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Submission Guidelines

To submit an article, a commentary, or a From the Classroom contribution, please visit
Pedagogy operates under a double-anonymized submissions policy. All references to the author's identity must be removed, or the manuscript will be returned. The journal follows The Chicago Manual of Style, but at submission, manuscripts in MLA style are acceptable. We do not accept submissions of manuscripts that have been previously published in any form or that are under review at another venue. Essays should be no more than approximately 10,000 words; commentaries and From the Classroom pieces should be no more than approximately 3,500 words (please review examples in the journal). Manuscripts meeting these criteria and judged to be within the scope of the journal's mission will be submitted to outside doubly anonymous peer review.
Send all editorial correspondence, including inquiries about reviews of scholarship, textbooks, and other teaching materials, to [email protected] or Pedagogy, Department of English, Calvin University, 1795 Knollcrest Circle SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Review copies may also be sent to this address.


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