.
Published: 01 January 2010
..., and hermeneutics, in addition to gradu-
ate seminars in pedagogy. It would be a simple matter to identify ourselves
as specialists in English studies and leave it at that. After all, “English stud-
ies” is a remarkably capacious category, encompassing, either completely or
partially, a number...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2021) 21 (3): 505–520.
Published: 01 October 2021
... only think of a history of feminist critiques of visual pleasure and the male gaze, Marxist analyses of aesthetic ideology and commodity fetishism, the poststructuralist idiom of suspicion and interrogation, New Historicist indictments of power and containment.” 4 And yet, literary theory has never...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (1): 127–134.
Published: 01 January 2003
... and writing, the hermeneutics of difficulty, or popular literacy, she explores with a deeply interrogative spirit. Her scholarly inquisi- tiveness drums with a steady beat, and nowhere is this more evident than in Pedagogy: Disturbing History, 1819 1929. In this important but underexam- ined book...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2023) 23 (3): 503–508.
Published: 01 October 2023
... production in the humanities, Aaron Colton examines how attention to sincerity helps bridge a similar divide between critique and postcritique. If proponents of postcritical reading hold that a critical hermeneutics obscures superficial or literal readings, others argue that critique might help render...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2020) 20 (1): 73–85.
Published: 01 January 2020
... rhetorical concept of mêtis, it refuses to fight its opponent head- on; it is an art of redirection, of using another s momentum to your own advantage. Like Kopelson and Kirk, I aim to increase students engagement with course content by removing myself from their attention (and suspicion). But while...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2017) 17 (3): 373–396.
Published: 01 October 2017
... by suspicion, fear, or anger.
In the final section of this article I explain how instructors can take
steps to combat problematic stereotypes by consciously including and/or
making space for religious discourses in the writing classroom. Inclusivity
can create useful opportunities to challenge...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (3): 451–457.
Published: 01 October 2003
... American, New Historicism, phenomenology and hermeneutics, postcolonial, psychoanalytic, reader-response, structuralism and semiotics all of this largely disjunct from the historical half of the book. There is also a terrific conceptual index. But it adds up to a weighty sampler rather than a reader, let...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (3): 458–462.
Published: 01 October 2003
... American, New Historicism, phenomenology and hermeneutics, postcolonial, psychoanalytic, reader-response, structuralism and semiotics all of this largely disjunct from the historical half of the book. There is also a terrific conceptual index. But it adds up to a weighty sampler rather than a reader, let...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (3): 463–467.
Published: 01 October 2003
... American, New Historicism, phenomenology and hermeneutics, postcolonial, psychoanalytic, reader-response, structuralism and semiotics all of this largely disjunct from the historical half of the book. There is also a terrific conceptual index. But it adds up to a weighty sampler rather than a reader, let...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2003) 3 (3): 468–478.
Published: 01 October 2003
... American, Asian American, Chicano/Chicana, cultural studies, decon- struction and poststructuralism, feminist, formalism, gay/lesbian/queer, Marx- 454 Pedagogy ism, Native American, New Historicism, phenomenology and hermeneutics, postcolonial, psychoanalytic, reader-response, structuralism and semiotics...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2017) 17 (2): 151–175.
Published: 01 April 2017
... Sidney I. 1999 . “Paralogic Hermeneutic Theories, Power, and the Possibility for Liberating Pedagogies.” In Post-process Theory: Beyond the Writing-Process Paradigm , ed. Kent Thomas , 132 – 48 . Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press . Durst Russel K. 1999...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2010) 10 (1): 217–228.
Published: 01 January 2010
... as the two ruling approaches to literature — the ideological,
which encourages the hermeneutics of suspicion, and the theological, which
encourages us to understand it as existing in a sacred realm apart from the
one we readers inhabit. Felski’s solution is to emphasize literature’s various
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2009) 9 (3): 471–474.
Published: 01 October 2009
dent in Bloom’s work (Hirsch 1987: 23). Lorraine Clark’s article approaches
the problems facing contemporary education through a consideration of
Hirsch’s hermeneutical theory, showing the central importance of content
in communication and learning. In his contribution, E. D. Hirsch Jr. reaf...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2009) 9 (3): 475–486.
Published: 01 October 2009
the problems facing contemporary education through a consideration of
Hirsch’s hermeneutical theory, showing the central importance of content
in communication and learning. In his contribution, E. D. Hirsch Jr. reaf-
firms the scientific validity of the major claims of his book and speculates...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2009) 9 (3): 501–508.
Published: 01 October 2009
the problems facing contemporary education through a consideration of
Hirsch’s hermeneutical theory, showing the central importance of content
in communication and learning. In his contribution, E. D. Hirsch Jr. reaf-
firms the scientific validity of the major claims of his book and speculates...
Journal Article
Pedagogy (2009) 9 (3): 509–519.
Published: 01 October 2009
dent in Bloom’s work (Hirsch 1987: 23). Lorraine Clark’s article approaches
the problems facing contemporary education through a consideration of
Hirsch’s hermeneutical theory, showing the central importance of content
in communication and learning. In his contribution, E. D. Hirsch Jr. reaf...