Troilus and Criseyde is a work of magnificent scope and intimidating breadth. A strategy that I have found effective for addressing the potentially overwhelming pedagogical task of teaching this masterpiece is to ask students to analyze the relationships between genre and character. Through this process, I encourage students to engage in vectored analysis, which I describe as the examination of a text from at least two converging yet separate perspectives. Encouraging students to examine literature from complementary and vectoring perspectives enables them to make the cognitive leap from a static analysis of one issue to a more vibrant exploration of textual interplay. Vectored analysis provides a pedagogical foundation for students of all abilities to approach multigeneric texts and to reach deeper insights about them. In this essay, I demonstrate this approach with Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, but it could be readily reformulated for a range of multigeneric texts.
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April 01 2008
Vectoring Genre and Character: A Pedagogical Model for Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and Other Multigeneric Texts
Pedagogy (2008) 8 (2): 348–361.
Tison Pugh; Vectoring Genre and Character: A Pedagogical Model for Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and Other Multigeneric Texts. Pedagogy 1 April 2008; 8 (2): 348–361. doi:
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