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critical race theory

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Journal Article
Novel (2019) 52 (3): 442–459.
Published: 01 November 2019
... the heading “Attention to Surface as a Practice of Critical Description,” they explain that “what we think theory brings to texts (form, structure, meaning) is already present in them. . . . The purpose of criticism is thus a relatively modest one: to indicate what the text says about itself” (11). Later...
Journal Article
Novel (2004) 38 (1): 121–123.
Published: 01 May 2004
... and insightful reading of one of the most challenging fictional works in William Faulkner's canon. Drawing on legal history, game theory, social history, feminist theory, gender theory, cultural studies, critical race theory, and American and African American literary studies, she takes us back...
Journal Article
Novel (2023) 56 (3): 491–494.
Published: 01 November 2023
.... The fiction Dini chooses is always illuminated by her deep knowledge of social, cultural, and critical theory. Her theoretical, literary, and critical repertoire is wide-ranging: her argument is supported by feminist theories of women's labor; materialism, old and new; cultural materialism; and critical race...
Journal Article
Novel (2022) 55 (1): 38–60.
Published: 01 May 2022
... are often excluded. [email protected] Copyright © 2022 by Novel, Inc. 2022 Black German autofiction Black Lives Matter racism critical race theory intersectionality queer of color In a scene in the novel 1000 Serpentinen Angst ( 1000 Coils of Fear ) by Olivia Wenzel...
Journal Article
Novel (2003) 36 (2): 273–276.
Published: 01 August 2003
.... For that reason and so many more, Charles WW. Chesnutt and the Fictions of Race is an indispensable work of African-American literary theory and criticism GENE JARRETT, University of Maryland ...
Journal Article
Novel (2017) 50 (3): 441–451.
Published: 01 November 2017
... to periodization, subjectivity to writing, the signature to character, the novel to politics. Things and vital matter, affect and race, the body, the queer, and time have been animated in novel studies by feminist interventions, and it has been argued that feminist criticism reorganized literary studies itself...
Journal Article
Novel (2017) 50 (2): 283–287.
Published: 01 August 2017
...Dean Franco Moya Paula M. L. , The Social Imperative: Race, Close Reading, and Contemporary Literary Criticism ( Stanford : Stanford UP , 2015 ), pp. 224, paper, $22.95 . Copyright © 2017 by Duke University Press 2017 Are you someone who thinks the current theory debates...
Journal Article
Novel (2010) 43 (3): 510–514.
Published: 01 November 2010
... theory for u.s. ethnic literature 513 might explain the specific scholarly concerns and interventions that compel his critical turn to identity in relation—and perhaps in difference—to 1990s studies of the relationship between race and culture, which formulate a critique...
Journal Article
Novel (2018) 51 (2): 362–373.
Published: 01 August 2018
...Vaughn Rasberry Abstract Reading British writer Francis Spufford's 2008 novel Red Plenty , a fictionalized account of life in the Soviet Union during the early Khrushchev years, this essay defends a bare theory of race against what it calls a novelistic theory of race. Whereas the latter—powerfully...
Journal Article
Novel (2007) 40 (1-2): 184–186.
Published: 01 August 2007
... is that modem and contemporary critics from a host of scholarly disciplines have imbibed liberal ideology's transcendental concept of the "person" and thereby refused to situate the concept in history. For the study of race and slavery in antebellum America, he argues, this has important...
Journal Article
Novel (2008) 41 (2-3): 279–297.
Published: 01 November 2008
... . London: Methuen, 1967 . Soyinka , Wole . The Interpreters . London: Deutsch, 1996 . Young , Robert J. C. Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture, and Race . London: Routledge, 1995 . Zachernuk , Philip S. Colonial Subjects: An African Intelligentsia and Atlantic...
Journal Article
Novel (2006) 39 (2): 221–244.
Published: 01 August 2006
..., Robyn. "What Ails Feminist Criticism? A Second Opinion." Critical Inquiry 23 (1999): 362--79. Young, Robert. Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture, and Race. London: Routledge, 1995. ...
Journal Article
Novel (2006) 39 (2): 179–203.
Published: 01 August 2006
... Wounding in Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Yale Journal of Criticism 10 ( 1997 ): 295 –320. Nussbaum , Martha . Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions . New York: Cambridge UP, 2001 . Otten , Thomas . “Pauline Hopkins and the Hidden Self of Race.” ELH 59 ( 1992 ): 227 –56...
Journal Article
Novel (2002) 35 (2-3): 151–168.
Published: 01 November 2002
... and Mundane.” The Technological Imagination: Theories and Fictions . Ed. Teresa De Lauretis, Andreas Huyssen, and Kathleen Woodward. Madison: Coda, 1980 . 175 –93. Delany , Samuel R. Silent Interviews: On Language, Race, Sex, Science Fiction, and Some Comics . Hanover: Wesleyan UP, 1994...
Journal Article
Novel (1999) 33 (1): 138–140.
Published: 01 May 1999
... as literature, by theorists of race, feminists, postcolonial critics, and queer theorists, and an array of others, many of whom draw upon the insights of postmodern theory without de- voting themselves to empty irony or carnival laughter. Taylor's project of reading against the grain of literary influence...
Journal Article
Novel (2012) 45 (3): 479–482.
Published: 01 November 2012
...Emilio Sauri SESHAGIRI URMILA , Race and the Modernist Imagination ( Ithaca : Cornell UP , 2010 ), pp. 264 , cloth, $45.00 . © 2012 by Novel, Inc. 2012 Duke University Press Works Cited Bürger Peter . Theory of the Avant-Garde . Minneapolis : U of Minnesota P...
Journal Article
Novel (2002) 35 (2-3): 211–230.
Published: 01 November 2002
... Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit From Identity Politics . Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1998 . Locke , Alain LeRoy . Race Contacts and Interracial Relations: Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Race . Ed. Jeffrey C. Stewart Washington, DC: Howard UP, 1992 . Lyotard , Jean...
Journal Article
Novel (2023) 56 (1): 21–38.
Published: 01 May 2023
... of theory. It was thus that paranoia became once again the domain of political ideologues and their fervent supporters rather than a viable mode of literary critical engagement. Against recent postcritical dismissals of critique and other suspicious hermeneutics, the article argues that paranoia offers one...
Journal Article
Novel (2001) 34 (3): 434–452.
Published: 01 November 2001
... . Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature and Difference . New York: Routledge, 1989 . Gates , Henry Louis Jr. The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism . New York: Oxford UP, 1988 . Gates , Henry Louis Jr. “The Trope of a New Negro and the Reconstruction...
Journal Article
Novel (2000) 33 (3): 377–405.
Published: 01 November 2000
... could only be "cured" through total assimilation into mainstream white Ameri- can society. Although both approaches dislodged the hegemony of biological theories of race, they also maintained continuity with the biological paradigm through their recovery of "descent" as a feature of ethnicity...