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Journal Article
Novel (2006) 39 (2): 273–275.
Published: 01 August 2006
...RYAN TRIMM JED ESTY, A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2004), pp. 285, cloth, $55.00, paper, $19.95. Copyright © Novel Corp. 2006 2006 The Incredible Shrinking Empire FD ES~,A Shrinking Island: Moderilism...
Journal Article
Novel (2009) 42 (2): 261–267.
Published: 01 August 2009
... . A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England . Princeton: Princeton UP, 2003 . Evans , Brad . Before Cultures: The Ethnographic Imagination in American Literature, 1865-1920 . Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2005 . Greenblatt , Stephen . Renaissance Self-Fashioning: From More...
Journal Article
Novel (2018) 51 (3): 461–481.
Published: 01 November 2018
... ( 2014 ): 133 – 50 . Esty Jed . “ Global Lukács .” Novel 43 . 2 ( 2009 ): 366 – 72 . Esty Jed . A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England . Princeton : Princeton UP , 2004 . Esty Jed . Unseasonable Youth: Modernism, Colonialism, and the Fiction...
Journal Article
Novel (2015) 48 (3): 502–504.
Published: 01 November 2015
... of comparative criticism, “Dickens, Griffith, and the Film Today” (3). Indeed, given how the Hollywood Production Code attempted to reinscribe the shrinking-violet standards of the British Victorian novel in the new medium of film, creating a language that sought to codify what was and was not to be said...
Journal Article
Novel (2023) 56 (1): 129–132.
Published: 01 May 2023
... environments an increasing sense of artifice and unreality. “As the world becomes artifice, as the world becomes the product of the machine, of the man-made, the gap between an increasingly artificial lifeworld and the modes of artifice which depict it might appear not to grow, but rather to shrink” (236...
Journal Article
Novel (2013) 46 (2): 310–312.
Published: 01 August 2013
... between art and commerce. But as is so often the case in scholarship that sets out to interrogate the busi- ness of literature, Dowling seems to shrink away from the inquiry when he gets too close to the details of the business itself, as if still haunted by the very ideological production he...
Journal Article
Novel (2007) 40 (3): 329–332.
Published: 01 November 2007
... literary studies of Englishness. The most in- fluential of these books are Simon Gikandi's Maps of Englishness: Writing Identity in the Culture of Colonialism (1996), Ian Baucom's Out of Place: Englishness, Empire and the Loca- tions of Identity (1999), and Jed Esty's A Shrinking Island...
Journal Article
Novel (2000) 33 (3): 415–418.
Published: 01 November 2000
... is seemingly diminished; Yaeger says that her body maps "the very codes that have broken and betrayed her. But once Sofia stops nursing these white folks and gets to come home, her gigantism is slowly resurrected" (145). Toni Morrison's character Pilate in Song of Solomon also shape-shifts, "shrink[ing...
Journal Article
Novel (2011) 44 (3): 467–470.
Published: 01 November 2011
... uniqueness; it registers, that is, the pressures of a shrinking globe that ironically—even perversely—fuel the most chauvinistic proclamations of an emerging world power. These contradictions, while not themselves constituting a new story, form the prehis- tory of contemporary multiculturalism...
Journal Article
Novel (2002) 36 (1): 133–137.
Published: 01 May 2002
... and global shrinking of modernity. Rita Felski's afterword succinctly swmmrke for the reader the distinct alternative stories told about modernity by this essay collection. Yet as a reader-female and deeply identified (as I have been for mo~than a decade) with the productions of women writers...
Journal Article
Novel (2011) 44 (3): 509–512.
Published: 01 November 2011
... a sense of what it feels like to be a statistic” (26). The notion of the average is a deeply novelistic one, Jaffe points out, insofar as the novel seeks both to “[shrink] a multiplicity of individuals into a single entity, or what novel theory usually calls a ‘type’” (31), and also to reproduce...
Journal Article
Novel (2013) 46 (3): 483–486.
Published: 01 November 2013
... for the assortment of Anglophone novels he has chosen to dis- play, both European and not, the impulse to associate with others seems as fundamental as the impulse to achieve personal development, distinctiveness, or individuality. So what kinds of association are these? Marx never shrinks from the awkward...
Journal Article
Novel (2020) 53 (1): 132–136.
Published: 01 May 2020
... race studies, Marxist theory, postcolonial theory, and translation theory” (166), housed in the shrinking departments of comparative literature and foreign languages. Fisk acknowledges that there are better and worse polemics against world literature, but in choosing to focus on the “least convincing...
Journal Article
Novel (2021) 54 (1): 144–148.
Published: 01 May 2021
... of the “robot revolution” in lieu of immigration, a tactic that is trumpeted in the face of a shrinking labor force? What would she make of the global fight for control of AI? A vital contribution to the field, Rhee's book does not argue fiction is “coming true,” as is so often the case in scientific...
Journal Article
Novel (2013) 46 (3): 478–482.
Published: 01 November 2013
... original serial publication, Grossman paints a panoramic view of a world that was both expanding and shrinking as it required its inhabitants to imagine their actions as if from an omniscient viewpoint as plottable within a system of mobility. These novels were written at different stages of railway...
Journal Article
Novel (2018) 51 (1): 151–155.
Published: 01 May 2018
... steps shy of that precipitous y-axis that we might call the necessary genius of literary history. jed esty is the Vartan Gregorian Professor and Chair of English at the University of Pennsylvania. The author of two books, A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England (2004...
Journal Article
Novel (2024) 57 (2): 268–272.
Published: 01 August 2024
... a “little geometrid caterpillar that was checking the number of inches” between them (81). Even as he recognizes this ideal as a fantasy that verges on solipsism, Fyodor still wishes there were a real reader who could fulfill it. Nabokov, an émigré writer with a shrinking circle of Russian readers, seems...
Journal Article
Novel (2016) 49 (1): 5–9.
Published: 01 May 2016
... system, a counter-system, even if it is one of imagination; for the whole point of punitive incarceration is to shrink the imagination to the point where one cannot imagine a future other than the one decreed, the one into which one is being educated by every act of humiliation possible, to the extent...
Journal Article
Novel (2015) 48 (1): 126–130.
Published: 01 May 2015
... object of analysis, narrative. To be sure, the book does radically revise our understanding of that pole of realism, too, mainly by shrinking it. This is another fundamental departure from recent novel criticism, which has been energetically expanding and elaborating narrative phenomena primarily. We...
Journal Article
Novel (2013) 46 (2): 275–295.
Published: 01 August 2013
... . Berkeley : U of California P , 1986 . Conrad Joseph . Heart of Darkness, with The Congo Diary . 1902 . Ed. Hampson Robert . London : Penguin , 1995 . Esty Jed . A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England . Princeton : Princeton UP , 2004 . Evans...