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Journal Article
Novel (2013) 46 (1): 26–49.
Published: 01 May 2013
...Julian Jimenez Heffernan This article examines the centrality of the motif of the hand in Samuel Richardson's Pamela . By underscoring the structural salience of the hand-derived notions of maintenance, command, manumission, manufacture and manners, the article seeks to prove that the novel plots...
Journal Article
Novel (2018) 51 (1): 1–16.
Published: 01 May 2018
... of small talk, which emerges in her fiction as a self-accenting style of racial embodiment and a bold revision to the American novel of manners and to early twentieth-century etiquette manuals. Drawing on sociolinguistics and microsociology, this essay argues that Larsen unsettles the cultural tendency...
Journal Article
Novel (2015) 48 (3): 400–420.
Published: 01 November 2015
... or supernatural agency over Crane's fictional terrain. Accounting for these in terms of fairly conventional modes of realism and naturalism, critics often presume that Crane's plotting works to literalize clichés of common speech and thus to reveal, in a manner of action, social significance latent in a manner...
Journal Article
Novel (2009) 42 (2): 268–277.
Published: 01 August 2009
...Lauren Byler Anthony Trollope's infamous obsession with composing novels in as efficient a manner as possible founders on the rhetorical excess of the metaphors he employs to signify utility: shoes and shoe making. Like the ornate metaphors for utility that illustrate and obstruct Trollope's theory...
Journal Article
Novel (2022) 55 (3): 444–462.
Published: 01 November 2022
...Yoon Sun Lee Abstract This essay examines the phenomenon of typicality as a horizon of the novel's activity. The novel's manner of representing seems to require a certain belief in the existence of types. Yet how the novel goes about demonstrating this belief does not sit easily with usual ideas...
Journal Article
Novel (2016) 49 (1): 5–9.
Published: 01 May 2016
..., this essay uses the concepts of globalectics, heterotopia, liminality, and heteroglossia to argue that the novel is the ultimate heterotopia, containing in itself or rather reflecting in a more holistic manner than probably any other genre all the other spaces of the economy, politics, culture, values...
Journal Article
Novel (1999) 33 (1): 73–92.
Published: 01 May 1999
... Empire. Lennox's novels
delineate the motives for their migrations to and from the province, as well as the
way men and manners joined and differentiated province and metropolis, faith-
fully re-presenting attitudes, conduct, and experiences described in the "real" let-
ters, journals...
Journal Article
Novel (2005) 38 (2-3): 193–213.
Published: 01 November 2005
...: Routledge, 1992 . Reeve , Clara . The Progress of Romance through Times, Countries, and Manners , 2 vols . 1785; rpt. New York: Garland, 1970 . Ross , Deborah . “Mirror, Mirror: The Didactic Dilemma of The Female Quixote,” Studies in English Literature 27 ( 1987 ): 455 –73...
Journal Article
Novel (2005) 39 (1): 75–96.
Published: 01 May 2005
... –xxxii. Kermode , Frank . Introduction. The Way We Live Now . New York: Penguin, 2002 . vii –xxii, Martineau , Harriet . How to Observe. Morals and Manners . Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1838 . Martineau , Harriet . Society in America . London: Saunders and Otley...
Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (3): 403–421.
Published: 01 November 2014
... Oedipal obsession’’ (379).
410 NOVEL FALL 2014
acknowledge Ware’s ignorance of modern scholarship andthought is both polite and
cruel, cruel because it is so polite. Good manners, as always, provide ample cover for
condescension. Good manners entail, for Ledsmar and Forbes, an assumption...
Journal Article
Novel (2013) 46 (1): 140–143.
Published: 01 May 2013
...Aviva Briefel MICHIE ELSIE B. , The Vulgar Question of Money: Heiresses, Materialism, and the Novel of Manners from Jane Austen to Henry James ( Baltimore : Johns Hopkins UP , 2011 ), pp. 320 , cloth, $70.00 . © 2013 by Novel, Inc. 2013 Duke University Press...
Journal Article
Novel (2011) 44 (3): 525–528.
Published: 01 November 2011
... four historical rubrics—fever, manners, riot, and
freedom—that manage to connect literary expression with the political crises and cultural
changes taking place in post-Revolutionary and antebellum Philadelphia. Yet Otter is the-
oretically savvy enough to avoid the pitfalls of the reflectionist...
Journal Article
Novel (2001) 34 (2): 180–201.
Published: 01 August 2001
... consists in an accurate and interesting repre-
sentation of such manners and characters as society presents." Aikin is looking
back toward the male tradition of the novel, exemplified above all by Fielding
and Richardson, and forward, unwittingly, to Jane Austen and George Eliot.
"Next comes...
Journal Article
Novel (2005) 38 (2-3): 272–290.
Published: 01 November 2005
.... Cooper , Anthony Ashley . Shaftesbury, Third Earl of. Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times . Ed. Lawrence Klein. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999 . Shapin , Steven . “‘A Scholar and a Gentleman’: The Problematic Identity of the Scientific Practitioner in Early Modern England...
Journal Article
Novel (2015) 48 (3): 465–468.
Published: 01 November 2015
... significant manner, but Taylor makes this claim—that it shares “a recognition of the ways in which new media, communications, and information technologies transformed life during the latter half of the twentieth century” (5)—in order to bolster his general claim to technology as a central concern across all...
Journal Article
Novel (2015) 48 (2): 261–279.
Published: 01 August 2015
... features of language. Toward the end of Proust's novel, his narrator is reflecting upon the nature of his interest in other people's speech. “What people said escaped me,” he writes, “because what interested me was not what they wanted to say, but the manner in which they said it, in so far...
Journal Article
Novel (2008) 41 (2-3): 382–387.
Published: 01 November 2008
... for both, and thus determined the nature of the problems specific
novelists (and playwrights) felt compelled to confront in distinctive manners. The repre-
sentational burden shouldered first by European modernism and then by the literature of
decolonization is to register the rift or set...
Journal Article
Novel (2019) 52 (2): 343–346.
Published: 01 August 2019
... chapter on the “decade novel,” for example, he is especially attuned to how the novel of manners, which dates back to the nineteenth century, adapts to the paradox of periodizing an impermanent present. The decade novel qualifies as a novel of manners because it turns its contemporary moment...
Journal Article
Novel (2014) 47 (2): 284–300.
Published: 01 August 2014
... knowledge police.
As mannerist—as someone highly attentive to the mores and manners of every-
day intra-active (Barad 33) relations—Rancie`re invites the affects of the sensitive: a
figure who cannot rely on orthodox knowledge to negotiate and move around the
parlors of experience that are the domain...
Journal Article
Novel (2020) 53 (2): 193–212.
Published: 01 August 2020
... that they do. A character or narrator's gaze may leave these figures at their doorsteps, but their worlds keep on beating just the same. In an era so obsessed with appearances and manners as the world in which the Victorians lived, Dickens's minor characters, as representatives of the Victorian subject...