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Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (2): 196–209.
Published: 01 August 2014
...Jacques Rancière In The Waves , one of the characters dreams of “a wandering thread, lightly joining one thing to another.” This essay situates this dream within the problem of modern fiction. Fiction was defined by Aristotle as an arrangement of actions according to necessity or verisimilitude...
Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (2): 187–195.
Published: 01 August 2014
... of Rancière's article “The Thread of the Novel” in this context and situate the other articles in this issue (by Elaine Freedgood, Emily Steinlight, Raji Vallury, Sarah Winter, and Davide Panagia) in relation to the same quandary. © 2014 by Novel, Inc. 2014 Duke University Press This content is made...
Journal Article
Novel (2018) 51 (3): 529–532.
Published: 01 November 2018
.... The old consensuses of artistic decorum and social relations were both swept aside. In The Lost Thread , however, Rancière is somewhat less focused upon moments of dissensus than upon processes of transformational encounters between residual and revolutionary aesthetics. In his multifaceted analysis...
Journal Article
Novel (2011) 44 (1): 11–13.
Published: 01 May 2011
... at once matters of form) generated by the contrast between the romantic, nostalgic Don and his down-to-earth foil, Sancho Panza. Certainly it seems possible to identify as one of the most consistent threads in novel studies (at least of the diachronic variety) that which seeks to adumbrate...
Journal Article
Novel (2022) 55 (2): 324–338.
Published: 01 August 2022
... not as the gathering point for a cast of characters and narrative threads but as a space that merely facilitates the circulation of people and things, all of which move through the city but are not of it. Perec provides a rationale for his experiment in prefatory remarks to the novel (for a “novel” is what we...
Journal Article
Novel (2023) 56 (3): 477–480.
Published: 01 November 2023
... Foster Wallace and Zadie Smith, and “the long thread” in the 1999 runway show of Issey Miyake. At first glance, this is a dazzling juxtaposition. Yet one can't help but wonder: does “length” really refer to the same thing as applied to a long take, a long sentence, and a long thread? Or is this just...
Journal Article
Novel (2022) 55 (3): 501–517.
Published: 01 November 2022
... but maybe understood was not simply that the warp and woof of narrative can't save us but also that some efforts to weave together the threads of free will, chance, and necessity bring with them the sword. 1 McNamara had asked John McNaughton to oversee the project, but he died in a plane crash...
Journal Article
Novel (2011) 44 (1): 126–130.
Published: 01 May 2011
... the mirror image of Dis- cipline and Punish: where Foucault explores how the new conception of the subject shaped disciplinary culture, Castiglia follows the thread in the opposite direction to see how disci- pline reshaped the subject. Of course, Foucault would take up this work later in his career...
Journal Article
Novel (2013) 46 (3): 478–482.
Published: 01 November 2013
... plot threads are bound together across international space and time (176). It is when he addresses the limits of a community networked by mutual mobility that Grossman’s argument offers the most rewarding insights into how passenger transport implicated Victorian social relations. So Little...
Journal Article
Novel (2008) 41 (2-3): 388–396.
Published: 01 November 2008
.... Miller is also willing to trace loose threads; here, as elsewhere, those loose threads are often the most significant ones. To propose that the French Atlantic triangle had an impact on French culture is to state a simple truth. To show exactly where and how it did is this book's significant...
Journal Article
Novel (2020) 53 (3): 360–382.
Published: 01 November 2020
... Theory, and the Puzzle of the Bomb . New York : Anchor , 1993 . Quarrie Cynthia . “ Impossible Inheritance: Filiation and Patrimony in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Unconsoled .” Critique 55 ( 2014 ): 138 – 51 . Rancière Jacques . The Lost Thread: The Democracy of Modern Fiction...
Journal Article
Novel (2003) 36 (2): 277–278.
Published: 01 August 2003
... in hiding during the war marked her psychologi- cally. We find out how by pursuing another thread in the author's story: her visit to an elderly aunt, Zsazsa N6ni. As Suleiman describes this visit and then dorms us about the aunt's death a few years later, she frankly acknowledges her own tendency...
Journal Article
Novel (2000) 33 (2): 253–255.
Published: 01 August 2000
..." subtends the psy- chology of sentimental ownership. Keeping all of these threads straight is the challenge Merish encounters in her more theoretical moments; her literary and cultural examples are significantly more straightforward and illuminating. The Introduction focuses on the mutually...
Journal Article
Novel (2004) 38 (1): 114–116.
Published: 01 May 2004
... Cuddy-Keane's discussion of "The Plumage Bill" (1920). Threaded through Part Two are timely reminders that Woolf's theories of reading, history, and audience anticipate later theorists such as Hans Jacob Jauss, Mikhail Bakhtin, Hayden White, Barbara Hernstein Smith, Michel de Certeau...
Journal Article
Novel (2019) 52 (2): 305–307.
Published: 01 August 2019
... two previous books, on crowds in the first half of the century and on portable property in mid-century, trace well-defined topics on clear trajectories and sift through wide-ranging primary materials, historical and material contexts, and secondary literature. Semi-detached picks up threads from...
Journal Article
Novel (2000) 34 (1): 128–130.
Published: 01 May 2000
..., is the thread running through Tropicopolitans. While the author treats agency in a more sustained way than colonialism throughout all sections of the book, the attempt to align his overall analysis with traditional feminist con- cerns is sporadic. If Tropicopolitans were primarily about problems...
Journal Article
Novel (2012) 45 (1): 133–135.
Published: 01 May 2012
... into a whole and meaningful fiber. The spinning machine runs on, and the flaws in its ultimate fabric can be traced through its smallest threads. Stewart seems to be aware of the exacting fixity of his own critical attention in these read- ings, a fixity that his method would always demand. His next...
Journal Article
Novel (2008) 41 (2-3): 342–362.
Published: 01 November 2008
... remembers of it, resembles the problematic that Lukdcs saw as characteristic of the naturalist style, where the "so-called action is only a thread on which the still lives are disposed in a superficial, ineffective, fortuitous sequence of isolated, static pictures" ("Narrate" 144). What Maneck's...
Journal Article
Novel (2012) 45 (1): 140–143.
Published: 01 May 2012
..., that the white girl is merely one thread of a complex weave, and to pull so insistently on it is to risk simplifying the book. In the introduction, he disarmingly confesses that the book has gone through several iterations, of which the modernity of mass cultural production, or the fear of reform...
Journal Article
Novel (2021) 54 (3): 508–511.
Published: 01 November 2021
... disparate threads in the historiography of the rise of the novel, When Novels Were Books illustrates just how capacious research in this field has been and how exciting it remains. Touching on the mutual entanglements of English Protestantism and literature, the history of the book trade in its many...