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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 57,
Issue 3,
November 2024

About the Journal

Novel is the official journal of the Society for Novel Studies.

Novel is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the best new criticism and theory in novel studies. The journal took up this mission in the days of formalism and has responded to the innovative moments in the field during the half-century that has elapsed since then—including ideology critique, feminist and critical race theory, poststructuralism, cultural studies, and new historicism—by publishing the most interesting new work on the novel. As globalization and crises in biopolitics and the environment rapidly increase, and as models of affect theory multiply, the novel and how we read it are undergoing a sea change. Novel is especially interested in theory and scholarship that address these changes in terms of their formal, historical, political, and/or epistemological significance.


Kevin McLaughlin

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Novel is published on behalf of the Society for Novel Studies. For more information about membership, visit the society's page.

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