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Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (1): 24–42.
Published: 01 May 2014
... political body. A Hawthorne story from the same period as Tocqueville's study shows the new collectivity paradoxically requiring the constraints of classical liberalism just as liberalism in turn seemed to require the popular energy unleashed by democracy to justify its constraints and exclusions. Hawthorne...
Journal Article
Novel (2001) 35 (1): 104–124.
Published: 01 May 2001
..., and the Relativity Paradox CHRISTOPHER HERBERT Walter Pater, a keen observer of contemporary trends and a writer for whom Virginia Woolf had close affinities,' declared in 1865 that the defining feature of modem thought was "its cultivation of the 'relative' spirit in place of the 'abso- lute...
Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (3): 383–402.
Published: 01 November 2014
... Christopher P. The Labor of Words: Literary Professionalism in the Progressive Era . Athens : U of Georgia P , 1985 . Woodmansee Martha Jaszi Peter , eds. The Construction of Authorship: Textual Appropriation in Law and Literature . Durham : Duke UP , 1994 . The Paradox...
Journal Article
Novel (2009) 42 (2): 278–283.
Published: 01 August 2009
... anxiety about determinism and, paradoxically, anxiety about lack of clear identities, a tug of war that is of course intrinsic to American ethnic literature. Eugenides could be said to recoup the old American immigrant novel promising self-making within the political context of a city of race riots...
Journal Article
Novel (2010) 43 (1): 72–77.
Published: 01 May 2010
... through which, paradoxically, to imagine motion. © 2010 by Novel, Inc. 2010 Works Cited Bagehot , Walter . “Charles Dickens.” 1858. Specimens of Modern English Literary Criticism .Ed. T. Brewster William. New York: Macmillan, 1907 . 80 –110. Bakhtin , Mikhail . The Dialogic...
Journal Article
Novel (2010) 43 (1): 116–123.
Published: 01 May 2010
..., dwelling on each image—the more we have had to say. Canonization, the vector of less, and close reading, the vector of more, are thus the paradoxical countermovements of the modern literary system. Ideology has also served that system well, sharing with close reading the logic of the physical: to grow...
Journal Article
Novel (2010) 43 (2): 227–250.
Published: 01 August 2010
... describing a conventionally realist totality of social relations among individuals, such texts as Bleak House, Little Dorrit , and Our Mutual Friend imagine the human aggregate more paradoxically as a mass that exceeds any conceivable total. In emplotting the systematic failure of society to accommodate...
Journal Article
Novel (2010) 43 (2): 271–293.
Published: 01 August 2010
... on women in an unreconstructed liberalism—rather than an entrenched cultural hostility—that can be transformed through female sympathy as the basis for reciprocal familial relations. However, Brontë's and Eliot's depictions actually give rise to a paradox in which male authority relies on female sympathy...
Journal Article
Novel (2013) 46 (2): 179–192.
Published: 01 August 2013
... that the deep past that makes the everyday historical is exactly what disqualifies native culture from history. This is the colonial paradox that most interests me in Cather's rethinking of the historical novel: Indian culture is excluded from the alternative space that Cather opens up for the quotidian...
Journal Article
Novel (2013) 46 (3): 345–363.
Published: 01 November 2013
..., or labor servitude imposed on a multiracial population), these novels thwart interpretive efforts to restrict their referents to the history of American slavery. Paradoxically, I argue, it is only by tracking the slippery referents of Butler's novels of slavery—their uneven shifts between historical...
Journal Article
Novel (2018) 51 (1): 1–16.
Published: 01 May 2018
... to equate passing with self-denial, converting small talk to an equivocal medium for passing that, paradoxically, makes audible a protest against racial segregation and social regulation. Copyright © 2018 by Novel, Inc. 2018 Nella Larsen Harlem Renaissance passing sociolinguistics microsociology...
Journal Article
Novel (2022) 55 (2): 218–239.
Published: 01 August 2022
.... This skepticism is rooted in Emma 's conservative economic and political vision. Its conservatism paradoxically gestures to a point that is important to some of today's progressive thought: that our valorization of preferential choice—of the idea that choices should be a matter of individual desire for one option...
Journal Article
Novel (2022) 55 (3): 388–405.
Published: 01 November 2022
...Caroline Levine Abstract Open‐endedness is one of the most pervasive and enduring values in literary studies. Critics of all stripes have condemned teleology on both aesthetic and political grounds. This essay makes the paradoxical case that in an era of mass precarity, this insistence on openness...
Journal Article
Novel (2016) 49 (1): 115–138.
Published: 01 May 2016
... changed Earth galvanizes humanity into collective existence, converting discrete individuals into a species aligned, paradoxically, both with and against the planet. The essay then considers the violent histories associated with such attempts to meet global problems with global solutions, asserting...
Journal Article
Novel (2015) 48 (1): 18–44.
Published: 01 May 2015
...-relations psychoanalysis and its present-day inheritors helps to uncover the invention of modern solitude: a paradoxical state in which we are never truly alone because we have internalized the presence of others, whether they are persons or, this essay argues, literary characters. We, like Tess, imagine...
Journal Article
Novel (2015) 48 (3): 446–464.
Published: 01 November 2015
... to Arendt's attempt to complete Immanuel Kant's unrealized project of deriving a concept of political judgment from the field of aesthetics, the thesis of this essay is that the contradictions and paradoxes of such an attempt can help establish a heuristic for studying literature as a political medium...
Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (1): 11–23.
Published: 01 May 2014
... form in general. I want to argue that Alice is good on democracy because it reveals a necessary relation between rules and politics, between games and nonsense, and between procedural transparency and political violence. I want, in other words, to show how Carroll’s novelistic paradoxes embody...
Journal Article
Novel (2011) 44 (3): 476–479.
Published: 01 November 2011
...Berthold Schoene LEE SUE-IM , A Body of Individuals: The Paradox of Community in Contemporary Fiction ( Columbus : Ohio State UP , 2009 ), pp. 196 , cloth, $44.95 . © 2011 by Novel, Inc. 2011 Duke University Press The Anti-instrumentalist Community sue-im...
Journal Article
Novel (2018) 51 (1): 144–147.
Published: 01 May 2018
... is concerned—rightly and presciently so—with the inherent multiplicity of individual action, that which lies at the very foundation of liberal thought. He shows that neither the individual nor the action is ever singular, or—more precisely—that this singularity is always already (or paradoxically, depending...
Journal Article
Novel (2000) 33 (2): 264–266.
Published: 01 August 2000
..., if citizens are not gendered, on what basis were women excluded from the status of citizenship, not receiving the vote in France until 1944? And why, to this day, does France have among the lowest representation of women in politics in Europe? It is the paradoxical, if not discriminatory relation...