Upon finishing Philip Sicker's delightful book Ulysses, Film, and Visual Culture, the reader is left with the image of a dark stage full of illuminated optical devices. It looks like a sorcerer's workshop or like a museum of popular amusements. Mutoscopes, cameras, stereoscopes, zoetropes, magic lanterns, microscopes, and telescopes are displayed on shelves and tables. Someone inspects each device in turn, a man who can hardly see in the customary sense of the word, whose domicile is among the glorious and trivial corridors of human idiosyncrasy. Is this a stage? A screen? Everything is a dynamic palimpsest, the effect of double—triple, quadruple—exposure, unembarrassed by metamorphosis and noncommittal about its ontological affiliation. “Goldhaired” girls twirl around him as morning, noon, and twilight hours, their gestures carving out a most spacious day. June 16, 1904. Tormented by thorny thoughts, a young man contemplates the dioramic view from the Martello tower—both a...
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November 1, 2020
Issue Editors
Book Review|
November 01 2020
Modernity and a Day
Sicker, Philip, Ulysses,
Film, and Visual Culture
: Cambridge University Press
, 2018
), pp. 276
, cloth, $105.00.
Corina Stan
Corina Stan
Duke University
CORINA STAN is associate professor of comparative literature in the English Department at Duke University, where she teaches modernism across the arts and courses at the intersection of literature and philosophy. She is the author of The Art of Distances: Ethical Thinking in Twentieth-Century Literature (2018) and of articles published in Comparative Literature Studies, MLN, The Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Arcadia, English Studies, Critical Inquiry, and others. She is currently at work on a book project on the “end of the West” and the European refugee crisis.
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Novel (2020) 53 (3): 485–489.
Corina Stan; Modernity and a Day. Novel 1 November 2020; 53 (3): 485–489. doi: https://doi.org/10.1215/00295132-8624715
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