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Journal Article
Nka (2020) 2020 (46): 84–99.
Published: 01 May 2020
..., migration, displacement, loss, and vulnerability provide a stark contrast to the hopeful possibility of cosmopolitanism. © 2020 by Nka Publications 2020 Cosmopolitanism migration displacement immigration xenophobia 84 Nka An Artist s Journey On Cosmopolitanism, Xenophobia, and Migration...
Journal Article
Nka (2019) 2019 (45): 114–126.
Published: 01 November 2019
... controls the historical narrative. In recent work, artists Zineb Sedira, Allan deSouza, and Mary Evans express both the instability of the migrant as a cipher and the anxieties that the migratory experience creates. The current global refugee crisis has fanned the flames of xenophobia and virulent...
Journal Article
Nka (2004) 2004 (19): 12–19.
Published: 01 May 2004
... Venice Biennale. All Photographs: R. Ransick/A. Cocchi. Courtesy MIT List Visual Arts Center. SALAH M. HASSAN Journal of Contemporary African Art I n recent years, despite persistent xenophobia and the European art, culture, society, and civilizations...
Journal Article
Nka (2020) 2020 (46): 6–7.
Published: 01 May 2020
... boundaries that will be more inclusive on a global scale. It can be perceived as a metaphor for mobility, migrancy, and coexistence with difference, in opposition to paro- chialism, xenophobia, fixity, and limited notions of sovereignty. The particular focus of this conference was the lasting impact on art...
Journal Article
Nka (2010) 2010 (27): 126–128.
Published: 01 November 2010
... rather than postcards combine images such that her rage over the xenophobia she was Kenyan. This fact, though it perhaps they occasionally conflate the vari- exposed to while living in the United seems a simple matter of semantics, ous universal ways in which African States after...
Journal Article
Nka (1998) 1998 (8): 69–72.
Published: 01 May 1998
.... b) No: politics makes bad art. 21) There was little local audience for the Biennale: c) All art is political, whether the artist acknowledges it or not. a) because of the bourgeouis media conspiracy against contemporary art. b) because of local xenophobia...
Journal Article
Nka (2001) 2001 (13-14): 74–79.
Published: 01 May 2001
... Contemporary Artist 2000, last year; she was a finalist of the made itself known in distinct ways, with counter arguments, First National Bank Vita 2000 Award; she was awarded the suggestions of parochialism, and suspected xenophobia fling• Minister of Culture Award at DAK'ART 2000, the Dakar...
Journal Article
Nka (2020) 2020 (46): 8–26.
Published: 01 May 2020
... osmopolitanism in relationship to the entanglement of Africa and the West and its reconfiguration at the intersection of modernity and postcoloniality. © 2020 by Nka Publications 2020 Afropolitanism cosmopolitanism xenophobia postcoloniality African and African diaspora art Journal of Contemporary...
Journal Article
Nka (2003) 2003 (18): 60–65.
Published: 01 May 2003
... at the had to put up with xenophobia and increasing violence, as well University of Colorado Art Galleries in January 2003) addresses as post 9/11 policies targeting Muslims. But Europe benefits "the complexity of the diaspora experience." This work resists from an immigrant...
Journal Article
Nka (2008) 2008 (22-23): 50–59.
Published: 01 May 2008
... narrowly adhered to in qualities and properties of the other six people. any context, ultimately lead to xenophobia and On select banners, the artist included short texts war. The references here are pertinent, but by no in English written by the subject of the banner. means limited to, the history...
Journal Article
Nka (2003) 2003 (18): 28–33.
Published: 01 May 2003
... print the results. Ostensibly about dislo• cation and xenophobia, the images had to be viewed through the conceptual and perceptual interference of differing viewpoints. Yet, as one traveled visually in and out of the area from images layered from one to three rows deep, the multi-faceted...
Journal Article
Nka (2013) 2013 (33): 100–111.
Published: 01 November 2013
... scarification marks to signal nomena — in this case, the journey of an immigrant identity, passages in a secret language of his own and the role of xenophobia in shaping one’s rela- invention, and representations...
Journal Article
Nka (2011) 2011 (28): 130–139.
Published: 01 May 2011
..., hybridization, and xenophobia. In Tangier, city of Tangier, passersby look out to the though, the experience of the border is tangible. S southern border of Spain, only seven and a The concrete manifestations of open communica- half miles away. Since 1991, when Spain and Portu- tion...
Journal Article
Nka (2004) 2004 (19): 26–31.
Published: 01 May 2004
..., New York:Third World Newsreel, 1993. 24 Firstenberg 2001: 178. 9 Adrian Piper, "Xenophobia and the Indexical Present:' Mark O'Brien 25 Nelson Mandela quoted in Rachel 1. Swarns, "With Vivid Palette, and Craig Little, eds., ReimagingAmerica: The Arts of Social Change, Mandela...
Journal Article
Nka (2023) 2023 (53): 101–112.
Published: 01 November 2023
... both within and in relation to water convey aspects of the migrant experience in a more subtle and nuanced manner. In Burden of Proof (2022), a series of large-scale drawings, Barbara Walker takes a very direct approach to address the racism, exclusion, and xenophobia that defined the Windrush scandal...
Journal Article
Nka (2020) 2020 (46): 136–150.
Published: 01 May 2020
... irony and paradox in the sug- gestion that one might bring something as vast and complex as Afropolitanism to a tiny Arctic outpost where xenophobia prevails. Yet, in reflecting upon the many artists whose work I have introduced to the Norwegian public, it is interesting to note that many...
Journal Article
Nka (2023) 2023 (53): 74–87.
Published: 01 November 2023
... [for] the Venice Biennale an ordinary rather than exceptional event?64 Another question is about what happens to dissident art when its dissent becomes a selling point in the global art market, and of the compromises that artists may make to avoid going too far in the pavilions of nations where xenophobia...
Journal Article
Nka (2000) 2000 (11-12): 48–55.
Published: 01 May 2000
... it, for that. Though I am inclined to be Utopian, I am not naive. I know that the joys of shuttling between little Englandism and generic xenophobia have found...
Journal Article
Nka (2008) 2008 (22-23): 152–188.
Published: 01 May 2008
... of the growing making of art history see Salah Hassan and Olu Oguibe, xenophobia. However, most relevant to the pur• "Preface" in Authentic/Ex-Centric: Conceptualism in Contemporary African Art (The Hague: The Prince Claus pose...