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Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (1): 43–56.
Published: 01 May 2014
... and appropriated them for a burgeoning revolutionary culture. In his teaching notes, Zhou upholds the people as the transformative engine for social progress: they are authors of their own culture, the political subjects of popular democracy, and in solidarity with the working classes of the world. This essay...
Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (1): 149–166.
Published: 01 May 2014
... both to legitimize “the People” of democracy and to manage the inherent instability in that category, and dominant theoretical models for explaining literature's democratic potential have also relied on and naturalized those mechanisms. Yet Krik? Krak! indexes the many exclusions smuggled in through...
Journal Article
Novel (2000) 33 (3): 307–327.
Published: 01 November 2000
... . Social Statics . 1850 . New York: Robert Schalkenbach Association, 1970 . Williams , Raymond . The Country and the City . New York: Oxford UP, 1973 . When Bad Things Happen to Bad People:
Liability and Individual Consciousness in
Adam Bede...
Journal Article
Novel (2016) 49 (1): 148–153.
Published: 01 May 2016
... Lundblad's ambitious new book, which examines the consequences within US literature and culture, circa 1900, of the idea that people are animals too. Here is the backstory: in or about 1800, the possibility emerged for thinking of human beings as part of, rather than outside, the animal kingdom...
Journal Article
Novel (2023) 56 (2): 186–207.
Published: 01 August 2023
...Neil Ten Kortenaar Abstract Marlon James's A Brief History of Seven Killings fictionalizes a historical incident, the shooting of Bob Marley in Kingston in 1976, and the larger political, economic, and cultural forces that led to it and emerged from it. Real people can enter fiction and retain...
Journal Article
Novel (2009) 42 (3): 361–365.
Published: 01 November 2009
... people has been far more controversial, and rightly so. Because to the degree that they have been perceived to be in or of another time, black people have also been excluded from dominant constructions of Western modernity, such as those of Hegel and Jefferson. Yet the idea that African Americans inhabit...
Journal Article
Novel (2022) 55 (2): 324–338.
Published: 01 August 2022
... the perspective of this novelist, transformed beyond recognition by the infrastructure of circulation. No longer the imagined center of a productive economy that draws people and objects into its orbit in order to assign them places as characters in the vast amphitheater of class relations—as in the classic city...
Journal Article
Novel (2017) 50 (2): 176–196.
Published: 01 August 2017
... to transfer political power from one group, the aristocrats of the ancien régime, to another group, the people. This essay further suggests that this flattening of characters as individuals accords not only with an anti-individualist political history in which the French Revolution is understood as a battle...
Journal Article
Novel (2016) 49 (3): 486–503.
Published: 01 November 2016
... in a media culture where a network of people, things, and texts intermingle in commercial society. Working through the epistemology of possessive individualism, sentimental fiction tends to question whether individuals really own their feelings. The form of the novel mirrors this concern to challenge...
Journal Article
Novel (2009) 42 (3): 400–409.
Published: 01 November 2009
... and do partake of an “Indianness” that is deemed authentic and powerful as long as they are understood to be committed to the Indian nation and her people from within or from afar. In Markandaya's case, I argue that after the global success of her first novel, Nectar in a Sieve (1954), her refusal to put...
Journal Article
Novel (2009) 42 (2): 223–230.
Published: 01 August 2009
...Nancy Bentley For diasporic African peoples, the transatlantic slave trade created a condition of “kinlessness,” a legal and social exclusion from recognized forms of family affiliation. This kinless condition, moreover, was transmitted through birth, making kinlessness a logical impossibility even...
Journal Article
Novel (2009) 42 (2): 261–267.
Published: 01 August 2009
...-century novel's apparent commitment to an autoethnographic enterprise aimed at writing into existence a delimited and distinctive culture for the English or even the British people at a time when there was every encouragement for them to regard their way of life as exhausted in identification...
Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (2): 284–300.
Published: 01 August 2014
..., as Bruno Bosteels rightly notes, “displays a brilliant use of the free indirect style of speech.” Style regards the arrangement of peoples, places, and events into collectivities. In this essay I elaborate Rancière's political style of writing. I begin by tracing Rancière's debt to Karl Marx's critique...
Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (1): 132–148.
Published: 01 May 2014
..., the kernel of the engagement of literature with the political lies in the exhaustion of the nation as a site of the constitution of a popular will. In the case of Arguedas, whose work is deeply marked by the long colonial experience of the Andean people, repeated frustrations with modern notions...
Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (1): 167–185.
Published: 01 May 2014
... to such colonial locations as they appear in the novel, I advance a claim concerning aesthetics and politics: namely, in the eighteenth century it is the demos—the collectivity and the geography of that collectivity, the defining of a people —that requires constituting by way of the genre of the novel as much...
Journal Article
Novel (2010) 43 (2): 227–250.
Published: 01 August 2010
... to “the people” as a whole in what appears to be a throwaway line, this epithet expresses the theoretical crux of the novel's provocative engagement with a Victorian politics of population. Where recent critics approach the novel genre primarily as a vehicle for domestic ideology and a technology...
Journal Article
Novel (2012) 45 (1): 13–18.
Published: 01 May 2012
...Lisa Zunshine My essay emphasizes the social aspect of our engagement with fictional narratives by drawing on cognitive scientists' research into “theory of mind,” also known as “mind reading”: our evolved adaptation for explaining people's behavior in terms of their mental states, such as thoughts...
Journal Article
Novel (2012) 45 (1): 27–29.
Published: 01 May 2012
...Barbara Herrnstein Smith The forum's question might be interpreted more broadly and evoke a broader set of answers than found in these essays. For example, we might recall that, for many people over much of recorded history, the texts that have been the central objects of reading activities have...
Journal Article
Novel (2012) 45 (1): 31–55.
Published: 01 May 2012
... (1859), known for its famous statement of realist principles and its depiction of heroic common people set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars. Though the novel takes place in the English countryside, the narrator invokes a presumed audience who differ profoundly from the novel's peasant...
Journal Article
Novel (2012) 45 (1): 56–70.
Published: 01 May 2012
... in. Phelps's text vacillates between tenses, seeking to make all people inhabit the present; however, narration depends on keeping these time frames discrete, and as the religious goal of the novel is achieved, its narrative cohesion is undermined. © 2012 by Novel, Inc. 2012 Duke University Press...